Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 129 Luo, come here

Chapter 129 Luo, come here

Although the current situation made Doflamingo very angry, he still forced himself to take a deep breath and calm down.

After all, the fruit of the operation was the most important thing in this trip, and it has never changed.Since Luo has already eaten the fruit of the operation, then letting Luo come to his side, the final result is still the same, no serious injury.


Doflamingo directly ignored the Rear Admiral and Corazon who fell in front of him, and looked straight into Luo's eyes.

"Ro...you are a member of my Doflamingo family."

He said to Luo with that kind smile on his expression, but his eyes were blocked by the pink sunglasses on his face, making it impossible for people to see his true inner thoughts.

Then he continued to ask Luo: "Didn't you always want to join us? Are you leaving now?"

While speaking, his right hand stretched out towards Luo, as if he wanted to take Luo over.


After watching Doflamingo stop attacking, he put on such a look.

Hayden, Corazon, and Luo, the three of them were stunned.

Sure enough, he is a big man with head and face, and he has done a good job of managing his emotions... Hayden thought to himself.

He was about to pull out his sleeve Baixue to take the move, but he didn't expect Doflamingo, who was in this situation now, could hold back his emotions, and tried to trick Luo over.

However, these words, which seemed to have no danger hidden in them, could not shake Corazon's thoughts at this moment.

"Dover... Luo won't be at your mercy."

Corazon said solemnly, staring into Doflamingo's eyes, trying to convey his determination to him through the dark glasses on Doffer's face.

As he spoke, he subconsciously protected Luo behind him, and continued: "Suffering from platinum-lead disease, he will die in three years, and Luo got such a fate.


He is no longer the Luo who was occupied by madness and broke into the side of crazy pirates...

He gets nothing from you, the broken son of God, and you get nothing from him! "

When Corazon said this, he couldn't help clenching his teeth, and said the last sentence bitterly through the gap between his teeth.

"I will not hand Luo over to you, he is free now!!!"


Doflamingo fell silent after hearing this.

Luo behind Corazon was also silent.

Unknowingly, two streams of transparent liquid slid across his white face covered with platinum-lead disease.

In an instant, pictures of memories with Ke Lasang flashed in Luo's mind.

Kelasang took him everywhere to seek medical treatment, but none of the hospitals were willing to treat his illness, and drove them away as if they were sinners, and then Kelasang beat up those doctors...

Kelasanga's usual idiot appearance is inadvertently revealed...


Luo, who was hiding behind Corazon, couldn't help looking up at Corazon's back and muttering to himself.


Hayden, who was present, did not stay still.

Hayden pulled out the sleeve Baixue from behind at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the sword body, raised a flying slash, and instantly slashed across the white snow field. The imposing manner wrapped in the sword energy swept out a trail and went straight to Doflamingo's direction.

It seems the answer is no...

Seeing the incoming attack and the reaction on the faces of Corazon and Luo, Doflamingo thought without any surprise.

On second thought, he wasn't going to settle the matter calmly.

at the same time.

The moment after the attack was completed, Hayden quickly turned his head and urged Corazon: "Hurry up, take this brat and get out of here!"

At this time, Luo deeply imprinted the face of the navy who was planning to save him and Ke Lasang in his mind.


Corazon looked at Hayden who was going to confront Dover in front of him, and he was still not sure about leaving Hayden alone.It should be that he stayed here, and let Hayden, who was intact and capable of fighting, take Luo out of here.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Hayden immediately responded to him.

He didn't turn around, his eyes were fixed on Doflamingo's direction, observing his movements, and prepared to deal with it.

The words have ended.

Corazon nodded, ready to pick up Luo and leave here.

Hayden sensed that Corazon was about to leave. He turned his back to them and told Corazon: "Lieutenant General Crane is on his way, and you should be able to meet him."

Corazon paused as he hugged Luo, "Understood." He nodded heavily, and then hugged Luo, "I'll bring them with him later, hold on..." He said in a low voice Finish.

Then he hugged Luo, stepped on the snow and started running down the mountain.

However, Doflamingo certainly wouldn't let Corazon take Luo that brat and escape to the navy just like that.


Doflamingo dodged the sword aura attacking him casually, and instead of paying attention to the navy attacking him in front of him, he shouted at Corazon behind the navy.

At the same time, the footsteps started to move in the direction of Corazon, and a whip made of five thin wires was slammed in this direction.

He didn't think the navy in front of him was a threat, so naturally he wouldn't pay too much attention to him.


"Oh, you don't want to do that."

Hayden, a big living person standing opposite him is not for display.

He directly flashed to the almost invisible whip attack route, blocked the attack path, and intercepted Corazon's attack.


Sparks collided between Sode Shirayuki's blade and Doflamingo's whip, and the footsteps that Doflamingo had just taken were instantly stopped.

And this scene happened to be seen by Corazon and Luo who subconsciously turned back after Dover shouted.


Corazon was stunned for a moment by Hayden's attitude that he still had the strength to spare.

But Corazon's footsteps down the mountain did not stop.

At the same time, because the snow-white mountain they were descending on was basically bare, even if he had been going down the mountain, he could still see the situation behind him.


Seeing that his attack was blocked, Doflamingo was a little annoyed immediately, and his eyes turned fiercely to the navy in front of him at this moment.

Originally, I didn't plan to start with you, since you want to do this yourself, then I have to get rid of you before going... He thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he stopped and took out the phone bug from his pocket and dialed other cadres. He was going to let the cadres come back and intercept Corazon.

"You can think about it, but I won't allow it."

Seeing Doflamingo take out the phone bug, Hayden immediately guessed what he was thinking, and while muttering, Baixue waved his sleeves and flew over with two sword auras again.

This time the two sword qi were different from the speed just now, and they crossed the distance between Hayden and Doflamingo in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, on the thick snow, the snowflakes flew into the sky.

Facing the sword energy in front of him, Doflamingo had no choice but to stop dialing the phone, squinted his eyes, and stared at the navy in front of him through his sunglasses...

(End of this chapter)

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