Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 152 Hancock vs. Hayden

Chapter 152 Hancock vs. Hayden
"Sweet and sweet!"

Hancock unleashes her real attack.

The seemingly powerless pink love is like a wave at this moment, constantly flying in the direction of Hayden, as if instantly adding a layer of girly filter to this space.


Hayden looked at the scene in front of him, he narrowed his eyes.The Empress really didn't intend to make any compromises.

The storm of love that appeared in front of him made him feel rather headache.

It would be fine if the Empress Tiantianguo's ability didn't work on him, and the next thing to do would be less troublesome.

However, I couldn't resist the instinct of being a man at all...

For any attack from the Empress, Hayden could only choose to avoid it as much as possible, instead of going head-on with her moves.

If it hits head-on, it must quickly form a layer of material to wrap its body, isolating the ability of the sweet fruit.


Hayden shook his head and quickly dodged off the roof of the cabin.


Boa Hancock wasn't surprised again that Hayden dodged her attack.

Afterwards, she flashed a trace of icy eyes, and immediately looked at the mast on the top of the cabin, and she sensed the man's breath appearing on it instantly.

Hayden's feet hit the mast with a soft thud.

Domineering, domineering, it is really troublesome to deal with this kind of ability without domineering...

He stared closely at Boa Hancock's figure below, thinking silently in his heart.

Although his speed can easily avoid the attack of the empress, but it is not a way to avoid it all the time.

And, though it's unknown how much stamina it took for Hancock to activate his abilities.

But from the relaxed way she activated her ability, and she should have already guessed that she dare not face her attack head-on, in other words, she should know that I know what her ability is.

Hayden thought quickly in his heart and thought of this.

At this time, the empress suddenly leaped high and rushed directly to Hayden's position without warning.

The two long legs wearing high heels kicked on the deck suddenly, and the slender figure was like a sharp arrow heading towards Hayden.

Hayden looked down at the attacking Hancock with flickering eyes.

Hancock looked up at Hayden closely, and gave him a cold look back.

Since my long-range attack can't hit this man, then the melee combat is fine...

At this moment, the robe on Hancock's body kept flapping under her extreme speed. Just from the momentum, Hayden knew that this move would definitely not be easy, and he didn't take it at all. idea.

Immediately afterwards, the gap between the two of them was only the width of one leg.

There are no extra actions.

Hancock twisted suddenly, his right leg suddenly stretched out, like a long white whip, and kicked towards Hayden standing on the mast with a "slap".

“Aromatic feet!!!”

The attack towards Hayden did not have any effect. It seemed to be just an ordinary kick, but in fact, this was not only a nearly perfect kick that Boa Hancock practiced for many years, but also an attack with her sweet fruit ability .

With this blow, regardless of whether the other party has aroused admiration for her beauty or not, the petrification ability of the sweet fruit will have an effect.

This blow was the one that could have directly kicked Hayden into pieces.


Hayden dodged at the last moment and left the mast he was standing on the last second.

Then, Hancock's original intention was to sweep and kick the man in half, and after losing his target, he kicked the erected mast directly.

Accompanied by the sudden loud noise and smoke like an explosion, Hancock's move is estimated to be able to directly kick the 'fragrant feet' of a ship, and cut off the first mast of her ship directly in the middle .

The mast that was petrified after contacting Hancock's attack first could not withstand the aftermath of the strongest force after offsetting it.The mast became as fragile as an eggshell at this moment, and then shattered.

The part of the mast she kicked was not the very top of the mast, there was still more than half of it.The broken mast that lost its support naturally fell downward.

at this time.

Hayden, who was standing at the other end of the mast, looked at the broken mast in his eyes, and he was a little tangled.

The mast was slowly falling towards the direction between the bow and the side of the ship. After this thing fell, it would definitely hit a part of the deck below, and the female pirates on the deck who were oppressed by his spiritual pressure just now, Haven't been able to stand up yet.

However, before he could think about it for a second, Hancock's two sisters below shot immediately, blocking the mast that was about to hit the deck.

at the same time.

Hancock, who retracted his attack, was standing on the horizontal mast, which was the other end of where Hayden was standing, and now the two of them were like two birds, hanging on the crossbar.

Hancock didn't speak. After checking the situation on the deck, she turned her gaze back to the man opposite her.

Hayden just happened to look at Hancock at this time.

The eyes of the two collided.

Hayden hurriedly told her with his eyes, "It's none of my business, it's your fault."

Hancock with a cold face didn't care so much, her domineering eyes shot at Hayden like lightning.

She wasn't discouraged by the successive failures of her attacks.

Hancock is very clear that although this man is very fast now, there are always times when he makes mistakes. As long as his attack touches him a little, then this man will definitely be finished.

Immediately afterwards, Hancock suddenly started again.

The high-heeled shoes on the mast were like walking on flat ground, a series of hurried sounds of "thump, thump, thump" sounded, and then she rushed in front of Hayden at this moment.

You are still in good spirits...

Hayden looked at Hancock, and then inserted Senbon Sakura back into the scabbard behind him.

Senben Sakura's ability is transformed from the blade into thousands of thin blades, and it still has a physical body, but it turns into a cherry blossom under the refraction of light.

That said, Hancock's abilities should work.

He has not tested whether Zanpakuto can resist the influence of this type of ability, and he does not want to take the risk.It would be embarrassing if there were large and small gaps on the blade after Shi Jie retracted it.

"Ling dance, Sode Shirayuki"

Hayden looked at Hancock who was attacking, and silently read the beginning of Bai Xue in his hand.

Next, this moment.

In Hancock's sight, the blade that was about to be shattered by her kick suddenly burst into a thick white mist.

A real icy breath was strangely felt on the right leg she kicked out, as if the temperature in the environment had suddenly dropped to zero degrees.

Sode Shirayuki, who was unleashed in an instant, collided with Hancock's kick.

A violent bang immediately sounded at the point where the two collided.

The imposing force of the collision instantly created a wave of air visible to the naked eye, which spread to the surroundings, as if because of the aftermath of the collision, the space was stirred up.

Hayden was instantly pushed out of the standing mast by the force of Hancock's leg, until his feet stepped on the foothold created by the spirit, standing on the air.

The two reached an impasse.

(End of this chapter)

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