Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 144 Knowledge Color and Armed Color

Chapter 144 Knowledge Color and Armed Color


For Hayden, it is still a bit difficult to display it to the current level in such an extremely fierce fighting situation.

Hayden retracted his exaggeratedly distorted body and returned to its normal form.

"Teacher Zefa, you are really here!"

He shouted loudly towards Teacher Zefa who was opposite.Isn't this just a demonstration of the Navy's sixth style, is it necessary to be so serious...

Zefa didn't care much about it.

If Hayden couldn't even handle an attack of this level, then there was no need to teach Hayden to continue to 'learn domineering'.

But Zefa knew that the brat Hayden would definitely be able to escape, and he knew it without even thinking about it.

"It's okay, brat."

After he said something to Hayden, he temporarily ignored Hayden, and turned to face the students standing next to them.

"The one just now is a complete paper drawing. If you can cultivate your body control ability to this level, you will be able to avoid the attack at the speed just now."

Zefa walked towards Hayden while talking to the group of students.

Listening to Teacher Zefa's words, the hope of getting stronger as soon as possible was ignited in the hearts of all the students.Afterwards, Zefa asked them to disband the group of students.

At this time, Zefa also walked to Hayden's side.

"How did you feel after drawing on paper?" he asked Hayden, who was standing next to him.

Hayden didn't feel much, just the normal feeling after releasing the paper drawing.

"It's nothing." He shrugged indifferently.

Hearing what Hayden meant, Zefa was not surprised.

"As I said just now, the Sixth Form of the Navy is the early stage of domineering, um, it doesn't seem right..." Zefa said and paused here, thinking for a while.

"Anyway, it's almost the same meaning. There is a certain connection between the Sixth Form of the Navy and Domineering." He said casually.

After hearing this, Hayden thought that although the Sixth Form of the Navy was somewhat similar to Domineering, he didn't expect that there was a connection between them.He looked at Teacher Zefa with a puzzled expression on his face.

Zefa didn't say much, and told him the connection directly.

"Chihua is to unload the whole body strength, observe the airflow changes produced by the opponent's movements, and then follow that change, change your body along the way, so as to avoid the attack towards yourself."

"Huh?" Hayden tilted his head in confusion.

Zefa did not pause, and continued:

"Paper painting is like using the help of the eyes, and then concentrate all the consciousness to observe the change of air flow, just observe this one point.

And knowledgeable domineering means that you can close your eyes and use your heart to see the world we live in.Concentrated awareness is not focused on one point, but expanded to your surroundings. "

Having said this, Zefa stopped to look at Hayden's reaction.

However, Hayden was even more puzzled, he was not very familiar with these theories.

Zefa also knows this about Hayden, and he himself doesn't like to use words to teach others.

"To put it simply, just cover your eyes honestly, and then get beaten. When you can close your eyes and avoid it, you will have learned the color of knowledge." Zefa told Hayden to practice the color of knowledge .


Hayden choked on his own spit.

Teacher Zefa said a lot, and he thought there was something mysterious about it, but the result was similar to what he thought.

After a while, Hayden continued to ask: "What about the armed domineering?"

"Armed domineering?"

"Yes." Hayden nodded immediately.

"Armed-color domineering is like a layer of invisible armor covering the user's body. Armed-color domineering is colorless and invisible. However, as long as the hardness of the armor is hard, the defense will naturally change into attack power."

As he said that, Zefa's right arm muscles moved, and the entire right arm, including the clothes, was instantly covered with a layer of black armor shining with black light.

"Depend on……"

Seeing this thing, Hayden brought back memories of being hanged and beaten by Teacher Zefa.What he wanted to ask was how to develop armed-color domineering, not what is armed-color domineering.

Zefa didn't pause, and continued: "Hardening, covering, you should know these, but there is another kind of domineering about the armed color."


Hayden frowned, why is there another kind?
I missed it when I read the comics before?Or was it added later?Or did I forget?

At this time, Zefa stood a little away from Hayden, about five or six meters away.While Hayden watched Teacher Zefa's movements, he didn't understand what he was going to do.

Zefa said to him at this time: "There is another one that is the next one, and do a good job of iron defense."

Hayden didn't ask much, and continued to follow Teacher Zefa's instructions honestly.If you follow the routine just now, it seems that the next...

"Get ready." Zefa's voice sounded immediately.


Zefa's right hands were closed together into a palm shape, and the whole black right arm was pointed in the direction of Hayden. At this moment, Hayden felt like a cannon capable of smashing an island, the muzzle was facing He does.

Hayden, who was in the iron block, didn't know how Mr. Zefa was going to show him the domineering arrogance at this time.But he knew that his next feeling would definitely not be a good one.



A roar like a real cannon sounded instantly on Zefa's palm.

Followed by.

An invisible attack that made Hayden feel extremely real, immediately impacted on him.Even though there was nothing in front of him, he still seemed to be hit by some kind of attack.

Although the attack wasn't very powerful, he felt that the body behind the iron block didn't have any effect at all, as if it went directly through the iron block and attacked inside.

What is this?

This question immediately popped up in Hayden's mind, and he looked at Teacher Zefa in front of him suspiciously.

Zefa understood Hayden's question at a glance, and immediately answered: "Just now is another form of armed domineering - flow." He said, he took off the armed color on his right arm.

"Control the armed arrogance in the body, flow it into your body, then focus on one point, and release it in one breath. Not only can you attack the enemy from the air, but you can also directly attack the enemy's interior."

Zefa finished talking here.

While Hayden was studying, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

After listening to this lesson of armed domineering, it is simply the flow of domineering, and then the qigong wave of One Piece World Edition.

Hayden thought to himself, but how to practice this armed domineering, it seems that you haven't told me yet, right?

He immediately said, "Teacher Zefa, how to practice this armed domineering look?"

When Zefa heard this question, he coughed twice and was silent for a second.

Then, he opened his mouth and said:

"Breath, aura, these invisible feelings are hidden in human beings. When these feelings are fused together, the willpower is condensed to the extreme, and turned into a weapon. This powerful force is called 'dominant energy'. To control the arrogance, you can By no means an easy task.

However, I told you all the methods just now, if it were you, you should be able to learn domineering quickly..."

Zefa patted Hayden on the shoulder with an unforgiving expression and finished speaking.


He walked away from here and continued to teach the students in the training camp.Hayden was the only one left, standing there in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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