Chapter 135 Do it!

After a dead silence.

There seemed to be no movement from the bottom of the cave.

Hayden knelt on the edge of the hole with one foot, but suddenly there was an unreal feeling in his heart.He is a little confused.

Doflamingo was defeated by him like this?
I just killed Doflamingo with one move?

Although Doflamingo at this time did not have the strength at the beginning of the plot in the original book.And relatively speaking, he is only a person of medium strength in this sea, and there are monsters that scare him.

However, in the mind of Hayden, who has seen the plot of this One Piece world, because Doflamingo is the protagonist of this One Piece world, Luffy, he can be regarded as the later boss.

Preconceived reasons, in Hayden's inherent impression, Doflamingo is also considered a powerful guy.Judging from the injuries caused to him just now, he is indeed a powerful guy.

The goal of this trip was achieved too easily, and I didn't pass out like the result after every incident, and I killed Doflamingo alone without the help of others.

Looking at the pitch-black scene below the cave at this time, the corners of Hayden's mouth could not help but slowly raise an arc, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, oh... It seems that I am slightly better."

Hayden, with a smile on his face, said to himself in a weird tone.

His soliloquy sounded like a hermaphrodite, spreading from the top of the mountain here.

Similarly, it also passed into the tunnel in front of him, passed through the Senben Sakura that he recalled and climbed towards the entrance of the cave in one breath, and then passed along the tunnel to the bottom of the cave.

At this moment, in the middle of the bottom of the cave.

The three-meter-tall Doflamingo was lying on the bottom of the cave in the shape of a large character.

At this moment, his whole body was covered with a piece of pure white ice crystals.

Under the ice crystals were countless small wounds that seemed to be endless, and red blood oozed out all over his body.

At the moment of crisis when Liuying Blizzard bombarded him, Doflamingo's instinct for crisis once again completed the cover of armed domineering in an instant, completely wrapping his body under the black armor.

Although his armed armor was broken by Liuying Blizzard halfway through being blasted into the mountain by Liuying Blizzard, but at least this armor still resisted Liuying Blizzard's most ferocious moment.

Although it was breached later, it still played a big role.

Then, Doflamingo was bombarded by Liuying Blizzard on his real body, which immediately gave him a pain like a thousand cuts.

The painful feeling lasted until he was blasted to the bottom of the hole where he was lying at this time, and the painful feeling subsided a little.


During the attack, Doflamingo remained awake until the end of the attack.

At this time, Doflamingo slowly opened his eyes, and what immediately came into view was the world invaded by blood.

However, even though he was severely injured, he didn't seem to show an angry expression, and a strange smile appeared on his bloody face.


His laughter reflected back and forth in the small space at the bottom of the cave, and even produced a reverberation effect, which made people feel even more creepy.

Doflamingo didn't care that he was seized by the navy and hit him hard with one move.

At this time, he manipulated the silk thread that had been produced, and began to repair the whole body.

Countless silk threads then seemed to be running over his body as if by a skilled doctor, stitching up countless wounds on his body that had been cut open by fine knives.

At the same time, he heard a voice coming from the tiny light spot above, which seemed to be mocking him.

Doflamingo laughed again, but did not respond, just quietly waiting for the repair work on his body to be done.

However, this time Hayden was kneeling on the edge of the hole.

He waited for a few minutes, but did not wait for Doflamingo's movement at the bottom of the cave.

For an instant.

Hayden was excited!

All of a sudden, he was dazed by this excitement, and he forgot to use Reiatsu to check the life and death of the enemy as usual, and also forgot to use the system to check whether he got points after defeat, so as to judge the enemy's state.

At this moment, a sense of pride welled up in his heart.

what!How many flamencos?Return to Tianlong people?Still a clown?
What's the use of being so gaudy on your body, it's not like I killed it with one move.

The excited Hayden seemed to be full of vitality in his temporarily useless legs, and he stood up forcefully by relying on Sode Shirayuki.

He was going to make a call to Lieutenant General He and tell her to come slowly, and just catch the other members of the Doflamingo family on the way.

"Blu blu blu..."

At this time, Lieutenant General He, who had already landed on the island, picked up the microphone of the phone bug, "Hello?" she said.

Hearing Lieutenant General He answer the phone, Hayden shook his head and sighed and told Lieutenant General He:

"Lieutenant General Crane, this is Hayden. Where are you now? If you haven't arrived yet, you can slow down a bit. I've already killed that guy Doflamingo."

On Lieutenant General Crane's side, the phone bug who turned into Hayden said lightly with a melancholy expression and tone.


"Hey, hey, no!"

At this time, there were other people with Lieutenant General He, who were also Corazon and Lieutenant General He's adjutants.

They were deeply shocked when they heard the news from the phone bug.

If this matter is what Hayden himself said, if he kills the pirate Doflamingo alone, then how strong is he really?

Not to mention that he is only so young now, and it seems that he can't find a guy who can reach this level of strength at such a young age in the whole world.

However, Lieutenant General He still had a serious expression on her expression.

"Are you sure?" she asked Hayden. "Can you see him now? What's going on?"

Hearing this, Hayden glanced down the hole again.

at once!

In an instant, in Hayden's mind, Doflamingo, who should have been silent, rushed out from the bottom of the cave in the blink of an eye.

- Whoops!

Doflamingo's coat rattled in the air.

At this moment, time slowed down.

Hayden could clearly see that Doflamingo, who was standing in front of him at the moment, was smiling at him, and his hands were facing him in the shape of animal claws.


Hayden only had time to curse.

Doflamingo, who was attacking Hayden, exploded with domineering arrogance, armed with arrogance, and hit Hayden's defenseless chest head-on.

Even with the protection of Qianben Sakura's innocuous circle, it can only withstand this powerful blow for a second.

Hayden, who was flying upside down, bowed down, like a cannonball being fired.He rushed into the house next to the top of the hill and made a big hole.

For a while, smoke and dust rose suddenly.

And the phone bug in his hand naturally fell to the ground, only the hollow voice from the other end of the phone bug could be heard...

 What this book thinks about is really a pain in the brain, and I can't even pay the water, electricity and Internet bills in a month
  It's time to prepare a new book, probably a beautiful manga or something.

(End of this chapter)

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