Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 138 Incompetent Fury

Chapter 138 Incompetent Fury

After a few minutes of silence.

Hayden saw the door of the ward being pushed open.

What caught his eyes was Lieutenant General He, Corazon and Luo behind him, entering Hayden's ward together.

"How's your body feeling, kid?"

Corazon asked Hayden as he opened the door.

He was only a little shorter than his elder brother Doflamingo, and he was so eye-catching that when he opened the door of the ward, Hayden knew who was coming.

At this time, his whole body looks almost the same as that of Hayden lying on the hospital bed. Both of them are wrapped in white bandages, like two Egyptian mummies.

Followed by Granny He and a little ghost head behind her, wearing a spotted velvet hat and a little ghost head with abnormal white spots on his face.

Corazon walked first, Grandma He walked second, and Luo followed behind Grandma He as if at a loss.

The three stood by Hayden's hospital bed together.

Corazon gave Lieutenant General He a seat on the only stool in the ward, and he and Luo stood beside the bed.

Hayden looked at them and smiled, and said, "As you can see, there are no missing arms or missing legs."

Now, the tense atmosphere in the crisis event has disappeared, and they can be said to be much more relaxed.

Corazon listened to Hayden, the kid's answer, looked down at his appearance at this time, and felt complicated emotions in his heart. Although it seemed that he shouldn't laugh, he was still amused by Hayden's words.

"It doesn't seem to be a big problem," Corazon answered his own question.

Since Hayden was able to speak like this, Corazon knew that Hayden's body should be fine.

As for Lieutenant General He, who sat on the stool and stared at Hayden closely, she didn't know why these guys always like to mess around. Didn't this brat follow Zefa's men before? How did he learn the habit of that guy Garp.

Fortunately, they caught up at the last moment, otherwise, according to the situation of the brat at that time, Doflamingo must have dealt with him.

There was still no smile on Lieutenant General He's face, she reprimanded Hayden: "Didn't I tell you to follow behind them, how could you rush up directly, and even confronted Doflamingo."

Lieutenant General Crane's serious voice instantly aroused the reactions of Hayden and Corazon, causing them to shiver subconsciously.

As for Luo next to him, he didn't feel anything.

For some reason, during the few days on this warship, Luo seemed to be getting closer to Granny He.

Hayden shrank his head after hearing Granny Crane's reprimand.

He knew that Grandma He was thinking of him and for his own good.However, under the situation of being reprimanded at this moment, it aroused his instinct to refute.

Looking up, he said from his mouth with an indifferent expression: "Well, although they didn't catch the Doflamingo family in the end, they didn't get the fruit of the operation, didn't they?"


Lieutenant General He frowned when he heard the word "surgical fruit", but thinking of what he learned later, she knew that Hayden should know the real reason behind this incident.

Hayden didn't care, he paused for a moment and then thought in his heart: Did something happen after I passed out halfway?

How many days have passed now?

How did this whole thing end, and what happened elsewhere in it...

Followed by.

He turned his gaze to Granny He, and then asked, "Grandma He, what happened on that island after that?"

Hearing this question, Lieutenant General He and Corazon's expressions darkened immediately.

The Doflamingo family escaped from the Navy's follow-up pursuit force.

In the original book, Doflamingo's gang escaped several times from Vice Admiral Crane's warship right behind their pirate ship.I don't know the exact situation, but the general idea should be the same.

For Lieutenant General He, it can be said that she has completely failed in her part of the mission in this whole incident, and she even almost got Hayden.

But Corazon didn't know how long it would take after this time to imprison that guy in Dover into the city.

Although the reasons for the two people's emotional changes are different, their emotions are the same.


At this moment, Hayden didn't need to wait for the answer from the two of them, just their expressions could tell that it should be almost the same as what he thought.

In this room, Luo didn't say a word. When he came in, he just stared at the guy lying on the bed covered in bandages. This was the guy who saved him and Mr. Cora from Doflamingo. ...

After that, Lieutenant General He and Corazon talked to Hayden for a few more words. After confirming the details, the two took Luo out of the ward and let Hayden rest well.

At this time, Hayden can have his own alone time, and he can sort out what happened up to now, as well as the things in his system.

Leaning back on the bed, Hayden closed his eyes and began to focus on calling out the system.

Immediately, he came to his own inner world, where the system skill tree was located.

The display of exchange points was called out, but the system did not prompt him to obtain a new sum of points.

But this is no accident, Hayden recalled the scene of that guy Doflamingo jumping out of the hole, just thinking about it made him feel his teeth clenched.


Grandma's, I almost got gg if I was careless!
Hayden said helplessly and furiously next to the skill tree, his fists were clenched tightly, and he wanted to release the breath he held in his heart.

But in the space of this system, even if he can lift more than twenty tons of weight with one hand to bombard it, there will be no reaction at all, and his own feeling will be reflexively painful.Believe Hayden, he has already tried...

Hayden, who had nowhere to release, had no choice but to dance on the platform of the skill tree, as if he was dancing street dance.

Looking at the things on the skill tree that were only a few points away from Flamingo's points, Hayden took a few deep breaths to manage his emotions.

I am a civilized person... I am a civilized person...

The shortness of breath gradually calmed down, Hayden simply stopped thinking about this thing, and walked around to the back of the skill tree.Here's one place he found a way to store system lottery stuff.

Although he has kept his points unused for the past two years, he still couldn't resist the temptation of lottery draws a few times, and drew a few... a few times.

The lottery is mostly a routine, there are many spicy things, but few good things.But Hayden still got a few draws?useful stuff.

Followed by.

From a pile of useless items on the ground, he took out a black bottle with a pattern representing a death skull painted on the surface. The style was the same as that of 'pesticide', so that people could understand what it was at a glance.

There must be poison in this bottle...

(End of this chapter)

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