Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 136 is at stake

Chapter 136 is at stake
Hayden was beaten into the house at the top of the hill.

No defense, no reaction to catch up to Doflamingo's attack and defend in time before it hits him.

At this moment, Hayden seemed to be like a large bulldozer.

The flying body smashed into the houses on the top of the mountain, one after another, with no tendency to slow down.Until his body passed through the entire row of houses on the top of the mountain, and finally smashed out of the house and smashed into the snow.

Moreover, the last bit of momentum that hit Hayden's body still had a strong power, blasting him on the snow to create a small hole about ten meters in diameter.

In the center of the collapsed pit, although Hayden was caught off guard, he still held the handles of Sode Shirayuki and Senbon Sakura.

Holding his two Zanpakutō in both hands, blood was bleeding from his mouth.The muscles on his chest were bloody and bloody, and the muscles under attack were dented abruptly.

Hayden felt an unprecedented crisis.

His consciousness was on the verge of sobriety and collapse, as if he was about to fall into darkness.

At this moment, in the blurred vision in his eyes, he was so weak that he could only see the scenery of the sky, and he didn't have any strength to support the direction of turning his head.

The dark sky is dotted with flying snowflakes like stars.

The sound of breathing and heartbeat sounded very clearly in Hayden's mind at this moment.

This feeling that he had never felt before swirled in his heart.

Looking at the scene of heavy snow falling from the sky, there is nothing strange or abnormal about it.

The world, apart from anyone, still goes about its day, month, year after year.

The icy cold feeling came to him after a long absence.

His shirtless upper body was already stained with blood, mixed with the snowflakes that fell on his body non-stop, almost like spraying salt directly on the wound, and it was the salt snow that fell from the sky.

A chill crept into Hayden's heart, and then extended and invaded his torso and limbs.Already in a state of weakness all over the body, a layer of numbness was added.


Hayden spit out a puff of white mist from his mouth.

Immediately, the white mist slowly curled up in front of his eyes.

In a trance, why did he feel that this ordinary gas seemed to change into a movie picture, and pictures flashed in his mind.

Me?Revolving door?

There was no expression on his face, but he yelled in his heart.

Although he didn't show any reaction, he really didn't want to die!
Hayden's belief in survival burst out immediately.

I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done! ! !

In the dead and silent area where Hayden was lying now, suddenly there was a rustling sound, like the sound of something walking on the snow.


Hayden remembered the most important thing now, he seemed to be hit by Doflamingo just now and became like this...


The emotions in Hayden's heart became tense in an instant, and he had to stand up.

Although I don't know the difference between standing up and lying on the ground under the current situation, but——

Must stand up!
Hayden, who was unconscious, shouted crazily in his heart, followed by a hoarse and subtle voice in his throat, and he tried to use the momentum of shouting to forcefully move his already stiff body.

It must be Doflamingo's footsteps getting closer.

Hayden didn't give up.

--what! ! ! ! ! ! !

——Move me! ! !
At this time, Hayden's body unexpectedly changed without warning.

In the eyes with firm gazes, a trace of black ink-like substance suddenly appeared at the edge of the eyeballs, as if it had been poured into the eyes, occupying the white of the eyes little by little.

Followed by.

Doflamingo's footsteps revealed that he seemed to have stopped at the edge of the pit.

However, this ink-like thing was about to occupy Hayden's entire eyeball.

at this time.

Both Hayden and Doflamingo heard the footsteps of a third party besides the two of them.

The footsteps that suddenly came in were urgent and chaotic.And listening to this movement, the speed of approaching here is very fast.

Navy guy?
Doflamingo, who turned around slightly to listen carefully to the voice, frowned and thought.


Immediately, he turned his head to look at the bottom of the pit again, staring at the guy who had made him a tattered body.

However, somehow.

Doflamingo was strangely lying at the bottom of the pit at this moment, and felt a different breath from the navy who could barely retain a trace of consciousness.There was an aura that hadn't appeared during the fight with him just now.

At this moment, the navy gave him the feeling of another person, as if he had changed directly.

However, Doflamingo wasn't going to think about it.

The right hand stretched towards the direction of Hayden in the center of the pit, and the fingers began to dance slightly, and then the sound of the silk thread being slightly moved resounded in the air.

Hayden, who was lying in the pit at this time, also caught this slight sound, and he immediately realized that it was a sign that Doflamingo had activated his skills.

Hayden tried to dodge the attack.

However, from just now to now, he has not stopped trying to move his body desperately, but he has not received any feedback.



An obviously female voice exploded in this space like a thunderbolt on the ground.

This loud voice aroused the reactions of Hayden and Doflamingo present.


"Lieutenant General Crane!?"

The completely different reactions of the two were immediately aroused.

Standing by the pit, Doflamingo suddenly turned to look in the direction of the sound, and the figure in his sight was exactly what he thought.


Doflamingo couldn't help clenching his teeth, staring at the figure approaching him with hatred.

Just a few seconds.

Seeing the distance getting closer, Doflamingo completely lost the idea of ​​staying here.

Then, he suddenly turned around and gave Hai Hai who was in the pit next to him a hard look, and then took the empty path and withdrew from here.

At this time, Hayden, who was lying at the bottom of the pit with only consciousness remaining, his eyes that were about to be stained black also gradually faded with the arrival of reinforcements.


Seeing Doflamingo's figure passing over him, Hayden let out a long breath.

He will completely let go of his vigilance, loosen his tense body, and soothe his mind that has been hanging on the edge of the cliff.

Hearing the sound of a large group of footsteps gradually approaching, as well as the voice calling his name, he immediately felt extremely at ease.

Lying in the pit, Hayden pulled out a smile on his cold and numb face.

It seems that fate is destined, I should not die...

He looked at the scene of white snow floating in the sky foolishly, it didn't matter even if the snowflakes fell on him.

(End of this chapter)

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