Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 128 Corazon! ! !

Chapter 128 Corazon! ! !
At this time, in the defensive formation that was about to be shattered.

Although Corazon's current injuries have been treated by Hayden and have been relieved to some extent, this does not have the slightest effect on the current situation.

Even if he is intact, it is impossible for him to be Doflamingo's opponent, let alone Hayden who is only a few years old.

That guy Dover has been a ruthless person since he was a child. Under the cultivation of those four guys, he has become an incorrigible and unstoppable pirate.

I can't drag this brat Hayden here now, he still has a great future waiting for him.

That Dover guy should just want me now.

With Hayden alone, he should be able to escape here by himself.

But, there's also Ro...


Seeing that the defensive shield created by Hayden was about to be breached by Dover, Corazon thought a lot in his mind, and he thought quickly, and then his face showed embarrassment.

The situation is about to change, and he must make the next decision immediately.


Now he is faced with two choices.

The first one is: tell Hayden that Luo exists, let him run with Luo.

The second is: let Hayden leave here alone, let Luo continue to hide in the treasure chest, and keep Dover from knowing the situation.

The two options swirled in his mind, making him restless.

The first choice is whether Hayden's strength can block Dover's attack with a child and hold on until the support comes.

The second is that after that, it can only depend on the luck of this little guy Luo...

At this time, Trafalgar Law in the treasure chest.

For him in the treasure chest, because Corazon used the ability of the fruit of silence on him, any movement he made inside would be automatically blocked.

Among the other four people in the arena, only Corazon and Hayden, who sensed his existence with Reiatsu, knew about him. Doflamingo didn't know about his current existence.

After listening in the treasure chest for a while, he began to hear that the situation outside seemed to be bad for Corasang, but then it seemed to be quiet outside for a moment, and at the same time he heard reinforcements from the navy seem to be coming.

Luo immediately became excited. The reinforcements meant that he could leave here with Mr. Cora and leave the Doflamingo family.


"Hayden... get out of here!"

Seeing Corazon whose defensive cover was about to shatter, he immediately said to Hayden, "Dover is definitely not a pirate you can fight against. Hurry up and let me hold him back!"

At this time, Corazon barely recovered to the situation where he could stand. He stood up and stood shoulder to shoulder with Hayden who was about to draw his sword. His eyes were fixed on the figure of Dover in front of him all the time, with a serious expression.


Luo in the treasure chest heard Mr. Cora calling the unknown reinforcements, and motioned him to leave.Luo's current mood is like a roller coaster, going up and down.

But Hayden he...

"Hey, it seems that your information is a little behind."

Hayden said with a sigh, he didn't look at Corazon next to him, his eyes were always on Doflamingo outside.

This defensive cover was originally released casually without chanting.Doflamingo is a little disappointed that his two or three attacks have only caused cracks.

"I know there's a kid in the box at the back, now that you can stand up, take him out, and get ready to escape..."

Hayden continued to say to Corazon next to him in a nonchalant tone, and he will hold Doflamingo here until the future of the crane.

He quickly thought about it again, thinking about the general power of the defensive cover, maybe he can handle Doflamingo well without waiting for the future of He Zhong.


Corazon listened to the meaning revealed in Hayden's casual words, and his reaction was a bit slow before he realized it.

"How did you know there was someone in the box?"

He had a tattoo tattoo on his left eye, and a tattoo on his lips with the same red lips as a clown. On his face, he suddenly showed a questioning expression with distorted facial features.

Then, before he could continue asking.

Doflamingo's whip has broken through the blue defensive formation with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, at this tiny moment, Hayden released the other number's binding channel again.

"The 39 round gate fans that bound the way"

In an instant, a circular defensive wall appeared in front of Hayden and Corazon, blocking the attack just as Doflamingo whipped him in front of him.

"Hurry up and get that kid out, you should go!"

Hayden with a serious expression quickly said to Corazon next to him, Doflamingo's attack is more than just this trick.


The two choices just now were mixed together. Facing this difficult problem, Corazon remained expressionless for less than a second, and then his heart broke. He chose to believe in Hayden at this time.

Then, under Hayden's resistance, Corazon turned back and opened the treasure chest behind him.


The treasure chest was opened to reveal its contents.

at the same time.

The sound also seemed to stop suddenly with a sudden sound in this anxious scene.



Corazon and Luo looked into each other's eyes without saying a word.



At this moment, Doflamingo, who was opposite them, suddenly had blue veins on his forehead, and he yelled at Corazon, his own brother.

The superficial calm just now was completely torn apart by him.

Originally, he didn't want to make too much of what he was going to do next.

Although what he will do next is to kill his real family members with his own hands for the second time, but he also hopes to maintain the peace of death in the end.

However, he did not expect that his own brother planned to continue to deceive him until his death.Not only is it an undercover agent from the Navy, but also this brat Luo...

Doflamingo saw at a glance who was the person in the box standing in front of Corazon at the moment.

For this, he was very angry.

all of a sudden.

It seemed that the surrounding air was gradually changing, and there was a feeling that the surrounding air was slowly squeezing towards the three of Hayden.

Even now, it was snowing heavily, and the sky was getting darker even under the dark clouds above the city.Even Luo could smell the smell in the surrounding environment, which was enough to make people hold their breath.

After a roar, Doflamingo took a deep breath, lowered his head slowly, and quickly regained his composure, as if everything just now had never existed.

However, all of this is just his appearance at this moment.

Doflamingo is really angry...

At this time, Hayden and Corazon had the same thought in their hearts.

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(End of this chapter)

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