Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 134 Mystery of Ten Thousand Blades Flowing Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 134 Mystery of Ten Thousand Blades Flowing Sakura Blizzard

Ding Ding Ding! ! !
The thousands of thin blades that suddenly swarmed out from Hayden's back, under the refraction of the light, looked like petals of tiny cherry blossoms, whistling over Doflamingo's upper body.

a time.

It seems that in this world here, there seems to be only the sound of the collision between Sakura and Doflamingo after they are armed.

In the countless gaps between the cherry blossoms, countless sparks can be seen suddenly bursting out from his body, as if his upper body has become that kind of festive fireworks.

The next moment, under this huge force like a huge wave hitting his body, he couldn't help but let go of the hands holding Hayden's wrist.

While being pushed back by this unexpected attack, he immediately armed his lower body.Because his leg had already been attacked by something unknown, causing small wounds from friction.

Later, after Senbon Sakura pushed Doflamingo to a distance of more than ten meters in the snow, Senmoto Sakura's attack momentum was finally offset by the armed Doflamingo.

At this time, Senbon Sakura seemed to hit a wall, and after hitting Doflamingo's body, it dispersed in a herd, spreading into countless tiny entities, covering the sky above their heads.

In this scene, it was as if the sky was not filled with heavy snow, but a strange rain of cherry blossoms.

Doflamingo lowered his folded arms in front of him.

Hayden, who was freed, picked up Sode Shirayuki with his right hand and Senbon Sakura's knife handle with his left hand from the snow.

a time.

The two were silent, and no one spoke.

Just staring at each other's eyes.

Then, Hayden lifted the handle of the thousand cherry blossoms, and the thousand cherry blossoms floating in the sky immediately felt the induction, and immediately gathered into shape, and slowly returned to his side like a gust of wind.


at this time.

Doflamingo, whose whole body was shining with a frightening black awn, gritted his teeth tightly.He didn't expect that the navy would have such an attack method, and it was absolutely impossible for him to think of it.

At most, he thought that the sword on his back might be just because he was a two-sword swordsman. He didn't know that he would have such a strange attack method.

There is no doubt that the thing that swept past him just now must be a small blade...

Thinking of this, Doflamingo glanced at the 'knife' that only had a handle left in the navy's left hand.

It's just that I don't know what ability or method can gather these tens of thousands of blades together, and then control this group of blade storms.

Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and stared at the navy in front of him at this moment.

Looking at the navy's expressionless and composed look.

Seeing that his unexpected move didn't cause too much damage, the navy didn't reveal too much inner meaning.

And now that he has been hit by his tricks, it shouldn't last long, but he still seems to have the confidence to face him Doflamingo.


Doflamingo chuckled lightly, and unarmed his whole body.

It seems that the navy seems to have something hidden...

Just as Doflamingo was thinking about Hayden's abilities, Hayden, who took a few breaths, suddenly activated.

boom! boom! boom!
Hayden stepped out suddenly, causing the snow under his feet to splash.

The tip of Sode Shirayuki cut across the snow in an instant, and Senbon Sakura, who was circling around him, followed his head and rushed towards Doflamingo.

With the rapid movement, Hayden's figure became blurred.But in Doflamingo's eyes, he could still see Hayden clearly.

at the same time.

Hayden, who was sprinting, immediately shouted in his mouth, and made a forward movement of preparing to use his ultimate move.

"One-shot flow..."


Doflamingo realized that he was about to do something, then armed his upper body, and then rushed towards Hayden's attacking direction, he was not afraid of any head-on encounters.

At the same time Doflamingo retracted his right palm, then pushed it forward.

Immediately, dozens of transparent silk threads were sprayed out from the palm, and then quickly entangled together, and then domineering instantly attached to the combined silk threads, forming a black and thick steel whip, which made people understand the attack at a glance. How amazing the power is.

"Super Strike Whip!"

Followed by.

The imposing two are about to collide.

—— Shunbu·Change
Suddenly, a faint voice came into Doflamingo's ears.

Then, in less than a second, the navy, which was about to be face-to-face, actually--disappeared in the air in an instant.

It was so fast that even Doflamingo, who was in high spirits, didn't react, and even his knowledge and knowledge couldn't catch the position of the navy at the moment.

"Boom!" There was a sound, as if there was a delay.

The ground at Hayden's position last second suddenly erupted like an explosion, and the ground under his feet seemed to be bombarded by something terrifying.


Hayden's figure appeared out of thin air above Doflamingo's head at this moment, as if moving instantly.

Sode Shirayuki in his hand aimed at Doflamingo below and slashed down fiercely, and Senbon Sakura did not hesitate to follow Sode Shirayuki.

"Thousand Swords Flow Mysteries · Flowing Sakura Blizzard!!!"

this moment.

Hayden's Sode Shirayuki seems to be integrated with Senbon Sakura around him, you are me, and I am you.

The cherry blossoms flying all over the sky are so absurd that it is unimaginable.

At this moment, it is still covered with a layer of extreme ice that also makes people feel trembling, forming a diamond shape to cover every tiny blade.

Even if the extreme ice on the surface is shattered, what is hidden under the extreme ice is still an extremely sharp thin blade.The combined power of the two is like walking in a snowstorm mixed with blades.

Then, Liuying Blizzard bombarded Doflamingo below, and he didn't even have time to react.

This flow of cherry blossoms suddenly turned into a giant drilling machine. Under thousands of sharp ice blades, it crazily cut away anything that blocked them, and brought Doflamingo's body straight from the ground. Drill down.

In a blink of an eye, it went straight down to a depth of tens of meters, leaving what seemed to be an ice tunnel leading directly to the ground on the top of the mountain.

"...cough cough."

After the release, Hayden, who was temporarily out of strength, knelt on one knee at the edge of the ice tunnel.At the same time, he supported the ground with Sode Shirayuki, so that he could barely keep his body from falling to the ground.

If he changed the move just now, he would have to pay a corresponding price if he wanted to explode a move that was enough to make Doflamingo unable to react in this situation.

For the sake of speed, Hayden can almost say that he scrapped one of his legs first, so he can't make any radical moves for the time being.

However, judging from the current situation, the price is still acceptable...

Hayden, who was kneeling on the edge of the hole with one foot, couldn't help but look down the hole, thinking silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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