Chapter 125


Buffalo and Loli Baby-5 had this thought in their hearts at the same time.

Not to mention how this person was able to climb up into the air at their height, and this person's moving speed was so fast that there were two of them, and no one even noticed the sign of his appearance.

After such a terrible thought, the breath of death came one after another.

The cold blade felt by the fine hair on her neck and the big hand holding her head, these different movements gave them both the same breath of death at the same time.

Don't move around!

This person is really going to kill me straight away!

The two of them seemed to be able to understand each other's thoughts at this moment, and their bodies stiffened immediately.

Buffalo's propeller was flying, as if no one was controlling it at this time, flying straight in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the unknown enemy rang in my ears.

It was obviously just a light tone, but at this moment, in the hearts of the two of them, they suddenly felt the killing intent revealed in this person's words, and it was the kind of killing intent full of oppression.

Under this inexplicable deterrence, Buffalo and Baby-5 didn't even dare to blink their eyes and held their breath unconsciously.

At this moment, Hayden, who held the lives of the two of them in his hands, looked at the meaning revealed by the body language of the two of them at this moment. He was very satisfied with this, and couldn't help rubbing baby-5's hair. does feel good.

He nodded to express his comfort, and the corners of his mouth raised a little, smiling slightly.

It's just a pity that Lori can't match his radio waves.

Immediately, Hayden spoke to the two of them. He wanted to obtain information on Doflamingo's current location directly from the two of them.

"Where is Doflamingo now? Tell me the answer, and you two will live."

Although Hayden's voice was calm, in the ears of Buffalo and baby-5, they always felt that the words were full of chills.

After all, the man's sharp blade and his big hands were not loose at all.

However, in such a life-and-death situation, Buffalo and baby-the two did not intend to just tell him the information.

The two were silent and did not speak.


After a moment of silence.

Hayden looked at the two, as if he didn't intend to tell him the information, and he was about to use further means.

At this time, the phone bug on baby-5 suddenly rang.

"Blu blu blu..."

The phone bug rang.

But Hayden wasn't going to answer the phone bug, nor was he going to let the two of them answer the phone bug.

After ignoring it, he continued to ask the two of them, "Where is Doflamingo now? I'm only asking this last time..."

The words fall.

Hayden pressed Sode Shirayuki's blade against Buffalo's neck, gently drawing a line of blood on his neck.

At this time, Buffalo spoke, "I won't tell you!" he said.The tone of the speech was like, 'I'm done with this, what are you going to do'.

Then, a burst of gunshots suddenly sounded on the ground below, interrupting Hayden's further actions.

Hayden immediately looked down to the side.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a guy in a black feather coat in the white snow world below, being attacked and chased by a group of five or six people, running around until he reached the flat ground on the top of the mountain.

And the group of guys running around chasing the man in the black feather coat are exactly the cadre members of the Doflamingo family in Hayden's impression.

Then, he saw another place on the top of the mountain, a guy in a pink feather coat was walking towards Doflamingo's group of cadres.

Now there is no need for Hayden to ask, and he doesn't need to think about what's going on next. It seems that someone has been found.

Thinking of this, Hayden retracted Sode Shirayuki, and let go of baby-5's head.

In an instant, the oppressive feeling that permeated the two of them disappeared along with the wind and snow floating in the sky.

Buffalo and baby-5 immediately felt strange.

"Hey, don't you ask?" Buffalo asked curiously.

Baby-5 next to him also dared to look up at the side with curious eyes at this time, to see who dared to trouble the Doflamingo family.

However, with just one glance, baby-5 immediately froze again.

Hayden glanced at the sluggish baby-5, put away his sleeves and then casually answered Buffalo's question: "Your boss is right below."


Hayden, wearing a coat of justice, jumped straight down.

At this time, the sluggish baby-5 came back to her senses in a trance, and then she murmured out the two words that Buffalo was about to say.


Hayden, who jumped off, was like an intercontinental missile at the moment, shooting right in the middle of the battle scene below.

In the sky at this time, there is not only the high-altitude icy air, but also the heavy snow that seems to never stop.

However, these bone-chilling factors did not make Hayden feel the slightest discomfort, and even felt a little pleasant.It seemed that the sleeve Shirayuki on her back was trembling slightly, telling Hayden of her joy.

In the process of falling, the aura surrounding Hayden's body also increased, and in the blink of an eye, there was a whistling sound in the air, like some kind of sound that would make people tremble instinctively.

Hayden's figure flew across the sky at high speed.

However, everyone just below noticed something in the sky, as if it was about to hit the ground in the next second.

Hayden, however, controlled the ferocious momentum of his descent. After making a buffering movement, he landed steadily on the roof of this place, with his feet spread apart, squatting on the broken roof.

In the space of this moment and this scene.

Except for Buffalo and baby-5 on the head, almost all the cadres of the Doflamingo family gathered on this snow field.

Torrepol——Ability to sticky fruit, Seka——Ability to use stone fruit, Diamanti——Ability to fly fruit, Gradius——Ability to explode fruit, Mahabasi ——The person with the ability to crush tons of fruits, Rao G.

Of course, there is also the young master of the family standing among them at the moment—Don Quixote Doflamingo.The future Qiwuhai, formerly the highest noble in the world - a member of the Tianlong people, the "clown" of the underground world.

He is a very different kind of pirate.

However, after seeing the power of the Four Emperor Kaido, he will become a "flamingo" who is afraid of dragons.

And what they faced at this moment was Corazon, who was sitting in the snow covered in blood, leaning on a pile of treasure chests.At the same time, he has another name - Don Quixote Rossindi, which is Doflamingo's younger brother.

"Hi everyone~"

Hayden smiled and greeted everyone in front of him at the moment, breaking the silence in the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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