Chapter 120 Two years in a flash

Due to Hayden's confrontation with Diamanti, the top cadre of the Doflamingo family, he also officially became the enemy of the Doflamingo family.

Hayden then got word about Diamanti's condition, and he did not die from his injuries.Some time passed, and Diamanti was seen with only one arm left, and a steel jaw fitted to his jaw.

Hayden can only sigh, it can be said that a good man does not live long, and a disaster lasts for a thousand years.

During this encounter with Diamanti, it sparked what he remembered most clearly about Diamanti as a person.

That is, Diamanti was injured because of Doflamingo's fall. Doflamingo said that after a fall on a bad road, Diamanti asked where the road was without thinking, and then said It directly "reformed" the small town and turned it into a sea of ​​flames.

At the same time the North Sea.

Seeing this big name, the Doflamingo family's highest combat power has become like this, others are guessing, who in this North Sea has such strength to hurt Diamanti into this appearance.

However, Diamanti himself did not want to say a word about what happened to him.

Moreover, the Doflamingo family doesn't seem to want to track down the person who hurt Diamanti, and it seems strange that they don't intend to take revenge.

However, even Doflamingo wanted to find Hayden's location to avenge Diamanti.

However, at this period, they were being chased by Lieutenant General He in the North Sea, and he didn't have the spare energy to deal with Hayden while escaping.

Back to Hayden.

Hayden, who returned to his base after the end, encountered such an unexpected situation on his first voyage. He didn't plan to take a group of men on the next patrol.

The consequence of cutting off one of Diamanti's arms is to directly offend the Doflamingo family.

Although Hayden deserved to confront that guy Doflamingo head-on, but if they meet again on the sea next time, then it is very likely that they will directly confront all the members of the Doflamingo family.

On my own side, I am the only one who can fight, and the rest of the sailors know without even thinking about it. Their strength is simply not enough to face those cadres head-on.

In addition, although the North Sea is huge, even if they do not encounter the Doflamingo family, as long as they encounter other pirates, they are likely to lose most of the sailors directly.

Hayden, who has been fighting alone all the time, now understands that he can't get used to the feeling of sailing with his men, and he doesn't want to lose most of the crew every time he sails.

After consideration, Hayden decided that it would be better to go out hunting to redeem points in the future, or go out alone.

When the hunting is almost done, I should be able to be transferred back to the great route.Hayden thought silently in his heart, the great route is the only way to become stronger...

So that's it.

When Hayden rode a silver horse to hunt low-level pirates around in the North Sea, time flickered and passed in a blink of an eye.

But at the same time, because Hayden was alone, he was flexible and maneuverable on the sea, leaving and slipping whenever he wanted.

In the process of hunting countless low-level pirate groups, of course, I ran into the Numantia Flamingo of the Doflamingo family a few times, that kind of pink and pink giant ship, Hayden was so far away. Can see at a glance.

However, every time the Doflamingo family members on the ship are basically complete, he will not just go up to face all the cadres directly like this.

Hayden didn't have the strength to challenge all of them, so he avoided it every time he saw it from afar.After all, it is still a bit troublesome to get points from them, and it is interesting to find other low-level pirates to bully.

One time when he returned to the base to rest for a few days, his subordinates brought him a piece of news that surprised him.

The murloc pirate named Fisher Tiger actually climbed up to the Holy Land of the World Government, Maryjoia, with his bare hands, and made a big fuss, freed hundreds of slaves, and set fire to the whole of Maryjoia. .

Looking at the photos in the newspaper, the appearance of the sea of ​​flames is amazing.The newspaper called this earth-shattering event the "Marie Joa Attack."

A murloc named Fisher Tiger became the enemy of the world government and was hunted down by the government.

Hayden, who heard the news, felt complicated emotions.

When I was wandering in this North Sea, the plot in the comics was quietly happening all the time.

Looking at the photo of the incident reported in the newspaper in his hand, Hayden couldn't help but feel admiration for this Fisher Tiger who made a big fuss about Mary Gioia.

Although Hayden himself doesn't like the world government or anything like that, after living in this One Piece world for so many years, he is very aware of how powerful the world government's guys are.

In this case, Fisher Tiger, who was trapped in the cage of the special world view of One Piece, even dared to do something that no one had ever done before, breaking the cage of thinking.

Most importantly, he seems to have rescued the Empress?

Hayden's memory about the plot was really fuzzy, so he couldn't help but pursed his lips and thought about it seriously.

After that, even though there was a big event that shocked the world, it still had nothing to do with Hayden at the moment. Hayden took a look at it and then forgot about it.


Just keep hunting, get points, hunt, get points...

Hayden kept repeating this process until the powerful pirates in the North Sea could no longer provide or reach the points that could be exchanged.

However, he has never chosen to exchange for anything else. In order to exchange for a big one, he has been accumulating his own points.Even though the lottery had tempted him, he had never drawn a prize.

That's how it went until more than two years later.

When they arrived at the North Sea, they began to be afraid of a silver light running across the sea. As long as the pirates saw anything similar to Hayden's appearance, they didn't dare to hesitate for a second.

run!The farther you run from this navy, the better!



At this time, the Marine Headquarters Marine Vanduo.

General Sengoku's office.

Warring States, who had just hung up the phone, thought of a navy figure in his mind.

After a moment of silence, he immediately picked up the phone bug again, and pressed a special number consisting of several numbers with his fingers, and the signal from the phone bug was sent to a warship somewhere in the North Sea.

"Blu, blu, blu... quack."

Then a woman in leather gloves picked up the phone bug's handset. "Hello?" she said.

Zhan Guo also immediately said: "Little Crane, it's me."

"Information update? Or?"

"Well, the latest information from Doflamingo will surely wipe out those guys this time. It just so happens that that brat Hayden is in Beihai, you can tell him to go with him later, and he can be transferred back after the end."

"Oh... that kid Hayden, I ran into him a few months ago. Okay, that's it..."

 Thanks to the god of death worshiping Buddha, easy farming, Dear love forever, Bei~·, the monthly pass of all book lovers.

  Ps. This chapter is really about brain pain.
(End of this chapter)

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