Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 145 New Journey No Wind Belt Confirmed

Chapter 145 New Journey No Wind Belt Confirmed

time flies.

It has been a week since Hayden went to ask Mr. Zefa about HQ that day.

That morning, Zefa said a lot of things about domineering, and after Hayden's whole head was dizzy, Hayden didn't know how he returned to the place where he lived.

Fortunately, the next day, Zefa sent someone to Hayden with a pamphlet about domineering cultivation.

The pamphlet records rough things such as the practice of domineering, although what is written on it is almost just a rough idea.However, Hayden felt that what Mr. Zefa told him was much clearer.

After obtaining the booklet, Hayden has been devoting himself to the practice of domineering.Today, that is, a week later, he suddenly felt that the island of Marin Vanduo seemed not a suitable place for him to practice domineering.

It was also just right, because he had just returned to the headquarters more than two years ago, and because of the injury on his body at the moment, the higher authorities gave Hayden a month-long vacation.

Luffy, the protagonist in the One Piece comics, learned his arrogance on an uninhabited island. Now that he has this time, Hayden also decided to go to the uninhabited island to practice arrogance.

Speaking of the uninhabited island, it naturally has to be the same place as the protagonist.

Destination - the windless belt!

For this reason, Hayden made all the preparations early this morning.

A week's ration is so big that a backpack taller than others can barely fit it.However, he still doubts whether this little thing is enough for him to last for three or four days.

Two changes of clothes, a bestseller on How to Take Your Charm to the Next Level, and then, then…

Hayden stood in his room counting the items, frowning.

That's all it seems... he thought.

"Forget it, that's all, that's all." Hayden muttered.

Then, put the two Zanpakutō in the waists on both sides, and carry the backpack on the back that can hide others in it.


Hayden opened the door of the room, looked at the bright sunshine outside, and walked out with steps.

The backpack on his back jammed the door frame without accident, preventing him from getting out of the room.


Hayden's mouth twitched.

Because these rations were brought in in batches, he was in a hurry to prepare to leave, but he didn't consider this issue.

But fortunately, the place he lives in is relatively remote, and no one outside can see him like this.And he didn't have to force the door to break out, or take things out.

Hayden closed the door and walked towards another door in the living room that was larger than the door that went out. This door directly connected to his garage, where his silver colt slept.

However, this time because he was going to the calm zone, he sent the silver horse to be refitted a few days ago, and added a little sea building stone.After all, even if he has the ability to deal with super large sea kings, he really doesn't want to deal with super large sea kings.


Hayden, carrying a large bag, walked through the town of Marin Vandor to a navy dock.This is the place agreed in advance between Hayden and the group of people who modified him.

Should I send my silver colt?

Hayden stood at the gate of this dock, thinking to himself.

Afterwards, he opened the small warehouse door that looked like a huge warehouse and walked in.

Immediately, the sound of knocking and knocking metal noises spread into Hayden's ears, accompanied by an unpleasant smell of rust, rushing towards his face.

Hayden couldn't help narrowing his eyes, covered his nose, and walked towards the inside at a slightly slower pace.

In this dock, only two damaged warships are parked here, and the rest of the docking positions are all vacant.

At this moment, the workers in the dock didn't care about Hayden's appearance, and they kept doing their jobs non-stop.

At this time, a man who was pointing at a damaged warship, a man who was slightly older than the working boatmen, noticed Hayden, who had the rank of major general.

He immediately stopped what he was doing and walked towards Hayden.He had been instructed by his superiors before that a man named Major General Hayden would come to him today to pick up his things.

"Major General Hayden? That's right."

He walked up to Hayden and confirmed it to him.

"Yeah." Hayden frowned, "Yes, I'm Hayden."

Hearing that the name was correct, the man laughed, "It's good if it's right, it's good if it's right," he said.

Then he stretched out his hand to a place, and continued: "Just call me Fujiwara, your things have been delivered, and it's right there."

After speaking, he led Hayden to the door.This is the place where the spare parts of the warship are stored, just right to place the things of Major General Hayden
Hayden didn't wait any longer, and followed the man inside.

After bypassing a group of boxes with unknown contents, Hayden followed the man to a long box.

"This is what was sent." Fujiwara gestured to Hayden.

This thing was packed in a box like this when it was delivered, and he really didn't know what the major general's thing was.

Hayden looked at the long box, and he immediately knew that it must be his silver horse, although he didn't know how the group of guys used the box.

Immediately, he stopped talking, walked directly to the box, and inserted his fingers into the thick wooden box.

In Fujiwara's surprised expression, the fingers inserted into the wooden box like a drilling machine lifted the lid of the wooden box with a "bang".

These guys are really good...

As a boatman, Fujiwara couldn't help but marvel at the strength of these people every time he saw these guys with superhuman strength make similar moves.

Lifting the lid, Hayden saw his own brand new silver colt.

He didn't pause, and continued to open the wooden boards blocking the four sides, so that the brand new silver colt would appear in front of his eyes.

The four planks fell to the ground immediately, and the silver horse naturally appeared in front of Hayden and Fujiwara.

Hayden took two steps back, ready to take a good look at the heroic appearance of the silver horse at this time.

As for Fujiwara, when he saw what this thing was, he fell into doubt.

What is this major general and that motorcycle doing here?Isn't the major general going to sail to catch pirates? How do you ride a motorcycle on the sea?

Fujiwara couldn't figure it out.

However, he immediately saw the excited look of the major general.

"A tinge of fiery red is added to the silvery white, the shell becomes sharper, and the tires become fatter, just like the indescribable beauty..."

Hayden looked at the brand new silver colt at this time, and murmured involuntarily.

Originally, he thought that the light was only silver, which was a bit monotonous, but this modification just allowed the group of guys to change their looks by the way.

It's just that Hayden didn't expect that the modified one was exactly what he wanted.


Hayden mounted his brand new silver horse... no.

It should be called "Red Silver Horse" now.


Hayden, who was sitting on the locomotive, thanked Fujiwara beside him.

Then, he wasn't going to wait another second here.

Sode Shirayuki pulled it out and inserted it into the red silver horse's body, turned the accelerator, and let out a roar.

Followed by.

The figure of Hayden riding a motorcycle quickly left in front of Fujiwara.

Fujiwara, who was still confused, hurriedly chased him out of the room. He still didn't understand where the major general who seemed to be preparing to sail was on his motorcycle, and he was going where he was going on a motorcycle.

After leaving the door, his eyes turned to the direction where the locomotive roared away.

At this moment, he got the answer to the question in his mind.

that's it.

Together with the boatmen who were sluggishly staying in the dock at the same time, they looked at the figure of Hayden riding a motorcycle on the sea outside the dock, drifting away...

(End of this chapter)

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