Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 122 All Female Soldiers

Chapter 122 All Female Soldiers
Two weeks later.

Beihai 353 Naval Branch.

Hayden got up early in the morning and hurriedly made all the preparations.

After speaking with Lieutenant General Ah He and Granny He last time, Lieutenant General He told him that he can set off today to join them. They will wait for him on a small island, and then set off to the mission location together.

Hayden didn't need to bring any more troops to support this trip, as long as he arrived alone.

However, because of this, he had to go on the road alone on his motorcycle.

Beihai 353 Naval Branch is located near the windless zone, that is to say, it is a remote place from the central area of ​​Beihai.Hayden still has a long way to go.

It is very comfortable to ride my silver horse on the sea for more than an hour.

However, riding a motorcycle for a few hours, or even a dozen hours, is no fun.

This is really a tormenting thing for my little friends.

However, Hayden didn't have any good ways to let him go on his way in a comfortable state.

So I had no choice but to swallow it silently, and left the 353 Naval Base under the waves of many younger brothers.


after one day.

Hayden, who stopped and walked on the sea, followed the map, and finally arrived at the scheduled meeting place.

The upper body lying on the locomotive couldn't help but lift up at this moment.

Looking at the navy warship in the distance, what Hayden saw in his eyes was a comfortable bed, a warm bathroom and curry rice in the kitchen.

"finally reached……"

Hayden couldn't help mumbling to himself.

In the past, although he rode a locomotive alone to hunt pirates everywhere.

However, he came out on a motorcycle before, and when he met the first pirate ship, he immediately took that ship as his own, commanded a group of pirates to fight other pirates, and finally let them take their own Trapped, and then he was brought back to base.

It can be said that, except for getting off the motorcycle at the beginning, you don’t need to ride much after that, and you can feel comfortable all the way.

After twisting his stiff body, Hayden slowed down, took out the phone bug in his inner pocket, and dialed the phone bug on Lieutenant Admiral Ah He's warship.

Soon, the phone bug connected.

"Hi, this is Rear Admiral Hayden, Headquarters, and that's me from the left side of your ship. Don't fire. Repeat, don't fire."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, "Understood, Major General Hayden." A woman's voice came, and then the phone hung up.

At this time, many female soldiers on the warship docked on the shore also noticed something galloping towards the sea on the left side of the ship.

"What it is?"

"Is there anything that can walk on the sea?"

"Is that a special ship?"

The female soldiers began to squint their eyes to see clearly what was coming from the sea.

At this time, the voice of their chief officer, Lieutenant General Ah He, suddenly reached their ears, and then her footsteps also approached the side of the ship.

"That's the man we've been waiting for, the man you saw months ago."

Although the tone of Zhongjiang He was calm, she also wondered in her heart, it seems that this kid didn't have this thing last time, right?

Watching Hayden approaching, Lieutenant General He shook his head and stopped thinking about this question. Now that he has arrived, he can set off to the mission location.

Then, Lieutenant General He turned around and left the side of the ship to give the order to prepare for departure.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Hayden riding a motorcycle came to the sea next to the warship.

Afterwards, he pulled out the sleeve Baixue neatly, inserted it back into the scabbard on his back, and stepped on the unbroken ice under his feet to get off the motorcycle.

The height of the warship made him look up, and then he found many curious ladies and sisters looking down at him from the side of the ship.

"Grandma Crane's boat still has so many young ladies..."

Hayden thought to himself, a smile appeared on his face, and he greeted the young lady on the warship.

"Oh hoo~" X123456
The numerous female soldiers on board were immediately captured by Hayden's handsome appearance.

The smile of the major general in front of his mind seemed impossible to dissipate.

Everyone's face couldn't help but blushed, and they shrank back, not daring to look at the major general below.

However, this is just a beautiful expectation in Hayden's mind.

In fact, I have been riding on the sea for so long, and before going out, I used pomade to fix the big back hairstyle. At this time, it has already been blown into a chicken coop by the strong wind during the ride.

Hayden was feeling strange, when did his charm become so powerful, that he could even laugh and captivate?

Then, when he was about to pick up his locomotive and take it to the warship, an inadvertent movement made him notice something.

After lowering his body, the vision from the corner of his eye allowed him to see the reflective parts on the locomotive body, which could just vaguely reflect his current appearance.


Hayden was silent.

"I rely on!"

Seeing his reflection, Hayden was surprised and quickly adjusted his current hairstyle. "I wish I had installed a rearview mirror..." He muttered while tidying up his appearance.

Then, after tidying up, Hayden carried the motorcycle and jumped onto the warship in front of him.

With a "boom", he stepped on the deck of the warship, still covered in cold air.

Under this violent sound, all the female soldiers standing on the deck were naturally attracted by the sound, and immediately everyone turned their heads to the place where the sound came from.

They saw a man wearing a coat of justice, with two swords stuck in his back, with a handsome hairstyle and a handsome face, but he was carrying a motorcycle that didn't fit the scene on his shoulders, standing at the bow of the boat. deck.

Some people immediately recalled that they had just met this officer a few months ago, but the situation at that time was a little different from now.And some female soldiers are simply exuded by Hayden, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.



Suddenly, two voices sounded at the same time, sounded in the direction of this man.

As if he had been hit on the back of the head by something, Hayden's deliberately concave posture immediately collapsed, groaning and rubbing the back of his head reflexively.

Hayden knew what had hit him, but he didn't dare to resist, so he could only say, "Grandma Crane, why did you hit me?"

Then, the figure of Grandma He came out from behind Hayden, "Be normal!" She said in a deep voice.

Her ship was full of female soldiers, let Hayden, a brat, stay for a few days without knowing what would happen...

Lieutenant General He thought to herself, she was a little distressed.

after that.

Vice Admiral Crane gave Hayden a formal introduction like the men on board, so that they could get acquainted with the Rear Admiral with whom they would be spending the next few days.

Afterwards, the warship moved slowly and headed for the next mission location - Haiyan Island.

(End of this chapter)

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