Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 119 Descending from the sky, coming from the funeral in hell

Chapter 119 Descending from the sky, coming from the funeral in hell
At the same time, however.

Above the ship that Diamanti was on, in the sky at an altitude of 800 meters.

Hayden's figure did not know when it appeared here.

He used the clouds in the sky to cover his figure, and followed Diamanti's boat.

Similar to what Diamanti thought, he didn't really believe that these pirates could do what they said honestly.And even if that wasn't the case, he wouldn't just let them leave safely after killing so many sailors.

Pirates have no idea of ​​letting go of the navy, and the navy has no idea of ​​letting go of pirates.

Just at this time.

Hayden, who was above Diamanti's head, noticed that Diamanti seemed to be about to get rid of the sailors in his hand, and he reacted immediately.

The Lingzi in the atmosphere immediately condensed a foothold on the top of the head, then turned the body upside down, the head and feet immediately changed positions, and then kicked the created foothold with both feet.

Hayden aimed his eyes at the direction of Diamanti, and broke through directly from the high altitude.The howling wind slammed into him violently, causing the clothes on his body to crackle.

He didn't feel troubled by it at all, and then took Sode Shirayuki inserted in the scabbard from behind, together with the scabbard in his hand.

The left hand holds the scabbard, and the right hand holds the hilt.

Hayden concentrated all his attention, all his Reiatsu, and poured it all on Sode Shirayuki's sword.

In a blink of an eye.

His whole body seemed to have turned into an alien, and he flew across the sky with a swish.

The explosive aura surrounding him at this time was captured by Diamanti's keen sense in the next second.

He stopped and was about to kill the sailor in his hand, and immediately looked up to the sky, wanting to see what was roaring above his head.


In Diamanti's line of sight, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

He felt strange for a moment, then took a closer look...

That figure turned out to be the navy from just now! ! !
Isn't he still on that warship?
How did he fly so high! ?

Diamanti's eyes widened instantly, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Seeing the menacing navy attacking, Diamanti hurriedly defended.

At this moment, just when he wanted to crush the sea soldier in his hand immediately, and then harden the deck to block him...

In an instant, Hayden had arrived.

"Descent from the sky, coming from the funeral of hell; the mysterious power flowing, the profound meaning of one sword-drawing the sword..."

The knife comes out and the knife falls.

A silver light flashed before everyone's eyes with a swish, taking away all the light in this piece of world, except its own light.

Hayden drew his sword and slashed out at lightning speed, and directly slashed a huge flying slash of more than 30 meters.In the speed blessing of the high-speed fall, the power of the slash is even stronger.

The flying giant sword energy, as if nothing in the world could stop it, cut off everything that hindered its progress.

Cut off Diamanti's arm that imprisoned the sailor, cut off a corner of the stern in a blink of an eye, and finally cut straight through the sea.

at once.

A huge ravine with a length of more than [-] meters and a width of about five or six meters suddenly appeared on the sea.

Hayden sliced ​​open the sea with a single knife, and cut into the sword energy in the sea. The remaining power also made the sea unable to restore its original appearance for a while, maintaining the scene of being separated.


All the people who witnessed this scene were instantly frightened by this terrifying movement and couldn't move.When had they seen such a powerful swordsmanship, the concept of a swordsman in their minds still remained on the fact that ordinary swordsmen cut off objects.

Today, however, will completely change the minds of all of them.

All the stunned people froze in place until they recovered from their horror when the severed sea began to flow back and pull their boat back.

Staying where you are is going to kill you!

At this time, they knew this truth very well, and could only run for their lives quickly.

As for Diamanti, who had his entire arm cut off, he had already fallen on the stern deck at this time, in a pool of blood flowing from the wound on his severed arm.

This was the result of him being beheaded after narrowly avoiding the crucial point at the last critical moment.Otherwise, Hayden's slash just now could cut him in half without any difficulty.

"Click" sound.

Hayden, who was hovering in the air above the cracks in the sea, slowly sheathed his knife at this time, and then looked at the boat that was about to run ahead. He saw Diamanti's situation.

Hayden really didn't expect this guy to avoid his slash at the last moment, which really surprised him.

He was not very satisfied with the result of only cutting off one of Diamanti's arms.

Just when Hayden was about to rush up to make up the knife, there was a sudden scream from the sea below, and he immediately looked down at the sea below.

The sailors trapped by Diamanti appeared in the sea below.

At this time, they were in a piece of sea water that was dyed red, screaming in pain, it seemed that Diamanti still hurt them a little with his ability.

Immediately afterwards, in Hayden's line of sight, he also saw a huge shadow swimming back and forth under the nearby sea surface.

Neptune class...

Hayden, who immediately understood the situation, fell into a tangle.

Diamanti's gang is fleeing the sea.

Although he was bleeding profusely, coupled with the previous serious injuries, it seemed that he would lose his breath in the next second, but Hayden still wanted to catch up and give him another stab.

It's just that if the group of guys below go to deal with Diamanti by themselves, they will definitely be swallowed up by Neptune immediately.

"damn it!!!"

Hayden, who was silent for a second, suddenly roared without warning.

After a while.

Hayden gave up the idea of ​​chasing Diamanti, and dropped directly into the sea below to see if he could pick them up one by one.

The sailors in the sea immediately saw the figure of the boss falling down, and they also started shouting for help.


"Boss help!"

"Hurry up! It seems that something is biting my foot!!!"

The sailors who fell into the sea, they should have good water skills, but under the current situation, they behaved like landlubbers.


Seeing their silly looks, Hayden didn't want to talk anymore.


After that, Hayden returned to the warship carrying a bunch of human balls. Fortunately, the distance was not pulled too far.

The sailors on the warship who recovered from this series of stimuli also began to repair the power of the warship, and after spending half a day repairing it.

After experiencing this incident, Hayden didn't want to continue patrolling anymore, and then issued an order to return to the branch.

In this way, Hayden returned to the 353 Navy Branch with a group of distressed sailors.

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(End of this chapter)

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