Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 117 Unexpected Change

Chapter 117 Unexpected Change

However, at this very same moment.

Hayden, who waited patiently for the opportunity to kill with one blow, noticed something appeared on the left side out of the corner of his eyes.

He paused to observe the situation around Diamanti, and then turned to glance at the sea area on the left side of the ship.

Then what caught Hayden's eyes was the group of sailors under him, driving the warship and approaching him.

Seeing how they were driving the warship, he immediately knew what their idiots were thinking. They definitely wanted to bring the warship over and board the ship's deck for a boarding battle.

"Small bastard..."

Hayden immediately had a headache, and he actually forgot to tell them not to come to support him like this in case a fight broke out later.

But under the circumstances at this time, Hayden didn't have time to give them a signal.

Then, regardless of whether the group of guys wanted to come to support or not, he continued to focus all his attention on Diamanti's attack.

at the same time.

Facing the sudden distraction of the navy, although Diamanti hadn't noticed the sea area next to him, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.Hayden's distracted behavior naturally did not escape Diamanti who kept his eyes on him all the time.

Not to mention his already furious state, at this time he will never let go of any subtle movement of the navy in front of him.

good chance!
Diamanti, who suddenly thought of it in his heart, quickly withdrew the snake sword, and then without a single pause or hesitation, he raised the western sword in his hand and swung out his off-body sword energy.

"@#¥% (Half Moon. Funeral!)"


From his western sword, which was only half left, suddenly appeared a terrifying, green-glowing off-body slash.

The wave of strong sword energy stirred up, as if cutting tofu, easily divided the deck under his feet into two, and shot straight at Hayden's direction.

At the same time, at this moment, the warship, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Brown, was attached to the ship.

Hayden saw such an astonishing sword aura coming towards him in a blink of an eye. Of course, he had no intention of showing off. He could tell from the imposing manner of this sword aura that the power of this slash must be extraordinary.

Slamming his feet on the deck, he immediately dodged to avoid the direction of the sword energy.

Then, Diamanti's half-moon funeral rushed straight into the cabin on the deck, directly cutting a gap about one meter wide in the cabin, revealing the scene inside the cabin.

Fortunately, Diamanti did not forget the important things of his original trip in his anger, controlled the power of the sword energy, and did not cause too much damage to the ship.

at this time.

Lieutenant Colonel Brown led the combat sailors on the warship to board the ship in a swarm.

Every sea soldier was roaring, gathering into a huge momentum.

And Diamanti's gang of black-clothed men naturally didn't play on this boat. As members of the Doflamingo family, they were also ruthless pirates.

Afterwards, the two sides with a large number collided with each other, either fighting with swords, or using only their fists and feet.

In the eyes of Hayden who was squatting on the mast at the moment, the two parties were like a blue-white water flow mixed with black water flow, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

The 40-meter-long cargo ship instantly turned into a bloody and chaotic battlefield.

In the chaotic crowd below, Diamanti was taller than everyone else. The Western sword in his hand seemed to have great power. He killed a sailor with one move, and another sailor with another move.

Then, after only five or six seconds, Hayden noticed it.

In addition, due to the collision between the two sides in the first wave just now, his sea soldiers seemed to have lost a lot, and they were immediately suppressed by the pirates.

Seeing this, Hayden immediately frowned, feeling anxious.

He didn't expect that the best wave of sailors he selected from that base would not last long when they encountered this group of pirates.


After uttering two words, Hayden fell down immediately. He would not let these pirates kill all his sailors just like this.


After falling, Hayden chopped off two big men who were trying to attack him, and then shouted in the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Brown.


When Lieutenant Colonel Brown heard the voice of the boss, he answered Hayden after killing a pirate.

"You take the rest of the people back to the warship!"

Hayden slashed all the way in Brown's direction while shouting.

At the same time, the fighting on the ship did not stop, and within a few short sentences between Hayden and Brown, the number of sailors decreased rapidly.

"Yes, boss!"

Lieutenant Colonel Brown nodded sharply at Hayden who was already beside him at this time, and couldn't help wiping the blood on his forehead that blocked his vision with his sleeve.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Lieutenant Colonel Brown shouted loudly, trying to pass it to the standing sailors in this chaotic and noisy environment.

Immediately afterwards, the sailors who were still able to move began to withdraw towards the boarding position, and Hayden kept covering them.

Under the cover of Hayden, the sea soldiers quickly retreated to the warship on the way to board the ship.

However, when things developed to this point, there was another surprise.


A cry suddenly broke out in the chaotic scene.

The sound was like drawing a rest, instantly stopping the actions of everyone in the arena.

Hayden naturally caught this movement, but he felt a little strange, whose voice was it, and how did it come from the direction of the warship...

Then he used his Reiatsu perception to sweep towards the direction of the warship, and then he noticed a Reiatsu that surprised him appearing on the warship.


Hayden spit out these four words slowly from between clenched teeth.

Now that Diamanti appeared on his warship, those sailors who had just retreated back also...

Hayden cursed secretly and quickly jumped onto his warship.

Then Diamanti and one of his subordinates appeared in his eyes. There were only two of them standing on the deck of the warship.

Diamanti used his ability to directly turn a piece of deck into a soft cloth, wrapping all the retreating navy in it.


Facing this situation, Hayden dared not act rashly.

Now as long as Diamanti releases his ability, the sailors inside will be crushed.


"Boss! I'm sorry! We didn't fight!"


Diamanti listened to the noise of the navy and directly wrapped their deck tightly.

"You guy..."

Seeing the pain of his subordinates, Hayden's face darkened instantly.

And Diamanti looked at the navy and didn't speak.He also seemed to be speechless, and he gestured to the subordinates next to him.

His subordinates then said: "If you stop like this, our boss can still let your navy ship go."

Hear this.

Not only the restrained sailor fell silent, Hayden also fell silent...

(Happy New Years Day!!! New Year, New Beginning!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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