Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 127 Do you think you can do it again?

Chapter 127 Do you think you can do it again?

Hearing this answer, Doflamingo clenched his teeth angrily, making a creaking sound.

He was about to explode when a cry from the sky cut him off.

"Little Lord!!!"

"Sorry, we let that navy run off!"

Doflamingo then turned around and looked up at the sky. After hearing what Buffalo and baby-5 said, he didn't care much.

But then, Buffalo and Baby-5 in the sky immediately reported: "Just now, the navy said that they protected a teenager."

Relating to Corazon's answer just now, Doflamingo immediately became even angrier, "Why didn't you report it earlier!" He yelled at Buffalo and Baby-5 in the sky above.

Buffalo and Baby-5 of the sky, the two of them have no excuses.After being frightened by the navy below, the time to report the news is already the fastest.

Corazon, who also heard the report from Buffalo and Baby-5 above, not only sighed in his heart how accidental it was...

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Luo, who was hiding in the box behind him, had a greater chance of escaping here.

It's just, Hayden, that brat...

Looking at Hayden who was about to fight Diamanti, Corazon could only hate himself at this moment.In the current situation, he can't even stand up...

Hayden on the other side, seeing Diamanti walking over with one hand, felt a little funny instead.

You could only get away with your life two years ago, do you think you can do it again after two years?Hayden thought.

However, at the same time, in his perception of Reiatsu, Corazon, who is still breathing, is not only him alone, but there seems to be a child hidden in the box behind him?
Hayden was stunned for a while, and then he thought of who the kid behind that was, it seemed to be Telaan.

Thinking of this, Hayden ignored Diamanti who was about to make a move, and immediately dodged to the side of Corazon.

After the sound, the figure of the navy in the field immediately disappeared from the eyes of everyone in the Doflamingo family.

Then, they felt that the navy moved to Corazon's side.


Originally, Doflamingo, who didn't intend to take care of the navy, shifted his gaze to this major general named Hayden.

He narrowed his eyes and felt a little surprised. He didn't notice the speed of the navy just now.


"Little Lord……"

The cadres of the Doflamingo family beside them can also get a glimpse of the navy's general strength from the navy's skills at this time.

The speed of this navy is a bit interesting...

However, this did not make Doflamingo react. Since Diamanti decided to solve it by himself, they would not intervene in the battle between him and the navy.

However, just as Doflamingo was about to lift the cage, he was about to confirm whether the news he had just received from Bafarona was true.

"Binding Dao 73: Inverted Mountain Crystal!"

Hayden, who flashed to the side of Corazon, immediately released the Bindao.

at once.

Around Hayden and Corazon, some light spots appeared in the sky out of thin air, and these light spots quickly connected into a straight line, and finally formed an inverted triangle-shaped blue defensive array, the sharp corners of which were straight inserted into the snow.


"Those who can!?"

The members of the Doflamingo family who were outside Daoshanjing were a little surprised for a moment.A nearly transparent energy shield suddenly appeared in front of them, it seemed to be used as a defensive trick.

However, the Doflamingo family has seen a lot.

Doflamingo looked at the defensive formation protecting Corazon and the navy in front of him, and he lifted the birdcage above.

After all, the fruit of the operation is the most important thing now. It is necessary to confirm whether the situation is true. If it is true, then bombard the navy's surveillance ship and snatch Luo back.

Immediately, he neatly ordered the cadres next to him, "Get ready to set sail. If it is true, sink the navy's surveillance ship and take Luo back to me!"

Diamanti, who was next to him, was also among the people pointed by Dover, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​revenge.However, he believed that Dover would take out his nemesis with ease.

So, only Doflamingo, Corazon, and Hayden and Luo, whom Doflamingo didn't know existed, were left on this snowy field. The four of them are here.

Into the mountain crystal.

Corazon looked at the scene in front of him, but he was not surprised, "Is this your strange ability again? Brat." He said to Hayden who was squatting beside him.

"Almost." Hayden didn't look into Corazon's eyes, he was checking the condition of Corazon's injuries.

I don't know how many shots I got, and I don't know how many moves I got. A normal person would have died long ago with such serious injuries.

"Corazon, your life is really tough." Hayden couldn't help sighing.

At the same time, the back path started to work, and the right hand on Corazon's body emitted a green light to heal him, "However, today is not the end of your journey, you still have a long way to go."

While speaking, Hui Dao's ability wandered around Corazon's body, repairing his injuries.Although the bullet cannot come out by itself and the injury cannot be fully recovered, it can be repaired until it persists for a period of time until returning to the warship for surgery.

"Hey, hey, who the hell are you, kid? Why do you even have the ability to heal?"

Corazon couldn't believe what he was going through, he thought he was done.

After hearing this, Hayden smiled, not going to answer his question.

Doflamingo, who was outside the defensive formation, watched the strange behavior of the navy inside, and at first he wondered what the navy was doing.

But seeing this moment, he understood what the navy was doing.

Devil fruit for direct healing?
But what about his defensive cover?

Doflamingo didn't think Corazon would change the situation if he recovered.He was just curious about the various abilities of the navy, and what kind of devil fruit he ate.

And with two swords behind him, is he still a swordsman?
Frowning, he felt strange, not going to just wait for the navy to heal his younger brother.

Doflamingo's right palm suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, five thin lines that were so fine that they could almost be described as transparent suddenly whipped towards the defensive formation in front of him.

Although Wudao is a thin thread, the hardness of the thread is comparable to that of steel, and the snowflakes flying in the air are also shaken by this momentum.

As if it was something invisible, it instantly cleared the area in front of it.


Five steel filaments bombarded the smooth energy wall, and immediately created five cracks in the complete energy wall.

However, at this point, the offensive momentum has not been completely offset.

Hayden, who was inside the inverted mountain crystal, also stopped treating Corazon at this time, touched the handle of the knife behind his right hand, and squinted his eyes to stare at the light wall in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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