Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 116 Snake Sword Space

Chapter 116 Snake Sword Space
In this sea area that was constantly bombarded by artillery fire, the two ships that Hayden and Diamanti were standing on at this time were constantly shaken by the aftermath of the explosion and could not be stabilized.

Except for the front deck where Hayden and Diamanti were standing, the rest of the ship was already shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

Diamanti's men had to deal with the attack from Hayden's sailors. They not only had to control the ship to avoid the shelling, but also had to fight back.Everyone on board moved, and no one dared to be lazy at such a critical moment.

At this time, the atmosphere fell into silence on the front deck of the ship.

Hayden, who succeeded in one blow, did not want to take advantage of the situation to continue attacking.

Judging from Diamanti's move to force him back just now, it seems that he almost cut off his jaw directly, but it didn't cause too much damage to him...

This wounded enemy is sometimes the most dangerous.

A scrupled Hayden plans to watch Diamanti before attacking further.

As for Diamanti, he is now.

Diamanti immediately lost all sense of his face, from under his nose to his jaw.The left hand subconsciously covered the slashed part, but the palm of the hand immediately jumped out as if it had been scalded by flames.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and should not have been able to see his chin, but he noticed that something like a piece of ice fell from him to the floor, and with a "snap", it fell to the deck and shattered into ice slag.

what is that?
Why can't I feel my mouth?

Diamanti's mind suddenly fell into a trance, and then the memory of being tricked just now seemed to be playing a movie, playing it in his mind at twice the speed.

Huo Ran.

He understood what happened after he was hit just now.

Diamanti's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He actually——was cut off his chin by the navy's sword!
Diamanti's eyes suddenly stared at Hayden not far in front of him, and the visible anger slowly rose in his eyes.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the heaving chest gradually increased.


Diamanti suddenly roared at Hayden, the condition of his jaw made him unable to speak, and he could only growl vaguely from his mouth.

He had never been as angry as he was in this moment.

Immediately, a strong aura erupted from his body.

In an instant, the armed domineering covered the western sword in his hand, which was only half left, and then a dazzling black light shone on the western sword.

Diamanti completely ignored the wounds on his body. Even if he were buried in this sea area today, he would cut the navy in front of him into thousands of pieces.


Hayden didn't understand what Diamanti was calling at this time.

But looking at Diamanti's situation, he also knew that Diamanti had lost his mind and turned into a beast driven by pure anger.

Commonly known as dog jumping over the wall?
It seems to be a bit wrong to use this to describe...

At this moment, Hayden was still not in the slightest panic, and he even wanted to laugh a little in his heart.

From the time he met Diamanti to the present, no other cadres of the Doflamingo family have come out to help, which shows that he is acting alone this time.

In addition, I tested his strength just now, although my own strength is not dominant, but from the speed test just now, my speed is obviously faster than him, and I can also use the spirit to stand in the air.

Then he is a devil fruit capable user in the sea, as long as he goes up into the air and blasts the ship with a long-range attack, then he will have nowhere to run, and he will only be slaughtered when he falls into the sea.

Hayden, who suddenly figured it out, immediately lost his worries.

But he still wanted to play with him again, after all, he hadn't played any sports for several months, and his bones were starting to stiffen a bit.

On the contrary, there seems to be something about his arrogance...

Hayden stared at the Western sword that had been dyed black in Diamanti's hand, and became interested. Speaking of domineering, can he start practicing...

Just as Hayden was thinking about these things leisurely.

Diamanti rushed towards Hayden's all of a sudden, and shouted inexplicably at the same time: "#!@¥!#¥(Don't look around!)"

Although the reaction was a bit slow, Hayden quickly blocked Sode Shirayuki in front of him, catching the incoming attack.

Then his body was pushed back violently by this force.

Hayden tried his best to compete with him again.


Both sides were trying their best, and when the colliding swords were rubbed with sparks, Hayden could only look up and stare at Diamanti's eyes, and then was pushed back in a daze by his strength.

Diamanti looked down at the expression of the navy clenching his teeth and trying to block his attack, and his mood suddenly gained a little joy.

You are only at this level...

"I rely on..."

Seeing that he was going to be unable to bear it any longer, Hayden didn't want to compete with this Diamanti any more. Anyway, there were other ways he could beat him.

Then he slashed and knocked Diamanti away in front of him.

Diamanti, who was suddenly bounced off, didn't want to give the navy a chance to breathe. The Western sword in his hand immediately turned into a long snake from the blade.

In just a short second or two.

The long snake in Diamanti's hand had already stabbed five or six attacks, and each attack was stabbed from a different angle, which made Hayden unable to figure out the direction of the attack.

He could only rely on his dominant movement speed, and his figure swished around on the deck to change positions.

Every time the figure disappeared, the bright black long snake pierced into the deck where Hayden was standing in the last second, and then blasted a big hole.

For a moment, it seemed that this space was full of the long snake in Diamanti's hand extending out, twisting and twisting, as if it hadn't been broken.

Diamanti just stood there and controlled the long snake, preventing Hayden from getting close to him. His attack also prevented Hayden from using his own moves, and could only defend passively.

"You're still in good spirits..."

After dozens of dodges, Hayden soon got tired of dodging.

Then, while continuing to avoid Diamanti's outstretched sword blade, he focused part of his attention on Diamanti's body, and began to observe the situation around him, trying to find the gap.

Hayden's eyes stared immediately, and he concentrated on observing the situation around Diamanti not far ahead.Not only the situation around him, but also the situation in the space from him to him is also included in the scope.

Because during this period of time, the blade that seemed to extend from Diamanti's western sword filled the space between himself and Diamanti. Move, it is likely to be cut by the sword.

Hayden's brain immediately started to work rapidly.

He tried to analyze and grasp, from where he is now, to where Diamanti is standing, the gap between the two that may only appear in a second.

Hayden doesn't want to consume any more, he wants to kill with one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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