Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 150 When I'm Playdough?

Chapter 150 When I'm Playdough?
boom! boom! boom!
Hayden, who started instantly, stomped on the air, and there was an air explosion under his feet, and his figure immediately jumped into the sky.

On the deck of the Perfume Snake behind them, a group of female pirates who were shocked watching this scene, they didn't expect that this person didn't look as strong as them, and he was able to fly.

A look of surprise also flashed in Boa Hancock's eyes at this time. It seems that this person who claims to be a rear admiral is not a fake?

Hancock she wasn't sure, still skeptical.

Then, in her eyes.

This disgusting man with a sword rose through the air to the level of the sea king's eyes.

At this moment, Hayden stared at the super-large sea king in front of him.

Its two giant eyes occupy almost the upper part of its entire face, while the lower part is its abyssal mouth.

There was a fishy smell all over his body that made him feel sick, and he forcibly suppressed the feeling that was spinning in his chest.

So, the Neptunes that haven't been processed in any way have never been Hayden's first choice.

Hayden generally wouldn't kill things he didn't want to eat casually.

But now this thing, if it's going to hinder him, naturally has to be resolved.

The spiritual pressure was infused and compressed on the Senben Sakura in his hand at this moment, and he clenched his hands tightly.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of the female pirates on the deck below him.

Hayden lifted the knife and swung an ordinary oblique cross.

The two formed sword qi merged into a whole, drew a whistling sound in the air, and then flew towards the face of the sea king in front of him.

next moment.

Everyone present heard a "hissing" sound at the same time, as if their clothes had been cut by something sharp.

Then, two overlapping terrifying scars appeared on the face of this Neptune, accompanied by fountain-like blood gushing out into the sky here.

In an instant, the incomparably blue sky suddenly rained blood.It not only blurs the color of the sky, but also changes the color of the ocean.

Huo Ran!

The female pirates of the Nine Snake Pirates watched this scene on the deck. Their eyes were staring like lanterns at some point, and their mouths were wide open. They couldn't believe that this man had the ability to solve the problem in the calm zone with one move. The strength of the Neptune class.

"Are all men out there like this guy?"


"If all men are as powerful as this, then we..."

All of a sudden, the female pirates on the ship couldn't help talking in a low voice, and the longbow with the arrow on the string was completely lowered unconsciously.


Boa Hancock was distracted by the chatter of his group.

Squinting her eyes, she looked at the back of the disgusting man who was hanging in mid-air at this time. Through the trick just now, she now knew that this man must have the strength of the rear admiral he said.

That is, I don’t know if his strength is only at the level of a rear admiral he said...


Her two sisters next to her looked at Hancock's back, and couldn't help but whispered.Looking at the man's actions, the two of them felt a little uncertain about this matter.

This voyage is the first for all of them.

To be honest, they were a little unsure about everything.Not to mention, in the few days since he came out, the first man he encountered was the navy who entered the calm zone alone.

Hancock ignored the sister next to him, she watched Hayden's back, a trace of solemnity flashed in her eyes.

Since it is confirmed that this man does not seem to be a guy full of nonsense, then he dares to bring him to Wufeng alone. Although he does not know his real purpose, this guy...


Thinking of this, Hancock snorted coldly.

No matter how uncertain this man was, she didn't panic at all.

Because of what?
Because just now Hancock knew this man at a glance, and after seeing her beauty, this man, like any other man, was immediately captured by her beauty.

This also means that no matter how powerful he is in the end, as long as his body is only touched by her ability, that part of his body will be hardened by her ability.

In the end, it will only be her, Boa Hancock, who will win.

at this time.

Hayden, who was bathed in the rain of blood, looked as if he had just blown up a cesspit and splashed on his face.

Some blood was spattered on the clothes on his chest, although he used Ghost Dao to create a 'rainproof cover' in time, it was still a step too late.

Hayden fell back on the deck with a sullen face, and at the same time threw away the coat on his body. He didn't want to wear clothes that smelled like selling murlocs.

In this way, only the vest inside was left, revealing the solid muscles of his upper body.

Hayden inserted Qianben Sakura back into the scabbard casually, and then, just as he was about to help his motorcycle up.

Boa Hancock's voice sounded again behind him.

"Sweet and sweet!"

"I'm sorry!"

Hayden immediately picked up the motorcycle, walked away from the deck where he was standing, and dodged to the roof of the cabin next to him.


Hancock's pupils shrank suddenly.

She was surprised that the attack failed again, and the way the enemy disappeared this time, her eyes didn't catch the disappearing figure of the enemy.

"What about the man?!"


A group of female pirates on the deck couldn't help exclaiming. They couldn't help being surprised that a big living person disappeared before their eyes in the blink of an eye just now.

Followed by.

"Hey, hey, I saved your pirate's life as a navy, and you, a woman, sneak up on me, you are really bad!"

Hayden stood on the roof of the cabin, looked down at Hancock and complained loudly.

The style of the Pirate Empress who likes to do it without saying a word really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"So what?"

Hancock said indifferently, "No matter what I do, whether I throw you overboard to feed the fish, kill you, or kill the navy, the whole world will forgive me."

The expression on her face didn't change at all, as if she was talking about small things like what to eat today and what to do tomorrow.

"If you want to ask the reason, yes, it's because the concubine is too beautiful..."

After all, the long hair behind Hancock fluttered slightly, as if there was an uncontrollable aura that spread suddenly, like the ripples produced when a stone falls into the water.

The ripples spread to all the minions around her, and they all dropped their weapons and screamed for their lord Snake.

The ripples also spread to Hayden on the roof of the cabin.

It's just that he, who has been staring at Hancock's beauty, has produced some antibodies in his brain during this period of time.Although he still couldn't resist the impulse in his heart very well, he wasn't as helpless as before.

Although you are the woman I'm going to get, but he is not plasticine, he is not plasticine, he can be manipulated by anyone!
Hayden didn't answer, thinking silently in his heart.

Although, he still doesn't know how to deal with the ability to petrify the sweet fruit.

But he has already decided—to subdue the entire ship of pirates, just like the days in the North Sea, let the ship of pirates honestly serve him under his orders.

Hayden pulled out Sode Shirayuki inserted into the locomotive, and pulled out Senbon Sakura from the scabbard. He was ready to fight...

(End of this chapter)

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