Chapter 121

The sea calendar is 1511, the first year.

this day.

Floating clouds spread all over the air near the whole branch, one part was lighter and the other was thicker, dyeing the sky into a gray cloth of uneven shades.

The air is lifeless, or rather, the world that covers the area of ​​the branch today is lifeless.

Hayden didn't hunt pirates in the sea like usual.After all, most of the pirates were frightened by him, and they ran away every time they saw him, and they couldn't provide them with points.

In addition, it has been more than two years, and the guys above haven't transferred me back to the great route, and I don't have much fun here, and I'm still working as Nima's navy!


Hayden turned back into an otaku look, nestled in the branch base all day, ate and drank, drank and played, played and slept, and began to repeat such a daily routine.

Patrol the surrounding sea area?

Patrol Nima too!
Boss, sign the document?
Do it yourself!

The subordinates who have a headache, for this reason, imitated Hayden's signature in a decent way.Of course, they didn't dare to do anything with the boss's signature.

For more than two years, basically every time the boss goes out, he can bring back a boat of pirates by himself.In addition, the boss who came back basically didn't have any serious injuries.

In such a situation, even if they were given ten guts, they would not dare to provoke the boss.

at this time.

Beihai 353 Navy Branch, in the dojo on the island.

In the huge dojo, there was only one figure standing alone in the center of the dojo.

This person is none other than Hayden.

He was sitting cross-legged on the cold wooden floor of the dojo, with two Zanpakutō, one Sode Shirayuki and one Senbonzakura lying flat on his lap.

Hayden is trying to communicate the inner worlds of the two Zanpakutō at the same time.

To be honest, he still hasn't figured out how Qianbenying got here, and he hasn't figured out the swastika of Zanpakuto, so he gave him another one directly.

It is said that in actual combat, encountering life and death situations can improve strength faster.

But in the past two years, basically no life or death situation has been encountered, so it can be stimulated a little.

In two years of mediocrity, although the progress of the Swastika solution has increased, the progress of the increase can be almost negligible.

Hayden, who closed his eyes and tried to feel the Zanpakuto, seemed a little anxious at this moment.

Just at this time.

"Blu blu blu..."

A burst of phone bug ringing suddenly spread in the empty dojo.

Hayden frowned slightly as he listened to the ringtone that was amplified several times in this environment.That guy is bothering me at this hour, he thought.

Didn't you tell those guys a long time ago not to disturb me at this time...

Hayden frowned, listening to the sound that he didn't intend to stop by himself, he had no choice but to put the Zanpakutō on his leg on the wooden floor beside him, then stood up and walked to the wall of the dojo, which was the phone bug swing where to put it.

". Quack."

Hayden picked up the phone bug receiver.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you guys?" He said impatiently, the guys had no peace all day long.

However, Hayden didn't hear a reply immediately, he only heard a strange "uh..." voice.

He immediately thought to himself, it's that foolish man playing tricks, wait until I catch him and see if I don't take him...

Thinking of this, before Hayden was ready to speak, the voice of the person on the other end of the phone came clearly.

"Ahem... Hayden, this is Lieutenant General He."


This time it was Hayden's turn to "uh", his upper and lower lips just opened, but suddenly became stiff, the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say anything.

Oops, why is it Granny Crane's call...

Hayden, who was frightened immediately, didn't know what to do, and secretly screamed that it was terrible.

To be honest, he really thought it was those guys. Besides, no one would look for him for several months, so who would call him.

At this time, the voice of Lieutenant General He who did not hear the response came again, "Hello, is anyone there? Brat." Lieutenant General He sounded a little puzzled.

The embarrassed Hayden couldn't ignore Lieutenant General He's phone call, so he could only endure the embarrassment and forcefully forget what happened just now, and said, "Uh...Grandma He, this is Hayden, what can you do if you call Chonglai?"

Hearing Hayden's reply, Lieutenant General He on the other end of the phone pondered for a while, "Hayden, I have a task for you this time, so prepare to set off and join us in two weeks."

Hayden was a little puzzled when he heard that, what will happen after that?He interjected subconsciously and asked, "What's the confluence doing?"

Lieutenant General He, who was interrupted, didn't care. After listening to Hayden's inquiry, he answered him, which was the goal of this mission.

"Be prepared to fight the Doflamingo family. For this mission, our navy will arrest all members of the Doflamingo family and wipe them out."


Hayden was suddenly stunned by the meaning revealed in the words. .

Lieutenant General Crane's tone was flat, but he said enough words to make all ordinary people in the Beihai area happy.

Is the Navy ready to take down the Doflamingo family?

Hayden, who immediately came back to his senses, instantly flashed across his mind like a flash of lightning, and he suddenly remembered this vague plot.

This period seems to be the result of the operation, which caused the navy, the government, and the Doflamingo family to mix together, and the navy was going to clean up the Doflamingo family.

Hayden suddenly became excited when he thought of this.

If this is the case, it means that after meeting the Doflamingo family next time, with the support of Granny Crane and the others, he can fight against that guy Doflamingo with confidence.

It seems that Doflamingo in this period only had the idea of ​​running away when he saw Granny Crane, and he didn't dare to face her head-on.

That is to say, go and test the strength of Doflamingo by yourself, and if you are strong, you can directly take the head.If he is no match for that guy, he can also save his life safely under the cover of Granny Crane.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Hayden, who thought of this in a blink of an eye, couldn't help laughing out of his mouth, and the points should be enough by then, "This is simply a foolproof method..." He then couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Hey, kid. What are you laughing at? Speak up."

Lieutenant General Crane's voice came immediately after Hayden's just-falling voice.

"Ah..." Hayden bluffed immediately, "It's nothing, it's nothing." He hurriedly said that he was so excited that he almost uttered his inner thoughts aloud.

At this moment, Lieutenant General He had already felt a little uncomfortable with the way this brat, Hayden, spoke. That brat, Hayden, was like this... She shook her head and sighed secretly in her heart.

"Little ghost, did you hear the mission I just said?" General He Zhong confirmed to Hayden with a calm face, in case he misheard the mission.

"I heard it, I heard it!"

"Okay, I'll let you know the details later, that's all."

Then the end of the phone bug was closed.Hayden then put the microphone back on the phone bug.

"Finally I have a chance..."

Looking at the skill tree in his mind, Hayden couldn't help smiling and thinking silently.

 The next plot changes the timeline.Today, I found a headache. The timeline of One Piece I was looking for, I have been following the plot that I thought, but today I suddenly found that the timeline has an updated version, with detailed information.
(End of this chapter)

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