Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 124 Revolving fruit and weapon fruit

Chapter 124 Revolving fruit and weapon fruit

It's snowing all over the sky, flying in the air.

The weather conditions of Mini Weng Island ahead are completely different from those of other islands around it.On the one hand, there is heavy snow in the sky, but on the other hand, it is calm.

ten minutes later.

Hayden rode a locomotive into the snow-covered inland sea of ​​Minivan Island, and in less than a minute, his body was already wrapped in a layer of white clothes.

No one likes this kind of extremely bad weather, even children who like to play in the snow can't cheer up to go out to play in this cold weather.

However, this is a perfect combat environment for Hayden of the ice and snow department.With the help of nature, Sode Shirayuki's ability will be even better.

At this time, Hayden had already landed on the coast of Minivan Island on his motorcycle. He found a flat place and rode all the way up.

Then he parked the locomotive in place, and began to investigate the situation of the spiritual pressure on the island ahead.He wanted to see if luck was in his favor.He hoped to be able to perceive at once what exactly happened on the island.

However, just as his Reiatsu stretched forward for a few seconds.

In Hayden's eyes, it seemed that something had fallen from the midair of the island.That thing is very thin and looks like a lot of things.

He felt a little strange, as if he had never seen something before.

Immediately, Hayden narrowed his eyes, trying to focus on the things falling from the sky.


He had somehow realized what that thing was.

A picture suddenly popped up in his mind, it was the picture of that guy Doflamingo using his trick "Birdcage".

"...It's troublesome."

Hayden frowned, and hurried towards the place inside the birdcage.

While walking quickly, he took out the phone bug from his inner pocket and dialed Lieutenant General He's number.

Soon, the phone bug connected.

"Hey, Lieutenant General Crane, this is Hayden. The pirates from Doflamingo's family have all landed on Minivan Island."

Hayden's tone at this time was very serious, not meant to be a joke.After all, what happened next was directly related to his life, so he didn't dare to be careless.


Lieutenant General He's voice seemed a bit cold.She wasn't very surprised either, the unexpected situation of the Doflamingo family only surprised her a little.The Sengoku guy got the information from nowhere, it seems the enemy knows about it...

After a moment of silence.

"You..." Just as Lieutenant General He said it, she immediately thought in her mind whether the strength of this brat, Hayden, could delay the time under the attack of all members of the Doflamingo family.

After thinking for a while, she continued, "We'll be here right away. Don't act rashly, follow them and don't let them find out, and report the situation at any time."

Lieutenant General He's voice was firm, and this little brat, Hayden, would not be allowed to mess around at this time.


Hayden immediately replied bluntly.

Then both parties hung up on the bug.

After the call time ended, Hayden rushed into the range of the birdcage just in time for the last moment, and climbed up the snow-covered halfway up the mountain.

boom! boom! boom!
The silk wires of the birdcage were like cannonballs, smashing hard into the snow behind him, and the falling snowflakes flew.

The speed at which the birdcage fell was beyond Hayden's expectations, and he didn't want to be unable to enter the birdcage because of the speed.If you are blocked outside, because all the events happened in the birdcage, if you can't participate, you will be really dumbfounded.

Then, he took a short rest, patted off the white snow on his body, and eased the rhythm of his breathing.

At the same time, Hayden looked up to check the situation of the birdcage.

The distance between the silk threads that shrouded from high altitude was probably enough to cover the entire empty city in front of him.

With such a wide range, has that fellow Doflamingo's ability already proficient to this extent...

Hayden roughly predicted his strength in his mind, and couldn't help feeling very tricky.And the current situation is not just one-on-one, and it is very likely that they will face all their cadres after they meet.

Hmm... How many cadres are there in their family?

For a moment, Hayden forgot how many reward orders there were for all members of the Doflamingo family.

However, for Hayden, this unknown feeling is the best thing to stimulate the growth of strength.

After more than two years of silence in the North Sea, his two Zanpakutō couldn't hold back his excitement, and he couldn't wait to cut down some powerful enemies.

Huo Ran.

Hayden closed his eyes and began to concentrate, and then the spiritual pressure suddenly spread and opened, extending out.

He started the spiritual pressure search, searching the surrounding area from the edge of the birdcage.

Immediately afterwards, he sensed a large number of spiritual pressure points, but the state of these spiritual pressures was very weak, as if there was only one breath left.

These are the gang?

This question popped up in Hayden's mind, but he forgot it in a blink of an eye, and the spiritual pressure continued to expand.

However, there were some strange noises in the sky at this time, as if the propellers were spinning rapidly.

Hayden immediately stopped to investigate the spiritual pressure, opened his eyes, and looked up into the sky.

Then, he saw a yellow-yellow thing flying in the sky above the snow-covered sky?

What is this?
Hayden took a closer look, and then realized that the yellow thing was a guy in a yellow suit flying in the sky.

The propeller man?

Suddenly, he thought of the flying guy in the Doflamingo family.What's your name?

He had forgotten about Hayden, but that guy seemed to be wearing a yellow suit when he appeared on the stage, and he could use his ability to fly.

Thinking of this, Hayden couldn't help but smile, and an idea popped up in his heart.

After a slight sound, Hayden's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye where he was standing just now.

Only the white snow that fell on him just now was still hanging in the air.Immediately afterwards, the white snow that lost its attachment instantly fell to the ground.

As for Hayden who disappeared, his figure suddenly appeared in the midair.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" On the ground, his feet trampled on the air at a high speed, and he jumped directly into the sky out of thin air.

"what sound?"

"It's weird, isn't it?"

That propeller man, that is, the guy named Buffalo, is a user with the ability to fly with a strange propeller hairstyle.There is also Lori Baby-5 sitting on his back at the moment, a weapon fruit capable user.

The two of them didn't notice immediately that someone had boarded their airspace, and it was not far behind them in the air at this moment.

They just heard a strange sound, and when they were about to turn around to check...


Like the sound made when the coat is blown by the strong wind, Hayden has already dodged to stand on Buffalo's back, standing next to Loli Baby-5.

All of this happened too quickly, but the two of them naturally sensed that something was wrong.

The two immediately planned to turn around and look at the place where the strange feeling arose.

Hayden had already pulled out Sode Shirayuki with his left hand, squatted down, and aimed Sode Shirayuki's blade towards Buffalo's neck.

The right hand is like a five-finger mountain, holding Lori Baby-5's entire head in the palm of his hand.

"I advise you two not to have any thoughts of moving around..."

At this time, the voice from Hayden, which was very unfamiliar to the two of them, seemed to be whispering from the devil from hell.

(End of this chapter)

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