Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 151 Proposals

Chapter 151 Proposals
Hayden suddenly burst out the spiritual pressure on his body.

Before everyone present, including Boa Hancock, had time to react, an invisible aura suddenly enveloped them.

They know that this is not how they feel alone at the moment, and all the companions they see have the same reaction as themselves.

Suffocation, weakness, as if being pressed by a heavy object.

At this moment, it seemed that they could see this space with their naked eyes, and a certain super-abnormal breath resonated with the space, producing tremors visible to the naked eye, blurring the vision in front of them.

Hayden's violent spiritual pressure swept across the Perfume Snake with impunity.

The pirate ship was instantly occupied, and even the two giant snakes that could intimidate sea kings came out of the bow. Under such a sense of oppression, they all trembled as if some kind of terrifying creature was pressing on them. Helplessly froze in place.

The Perfume Snake, which was sailing slowly, stopped on the windless belt at this moment.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a sudden silence.

It was so quiet that the two sisters standing beside Boa Hancock could clearly hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

This strange phenomenon was not caused by the domineering look, but the result of Hayden being several times or even dozens of times higher than the group of female pirates at the moment.

The oppression from the depths of the soul made them unable to control the ability of the body to move, and they could only let the oppressed soul make action decisions at this moment.

After a moment of dead silence, there was such a strange sound.

Feeling a slight vibration from the deck, looking up at Hayden's Hancock, she realized that the people under her could not bear the strange oppression in the environment at the moment.

They fell down one after another, and their powerless bodies seemed to be instantly sucked out of their souls by some invisible thing.

At this moment, except for her and her two sisters, no one can keep standing.

The three of them were left behind, and the faces of the three of them could not help showing a look of horror.

Facing the current situation, Boa Hancock could no longer maintain the calm posture he had just now.

As the owner of the domineering look, she is very clear that the situation she is encountering now is not caused by the domineering look.However, it still appears as if the domineering color of the overlord is activated.


"There's something wrong with this guy..."

The two younger sisters standing on both sides of Boya Hancock had extremely serious expressions on their faces, and the cold sweat oozing from their foreheads was clearly visible.

Under such pressure, the two of them could barely keep standing. If they wanted to attack under such pressure, they knew that it was impossible.

Hancock listened to the words from the two younger sisters next to her ear, and she naturally knew the seriousness of the current situation, and looked at the person above with a solemn expression.

If it is not caused by the domineering look, then what ability can achieve the current influence...

The move just now, without even thinking about it, must have been caused by this person.Hancock didn't dare to make a random move like just now, and he didn't know what other means this man had.

Immediately afterwards, the man above him made a move.

Hayden looked at the group of scantily clad female pirates who were either lying on the deck with their backs or their fronts lying on the deck below, and he was very satisfied with the spiritual pressure that erupted from him.

He nodded, and a smile couldn't help but rise on his face.

After that, he looked down at the three female emperor sisters who were left standing.

"Although I am a rear admiral of the navy, I really don't want to kill you." Hayden said with a smile on his face, "You let me have a good meal on this boat, and I will treat you as I haven't seen you..."

"How about it?"

Hayden makes a proposal to Boa Hancock, who is now below.After all, he really didn't want to kill Boa Hancock.

The current empress is much younger, although the temperament of Yujie is still a little immature.However, immature also has an immature flavor.

Tall figure, fair thighs...

These kinds of things cover all Hayden's favorite points about women.

He had to figure out a way to get it...

Hayden stared at Hancock's big eyes below, staring in a daze.

And Boa Hancock was silent for a moment.

After hearing this, she looked at the man with more and more disgusting eyes.Even though she was a little apprehensive about this man who was full of strangeness, she would never accept this proposal honestly based on this.

As the emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, and the possessor of the domineering look, she will never make decisions honestly according to the will of the enemy.

Boa Hancock was confident she was better than this disgusting man.She took a deep breath, she was not going to hesitate any longer.

She also didn't intend to respond to the man's proposal, and her hands were once again in a loving gesture.

"and many more!"

Hayden looked at the empress as if she was not ready to agree, and he only had the last solution that he suddenly thought of just now.

"I still have something to say!" He hurriedly motioned to Hancock.

The three empress sisters on the deck below were suddenly a little curious. This is the situation, what else does this man have to say?
Hancock stopped the activation of the ability.

Hayden said quickly after seeing it: "You should know that our navy has warships that can freely travel through the windless belt?"

The three Hancock sisters did not respond, and the expressions on their faces were still the same as before, with no expression.

Hayden didn't care, and continued:

"The surroundings of your Amazon Lily Island are full of lairs of huge sea kings. In the past, some harassers can naturally be isolated. But! What would it be like if it was filled with naval warships?"

When he said this, he couldn't help tilting his head, frowning a little curiously.

"You guy..."

The scene that the man said, seemed to be a memory that happened in real life, and instantly appeared in the minds of the three Hancock sisters.

Hancock's face instantly became colder than before.

If this happens, what can she do even if she alone has superhuman strength?
Although she said that she didn't care, no one would remain indifferent if anyone's hometown was brutally destroyed.

Looking at Hancock below, Hayden suddenly didn't know why, he felt that he seemed to be a bit of a bad person at the moment, and he just wanted to beg for food.

So, in this case, Hancock made a quick decision.

It is very common for some accidents to happen in the windless belt, let alone a navy operating alone
Hancock thought about the next development in his heart.

She didn't wait for the man's words that seemed to be unfinished, she stared closely at the figure of the man above, and aimed at the man with her hands in a loving pose...

(End of this chapter)

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