Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 123 Arriving at the mission location Haiyan Island

Chapter 123 Arriving at the mission location Haiyan Island

night in a few days.

Beihai, a small island closest to Haiyan Island.

It was a very still night, the sky was pitch black, and the stars were all swallowed up by dark clouds.

at this time.

Two warships used to ambush the Doflamingo family have been hidden on the coast of this small island.

As long as there is news, the two warships can immediately rush to Haiyan Island as quickly as possible, and start fighting to capture all members of the Doflamingo family.

One of these two warships is the warship of Vice Admiral Crane.And Hayden, of course, is also waiting for the combat order on it.

Regarding this mission, Lieutenant General He didn't tell him too much, but just told him to wait, and when the time came, he would follow them to arrest the Doflamingo family.

Moreover, Hayden has almost forgotten about this plot.

He only remembered that this incident was a competition for the fruits of surgery.

There are many Flamingo families, there is a navy, and the government makes a deal with the pirate group that holds the fruit of the surgery.

As for any other detailed information, Hayden really couldn't remember any of it.

Therefore, in the current situation where everything in the surrounding world is still relatively calm, Hayden doesn't dare to wander around the nearby islands by himself, for fear of missing the opportunity and delaying things.

At this time, he had no choice but to wait quietly on the boat of Vice Admiral Crane.

However, the warship below him had been waiting in this hidden bay for a while, which consumed a lot of Hayden's patience.

He knew that while he was waiting here in a daze, the competition for the fruit of the operation might have quietly started.

The properties of the fruit of surgery are quite troublesome.

The ability user who eats it can create a spherical space. In the space of ability, you can cut, exchange, and splice anything at will. You can even exchange the minds of two different individuals, so that the consciousness of one person can be directly exchanged for another. on the body.

The life cut off by the capable person will not die, and will not even bleed. Even if it is directly cut in two, it is still alive.

The most important thing is that according to legend, the ability user who ate the fruit of this operation was able to perform the ultimate operation that gave humans "eternal life" in the end.

Although once this ultimate operation is performed, the capable person will die, but this is also the idea of ​​the world's big shots wanting to find this fruit.

However, for Hayden himself, the fruit of the surgery is not necessary attractive.After all, eating a devil fruit is equivalent to forcibly adding a fatal weakness to yourself, and the gain outweighs the loss.

However, for this mission, he is not only preparing to harvest the Doflamingo family to obtain points, he is also here for the fruit of the operation.

Not to eat it, but to come for its eater.

Hayden didn't want the navy to get this devil fruit, and he didn't want the guy from the world government to successfully trade it, let alone the guy from Doflamingo.

Although he and that guy Doflamingo hadn't really met before, he had already decided to use that guy Doflamingo to get the final exchange points.

In the comics, the fruit of the operation was finally eaten by Tellaro, but the original fantasy world has become a reality. Hayden is not sure that the final plot will really develop as in the original book.

For this reason, he must personally confirm the owner of the fruit of the operation.


Just when Hayden was about to get dazed from waiting, a female soldier under Lieutenant General He stepped up to the deck at the bow of the ship, where Lieutenant General He, her adjutants, and Hayden were in a daze.

Lieutenant General He looked at the impatience of Hayden, a brat in front of her. She was shaking her head secretly, when the voices of her subordinates suddenly came.

"Lieutenant General Ah He!"

The resounding voice of the female soldier sounded.

It aroused the reactions of Lieutenant General He and several of her adjutants, and naturally immediately aroused the reaction of Hayden next to her.

Hayden hurriedly turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

"The monitoring ship on Minivan Island has received a contact message, and the base camp of the pirate Barelus on the island is on fire."


This unexpected news immediately surprised Lieutenant General He.

Then without hesitation, she signaled the female soldier to retreat, and immediately took out the phone bug, and dialed the phone bug of the person in charge of the surveillance ship on Mini Weng Island.

The phone worm was quickly connected.

"What's the situation in the Barrerus base camp?" Lieutenant General He asked anxiously.

"Yes, it is being confirmed now."

The person in charge of the surveillance ship on the other end of the phone bug, who was standing on the shore of Minivan Island, responded.He has ordered his sailors to start landing on the island, ready to check the specific situation.

But this answer made Lieutenant General He's tone immediately severe.

"Stupid! If you go up there, you will break the deal. Go search the coast immediately, and report anything suspicious immediately!"

Afterwards, the frowning Lieutenant General He hung up the phone.

However, when Hayden heard this from the side, he immediately lost the idea of ​​waiting any longer.Since there is a fire rising, it means that things have already started.

"Grandma He, in which direction is Mini Weng Island?" Hayden walked towards Lieutenant General He, pretending to ask casually.

Lieutenant General He glanced at Hayden, "The island to the northeast is... wait."

Having said that, she immediately understood what Hayden was thinking and what he wanted to do.

However, just as she said the last sound of the word "wait", Hayden and others have already carried the locomotive out and parked it across the side of the ship, which is wide enough for the locomotive to stand on.

Immediately, Lieutenant General He wanted to stop his actions, and said, "You little brat! Be honest with me..."

It was the same this time, she was interrupted by Hayden's voice just after she finished speaking.

"I'll go and have a look!"

Hayden, who was riding a motorcycle and parked on the side of the ship, started the engine directly after he finished speaking with a wave of his hand, and the wheels spun rapidly.

Then, it fell to the sea and galloped straight towards the island in the northeast direction.

On the sea at night, the sea surface is a little calmer than in the daytime.

However, at this moment in the dead sea, there was a strange sound of some kind of mechanical operation.

Hayden rode the silver horse on the sea at high speed, leaving a slender white line of ice on the sea behind him.

A few minutes later, in his distant sight, an island completely covered with snow appeared.

Hayden wasn't quite sure he was looking in the right place.

However, in the scene from a distance, although it is impossible to clearly see what happened, on the top of the mountain on the island, it seems that there is a raging fire and billowing smoke.

It should be here...he thought to himself.

Then, looking at the situation of the island in the distance, Hayden stepped up the accelerator.

Immediately, the silver horse under him gave feedback, and let out a roar, and the speed of the wheels increased by another level.

 "The Talent of Konoha" Uchiha Saitama's Konoha Journey, friends who are interested can go and have a look_| ̄|○

(End of this chapter)

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