Chapter 133


This momentum, like a meteorite hitting a planet, suddenly broke out between Hayden and Doflamingo.

It's just that Hayden is this small meteorite, while Doflamingo is a planet that is many times bigger than him.

The pure white Sode Baixue blade slashed on the silk thread released by Doflamingo's open palm, and the blade with real cold air seemed to be stuck in the air, firmly blocked by the air.

Between the two, a powerful wave of air suddenly appeared, and then spread towards the surroundings.

Although Doflamingo's body was pushed back by the huge force transmitted by the silk thread, his feet stepped on the snow and drew two trails on the snow.

However, he didn't have Hayden's sharp blade to break through the defense.

But Hayden didn't give up either, and continued to put pressure on the knife.

At the same time, not only the strength gap between the two sides, but also Doflamingo's suppression of Hayden's height.

In the beginning, Hayden had the upper hand in the scene, but now he was gradually suppressed by Doflamingo. The point of the knife began to face the sky little by little, and he was about to be suppressed back.

The blade exuding cold air rubbed against Doflamingo's thin thread, making a metal hissing sound, and sparks shot out in the air from time to time.


Sode Shirayuki after Hajime unraveling, as long as someone touches her pure white blade, then her cold air will penetrate into it little by little.

But the situation at the moment.

The coldness of Sode Shirayuki has lost its effect, as if the sword is not emitting cold enough to freeze the human body, but a colorless, tasteless, and insensible white smoke, just for the purpose of installation.

Hayden and Doflamingo have 'sort of' entered into a stalemate.

Damn, domineering...

Hayden cursed secretly in his heart.

He used all his strength to keep the blade from falling in his direction.

It was the same when he was fighting with Teacher Zefa before, but at that time Teacher Zefa said that he had to be old enough to learn domineering, so he didn't teach him to practice domineering.

Originally, he planned to go to Teacher Zefa to learn arrogance when he returned to the headquarters, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Why hasn't Lieutenant General He come to help? If he doesn't come again, I won't be able to pretend anymore...

Hayden looked up at Doflamingo who seemed to be playing tricks on him as he was about to pin him to the ground - and he was almost there.

Hayden, who secretly yelled that something was wrong, gritted his teeth, forcing himself to exert the greatest strength.

However, this is like trying to buy something for three yuan when there is only one yuan.

Although I don't know where to find another one yuan, but in the end there are only two yuan, and I can't buy things that cost three yuan.

Similarly, the situation that is not conducive to Hayden at this moment cannot be reversed.

Doflamingo looked down at the navy in front of him, and once again used his strength to force Hayden, who was holding a knife in both hands, directly into the snow.

Immediately, a bright red liquid splashed out from the fallen Hayden.

Followed by.

Before he could react, Doflamingo armed his arms to prevent his cold air from entering.Then both hands grabbed Hayden's wrist in the snow and lifted it up, as if he was carrying a toy doll.

"Navy, what devil fruit did you eat, it looks quite interesting..."

Doflamingo looked at the navy who was being pulled close to him at this moment and said, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and at the same time, the hands holding the navy increased the strength of his wrist.


At this moment, the pain from his wrist instantly transmitted to his brain, causing Hayden to scream uncontrollably.With pain in his right hand, he opened the palm holding the handle of the knife, and the pure white sleeve Baixue immediately fell to the snow.

Coupled with the fresh wound that was cut just now.The attack on his front seemed to have pierced through the four blood holes where Hayden barely stopped the bleeding, further aggravating the damage he received.

Hayden's breathing became uncontrollably rapid, and even his body, which originally thought the cold temperature was very pleasant, couldn't help shivering slightly now.

Hearing Doflamingo's question in front of him, he certainly wouldn't tell him the reason for his ability.

Under Doflamingo's control, Hayden raised his head and stared at Doflamingo who was right in front of him at the moment.

He seemed to be panicked to death, but he was indeed panicked to death.


"Do you really want to know my abilities?"

Hayden looked at Doflamingo who couldn't see through his thoughts and asked back.


Doflamingo made a noise of unknown meaning, but Hayden just took it as a 'yes'.

Hayden said slowly, "I am the God of Death, the God of Death from the world of corpses and souls. It is our duty to protect human beings."

In Doflamingo's eyes, he finished the sentence with a serious expression, as if he really believed that he was the god of death he said.

Doflamingo has no other ideas, the navy is still playing with him!
With blue veins popping out of his forehead, he immediately kicked the navy in the stomach in front of him.


Hayden, who was hit hard in the stomach, immediately spit out a mouthful of red blood, and his body bowed unbearably.And Doflamingo's hand didn't let go, tearing his arms at the same time.

"Ahem..." Hayden coughed out the blood remaining in his mouth, but laughed at the same time. "Wait, wait, I said." He hurriedly motioned for Doflamingo to pause.

Doflamingo stopped thinking about continuing to attack, and squinted his eyes to look at the navy in his palm, to see why he seemed to be delaying time.

After a few seconds.

Not feeling the coming of the next attack, Hayden slowly raised his head to look at Doflamingo again.Although I don't know why Doflamingo is so easy to talk to, but this is exactly what he means.

Hayden smiled at Doflamingo.

"Scatter, Senbon Sakura"

His voice seemed to come from a deep cold pool, like a small stone thrown into the cold pool, but it aroused a huge reaction.

Before Doflamingo understood, his instinct suddenly trembled, telling him that things were not going well.

For an instant.

Senben Sakura, who was closed in the scabbard on Hayden's back, reacted immediately, and the handle of Qianben Sakura was pulled out of the scabbard by himself.

In the next second, in Doflamingo's eyes, a large group of unknown objects swarmed out of the scabbard on the navy's back.

Before Doflamingo could see clearly, his instinct about danger had already driven his body to arm the entire upper body.

- Whoops!

Countless blades that shattered into tiny petals swept across Doflamingo's entire upper body like a big wave...

(End of this chapter)

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