Chapter 137 Hayden


A rush of calls sounded beside Hayden.

Hayden, who collapsed in the middle of the pit, could only move his eyes at this moment.In his feeling, it seemed that a bunch of people gathered around him in the blink of an eye.

Lieutenant General Crane, Corazon?There are also several adjutants around Lieutenant General He.

Hayden didn't speak, but silently counted in his heart.

But the chaotic footsteps just now should be more than just a few of them, are the other navy around?

However, these questions are not too important to Hayden.

Hayden's eyes turned to Lieutenant General Crane, who was squatting next to him and looked down at him, and met her eyes.He opened his mouth slightly, trying to say a word, but he could only yell out an indistinct voice.

As soon as he tried to make his voice louder, there was a tearing sensation on the part of his chest that was severely injured by Doflamingo, which pulled his nerves and affected his normal speech.

"Come here and give Major General Hayden emergency treatment!"

Corazon looked at Hayden's speechless and bruised appearance, and he ordered seriously to the sailor next to him.

Everyone looked at Major General Hayden lying in front of them at the moment.

The horrific wound on his bare chest made everyone hold their breath, and their eyes were filled with deep shock.

They couldn't imagine why a person survived such injuries when his chest was almost sunken and stuck to his back.

How did this person stay awake, how did he survive such a horrible injury.

Everyone had no concept of this in their hearts, only indescribable shock at the moment.

As Lieutenant General He looked at Hayden's situation, she didn't say anything more, she stood up and made way for the ship doctor to check Hayden's situation and give emergency treatment.

At this time, everyone kept a distance of about one meter from Hayden and surrounded him.

Then, in Hayden's immobile sight, the crowded sky cleared up, and then a lady dressed as a doctor entered his sight.

She also knew that Hayden’s situation was temporarily unable to speak.

So, she fixed her eyes on Hayden's eyes tightly, not letting go of any slight hint of meaning from his eyes.

At the same time, with her mouth covered by a mask, she said:

"Major General, I need you to cooperate with my work now. I ask you questions, and you answer with a blink of an eye. One click is 'yes', and two is 'no', understand?"

Hearing this angelic voice, Hayden blinked a little dizzily and said 'yes'.

at the same time.

During the emergency treatment for the major general, the sailors who came to support, as well as Corazon and Vice Admiral Crane, had time to look at Hayden and Doflamingo on the top of the mountain. The scene of the ruins after the battle.

A large number of houses were destroyed, and the ground had long been cut into countless large and small ravines by sword energy and Doflamingo's silk thread.

On the top of this mountain, there are only a few scenes that still maintain their original appearance.

At this moment, looking at the scene of scars here, everyone was able to catch a glimpse of this very tragic battle for Hayden.


After the doctor gave Hayden the maximum treatment, everyone carried Hayden on a stretcher, and the group returned to Lieutenant General He's warship.

Unlike the previous times when he was being carried back, this time, Hayden remained awake all the way.

With the simple treatment of the wound, Hayden's body functions were relieved a little bit. At this time, he was able to turn his neck and look in different directions.

Looking at the naval queue that surrounded him and protected him, he looked at the expressions of Lieutenant General He and others.

It seemed that all the emotions in Hayden's heart were disappearing when the group of them descended the mountain.

Little by little, it disappeared without a trace, returning to an indescribable calm.

Gradually... gradually...

On the slightly shaking stretcher, Hayden's eyelids closed together without him being conscious.



Afterwards, two days later.

Hayden wakes up on a warship bound for Marine Vandor, the Navy headquarters.

What I saw when I opened my eyes was the routine ward of a warship that I was so familiar with.

Every furnishings in the ward seems to have not been updated since the last time it appeared in this scene, and it is roughly the same style.

But this time, Hayden couldn't stand up from the bed.

The wound on the chest from Doflamingo's blow was too serious.

If someone else suffered such a horrific injury, I'm afraid it would be...


He would definitely be killed on the spot, nothing else to say.

After waking up, he was instantly swept away by the pain in his chest that made his teeth itch, making him unable to move even at a normal range. He could only move his body carefully and sit up.

There was no one in the room except Hayden at this time.

The feeling he felt when he moved his body just now made him give up the idea of ​​getting out of bed immediately.

What happened afterwards?
What happened during my fight with Doflamingo?
Judging by Corazon's appearance at that time, that kid should have been saved as well.

Now that Luo's benefactor Corazon is still alive, what impact will it have on Luo's future development...

Immediately, countless questions popped up in Hayden's mind one by one.


Unable to get out of bed, and with nothing nearby to contact, Hayden's questions could not be answered.

At this time, the hour hand of the clock hanging on the wall just moved to twelve o'clock at noon.


After the sound of the hour hand, the door of the ward was pushed open.

It was the nurse lady who was doing daily checkups on Hayden who walked in. She was dragging a plate in her hand, she was lowering her head as if she was checking the contents of the plate, and she pushed the door and walked in.

She seemed to be muttering something, and she buried her head with her ball hair and walked to Hayden's bed.

Hayden silently did not make a sound the whole time, not knowing what expression to use to express his inner thoughts at the moment.

Then, the nurse put the tray on the bedside table aside, found a stool and sat down next to Hayden's bed.

He took out something from the tray, turned his eyes to the direction of Hayden at this moment, and saw the major general who thought he was still in a coma.

Hayden looked at the nurse in front of him and smiled.



"Depend on!"

As if all the pain in his body disappeared immediately, Hayden quickly covered his ears with his hands to defend against the sonic attack.

The nurse was completely taken aback by Hayden's eyeballs moving, and the things in her hand immediately fell on the bed sheet.

...after an awkward silence.

The nurse regained her composure, then motioned to the major general in front of her, and then went out of the ward to report to the superior that the major general was awake.

(End of this chapter)

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