Chapter 143
"Yes, that's right."

Zefa answered Hayden's question.


He looked at the neatly lined up students in front of him. He temporarily ignored Hayden's reaction, and said directly to the group of recruits in front of him:

"Today, you just have this good opportunity to let the young master standing next to me demonstrate some of the next six moves to you."

The meaning in Teacher Zefa's words in front of him immediately caused this group of students who lined up to talk about it.

"Major general of the headquarters?"

"I didn't expect this person's military rank to be so high."

"What a great guy."

Although everyone already knew that this young boss was very powerful, they still didn't expect his military rank to be so high.

Noticing the reaction of the crowd in front of him, Hayden temporarily put aside the question about the 'Navy Six'.

Looking at the new batch of sailors who joined Mr. Zefa in front of him, he folded his arms and shook his head and sighed.

Hey, it looks like it's about to start again
Why is it that I want to pretend to be compared, but others insist on giving me this opportunity?
A look of loneliness, of reluctance, suddenly came over Hayden's face.

Zefa continued: "This major general of the headquarters, that is, the navy that was directly promoted to the rank of major general after graduating from this training camp more than two years ago."

all of a sudden.

Everyone listened to the information, and then someone recalled the scene more than two years ago.

One evening, they accidentally heard the news that some graduates had obtained the rank of major general that the lieutenant generals of the three natural departments had obtained when they graduated.

You know, from the beginning of the general Zefa training camp to the present, among the batches of thousands of sea soldiers during this period, only three monsters from the natural department have this level when they graduate. They did not expect that there will be a fourth person who has obtained up.

Of course, they want to see who is so powerful.


The students standing in front of Hayden gradually merged the appearance of Hayden with the appearance of the person standing on the platform in the square in their memories.

They knew that this person was the one named Hayden who had obtained the rank of major general after graduation.

I haven't heard any news about this major general for more than two years. Did he go somewhere to carry out a secret mission?
Immediately afterwards, everyone realized something.

Remember the age of Major General Hayden at the time
In other words, the current him is about the same age as the group of them.

The people who thought of this one after another fell silent one after another.

Immediately, the chattering crowd fell silent.

Zefa didn't care about their reactions, and then continued: "Today, I asked Major General Hayden to demonstrate the Navy Sixth Form to you."

After speaking, he looked towards Hayden.

"Okay, later you use paper drawings to avoid my attack." While speaking, he gestured for Hayden to keep a little distance from him with his eyes.

After listening.

Hayden obediently complied with Teacher Zefa's wishes, and stood firm after keeping a distance, holding a Zanpakutō that had no place to put it in one hand.Holding two Zanpakuto inserted into the scabbard in one hand is really a bit awkward for him.

Zefa and Hayden stood in their positions, and the students who were preparing to observe the Navy Type [-] were also ready.

However, a few seconds later, Zefa was not ready to attack.

He stood where he was, with a headache on his face, looking left and right.

Zefa didn't find any attack for him to throw as a long-range attack.Of course, he has the means to attack remotely.But in the current situation, there is no need to make the scene too big.

Zephyr thought for a moment.

Then, in the eyes of everyone including Hayden, Teacher Zefa stomped his foot on the floor without saying a word.


This specially made floor was enough to support the training floor of many 'monster' students, and it split right away.

With a "boom", in a cloud of smoke, the ground instantly lifted.

Zefa swept away the smoke that blocked his view, and then, in the eyes of everyone, took a piece of the broken floor that was raised and held it in his hand.


"Teacher Zefa is really amazing"

"I can reach the level of Teacher Zefa at any time."

The students were immediately surprised.But at the same time, a question also popped up in their hearts.

What is this for?
At this moment, not only the students watching had doubts in their hearts, but Hayden, who was standing opposite Zefa, also had doubts.


Everyone present got an answer.

I saw that the half of the floor in the hands of Teacher Zefa turned black in the hands of Teacher Zefa.The floor, which was still light-colored a second ago, is instantly stained with a layer of metallic ink.

"what is that?"

"Why does it feel like there's an intimidating aura on that thing?"

Some of the students couldn't help but ask questions immediately.

As for some of the students, they have heard a little about this black thing. "That thing seems to be domineering, right?" They expressed similar meanings.

However, none of these discussions resulted in a single result.

Isn't Teacher Zefa going to demonstrate the six poses? Why is he still using domineering? Would this be too much?
Also confused, of course, was Hayden who was standing in front of Zefa at this time.

Although Teacher Zefa didn't say anything at this time, he knew that the black thing was an effect of the armed color's domineering.

It's just, don't you want me to demonstrate paper painting?Just a little bit of ranged attack would be fine.
Hayden stared at Zefa's movements, thinking puzzledly in his heart.

No way, Mr. Zefa is planning to play for real.

Just as Hayden was thinking this way, Zefa yelled at Hayden:

"get ready!"

The voice fell.

For an instant.

Zefa threw the fragments of the floor that were entangled in his armed domineering style towards Hayden.The fragments of the floor immediately turned into a sharp black arrow, and the speed of the attack was so fast that the figure of the attack itself was blurred.

As soon as he struck, the students present immediately felt the ferocity of Teacher Zefa's attack.

They immediately realized that there was nothing they could do about this attack by replacing the most powerful guy among them.

And Hayden, facing this attack at the moment.

"Really come"

Hayden stared at the incoming attack and murmured.

He didn't feel the feeling of being locked in when he couldn't tell when he was attacked in this attack.Although this attack was coming in his direction, it actually didn't pose any threat to him.

The next moment, the black sharp arrow arrived.

"Paper Painting."

Hayden murmured.


In the eyes of everyone, his body seemed to have turned into a producer, and he dodged the attack instantly with an exaggerated range of motion.

Moreover, he stepped on his feet on the floor without moving the slightest bit, relying solely on his ability to control his body, he avoided Teacher Zefa's aggressive attack.

"Hey, hey, it's true."

"An attack of this speed can be dodged"

"That major general is amazing."

Everyone watched the major general's response. Although they were practicing the six naval styles, none of them could reach this level.

Not to mention, under this incomparably swift attack, it was unleashed...

(End of this chapter)

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