Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 142 Domineering

Chapter 142 Domineering
at this time.

"OK OK."

Teacher Zefa's voice sounded behind them all, and immediately aroused their instinctive reaction to Teacher Zefa.Like being caught doing something bad, everyone held their breath and dared not speak.

"Keep training!"

Teacher Zefa's stern voice sounded right behind them.

Everyone didn't dare to continue watching, and they didn't dare to look back at Teacher Zefa, so they started the interrupted training.

Hayden and Ham also naturally heard Teacher Zefa's voice.

The look that flickered in Hayden's eyes changed in the blink of an eye.

Then, the icy breath that Ham felt from the sea soldier in front of him disappeared suddenly, as if it was just his own illusion.

But at the same time, the feeling of goosebumps on the students who continued to train at the side disappeared strangely.

Hayden then let go of the big man's hand.

At this moment, Ham seemed to have escaped from the hands of natural enemies, and his frozen body was freed immediately.His life and death are now in his own hands.

Note that there are still half of the students on the side of Ham and the sailor. They caught a glimpse of this scene, and they seemed to understand something immediately.

Just now, it seemed, indeed, it was this unknown sailor who subdued Ham with only one hand.They also realized that the sailor didn't look like the sailor they had first seen.

This sailor... No, it should be this unnamed naval expert.

Although they didn't know what he was doing here, they knew that they definitely wouldn't be looking for their students.but
"Teacher Zefa!"

After hearing Teacher Zefa's voice, Hayden saw Teacher Zefa's figure at a glance, appearing behind a group of students.

Sure enough, he was looking for Teacher Zefa.
At this time, the students between Hayden and Zefa had the same thought in their hearts, exchanged glances and thought.

It's just, it seems that this person looking for Teacher Zefa feels so young
They thought Hayden was just the same age as them, around seventeen or eighteen.


After seeing this guy subdue that guy Ham with one move, their speculation about Hayden's age was not the original idea.

Sure enough, bigwigs like to pretend to be tender.
A group of students secretly confirmed their conclusions at this moment.

"Little devil."

Zefa looked at Hayden's appearance and smiled at him.

Hayden smiled twice, and walked towards Teacher Zefa without saying anything.He didn't care about the strange big man behind him, nor did he care about the countless eyes on both sides focusing on him.

Then, Hayden walked up to Zefa.

Over the past two years, Mr. Zefa's image has hardly changed.Temperament, clothing, hairstyle, all remain the same.

Likewise, the height does not shrink.

Hayden looked up at Teacher Zefa a little, and first said: "Mr. Zefa, long time no see." He greeted Zefa with a smile on his face.

"You little bastard"

Looking at the appearance of Hayden in front of him at this moment, Zefa seemed to feel that he had aged a lot in an instant, and he suddenly fell into the time of memories.

This kid has been in the navy since he was a child. Although he has been in the navy for many years, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he seems to be just about to become an adult.

Zefa sighed in his heart, staring at Hayden who hadn't seen him for more than two years.

"Why did you come to see me so early in the morning?"

Zefa didn't have any extra greetings, and asked Hayden directly.

It seemed that it was just dawn, and Hayden came to him right after he came back, probably because he had something important to say.

Since Mr. Zefa didn't plan to say any more greetings, Hayden didn't care, he just liked such a straightforward style.

"Teacher Zefa, I'm here today to ask you to learn about domineering."

Hayden told Teacher Zefa without hesitation, why he came here early in the morning.

"Before returning to the headquarters, Lieutenant He and I carried out the task of arresting Doflamingo in Beihai.

In the process of fighting Doflamingo, I realized that my eyes can't capture the attacks that are difficult to see with the naked eye. attack……"

Hayden then told Mr. Zefa his reason.

He has recently felt that his strength has fallen into a stagnant stage.

Although the usual exercise has not stopped, but the strength in his body, the feeling during the fight, seems to be the same as he felt a few months ago.

Hayden didn't have the feeling of exercising before the beginning, and every time he swung the knife, he could feel that he was growing rapidly.

That's why he hopes to get points and exchange them for something big.

However, now that the points are gone, he is too lazy to go out to the headquarters to find pirates.

Besides, it's time for domineering things.

After Zefa heard about Hayden, he was silent for a moment and thought about it in his heart.

It's really time for this kid, Hayden, to practice domineering.
After thinking about it, Zefa immediately agreed to him: "Well, that's good, let's do it now. It's just that you can cooperate with me, let these be your juniors, and these little devils take a good look at it."

"OK, all right."

Hayden responded to Mr. Zefa, and Mr. Zefa is better than Niubi!

Then, as if he didn't hear the meaning behind Zefa's words, he planned to leave here.


He just turned around when he suddenly remembered the whole meaning of Teacher Zefa's words in the last second.

"Eh! Wait!"

Hayden was a little confused, "Now? Cooperate?" He looked at Teacher Zefa with a puzzled face and asked back.


Zefa immediately nodded and said, and then he ignored Hayden's reaction, put his right hand on his shoulder, and pushed him towards the center of the dojo.

Followed by.

The students present only listened, and Teacher Zefa said "Assemble!!!"

They reflexively put down all the training in their hands and stood in line in the middle of the dojo.

They didn't know what Teacher Zefa was doing with that person at this time, and they didn't dare to ask.

At the same time, when Zefa led Hayden to the middle of the huge dojo, Zefa told Hayden what he was going to do next.

"Domineering, this is a kind of potential power possessed by all human beings in this world, an innate power. The color of knowledge, the color of arms, the color of domineering, you should still know these things I told you before."

Hearing this, Hayden nodded in confusion. He didn't understand why he was repeating it again.

Zefer didn't look at Hayden either, and continued to tell him as he walked slowly.

"The six naval styles you have learned before are basically considered domineering and practiced in advance."

What Zefa revealed in his casual words surprised Hayden immediately.

"Navy Six?"

Hayden didn't understand at the moment, although the effect of several moves was almost the same as the domineering he knew, but he didn't have domineering after learning the six moves.


Just when Hayden was puzzled, Zefa led him to the students lined up...

(End of this chapter)

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