Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 153 The Great Sword of Ice

Chapter 153 The Great Sword of Ice
"You guy..."

Hancock's eyes were filled with shock.

This was not only because Hayden had created the Great Ice Sword with a natural ability at this moment, but also because of the glimpse of the man from the corner of her eye, it was as if the man was standing on flat ground or in the air.

After being pushed out of the mast by her, the man should have fallen down.

The man stepped into the air just now, and Hancock knew that this man could have the ability to fly.

However, the situation with this man at this moment is completely different.

In the way of stepping on the air before, at the very least, he had to use strength under his feet, but now, his feet seemed to be stepping on something she couldn't see, just like walking on the ground in the sky.

Hancock She had never heard of someone being able to stand in the air like this, it was something unheard of.

At this moment, her jade feet were rubbing against the blade of the great ice sword that the man had somehow conjured up, and a dense cloud of stone dust was stirred up at the place where they hit each other, filling the space between the two of them.

Hancock's leg strength can only reach this level. She gritted her silver teeth and exerted all her strength, but she couldn't break through the man's defense no matter what.

And her petrification ability, the effect is produced on this ice sword.

However, she had just petrified the ice layer on the surface, and after it shattered, it immediately froze another layer.

Her petrification ability has never touched the real body wrapped in ice.

As for Hayden at this time, he tried his best to control his eyes from glancing at the beautiful parts.

He smiled kindly at Hancock, who had a ferocious expression, and clasped the instantly strengthened Sode Shirayuki with both hands, and then threw her out with force.

After this test, Hayden has a solution for the next action. It seems that the situation suddenly turned to my side...

He thought to himself.

Using Ode Shirayuki's freezing ability to create solid ice cubes, as long as my ice-making speed can exceed Hancock's petrification ability, then it is my victory.

Hayden couldn't help laughing.

Although there is no domineering energy to resist it, but this is about the same.

My own speed is faster than Hancock, as long as I avoid her ability or offset it, there is not much threat to nature.

As expected of me, if I don't have arrogance for the time being, it won't bother me, Hayden.

However, he looked at Hancock who moved away after a few jumps ahead, why didn't she move?He was a little puzzled.

Hancock, she was staring at Hayden's figure at this moment, she didn't know what attack the man was going to make next.

After thinking about it for a second, Hayden stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, it is obviously impossible to solve the situation properly now, it is better to let him end this scene quickly.


Hayden's hands holding Sode Shirayuki suddenly exerted force, and the ice that wrapped Sode Shirayuki's body expanded again.

At this moment, Sode Shirayuki's Great Ice Sword was as big as his own.

In order to prevent the sudden acceleration of Hancock's petrification ability, he prepared in advance to protect Sode Shirayuki.

"This man..."

Across from him stood Hancock on the mast, and she had a very cautious look on her face.

This man has changed from a situation where she didn't even look at it at the beginning, to a state that makes her feel very troublesome now.

The ultimate winner of this battle is her, and it has never changed in her heart, it's just the process...


Hayden kicked the clump of spirits under his feet, and rushed towards Hancock.

"Humph..." Hancock, who had recovered, did not hesitate at all, and after a cold snort, he stepped on the mast and went straight to Hayden who was attacking him.

At the same time, her sweet fruit ability was activated instantly.

A pink solid heart quietly emerged on the left hand, giving people a Q-bomb look.Immediately after she was running, she pinched a point on the heart with her right hand, and then pulled it back as if she were drawing a bow.

"Captive Arrow!"

at once!

Under the action of Hancock drawing the bow, arrows suddenly shot out from the pink heart like rain, one by one, instantly covering Hayden's vision.

Each pink arrow shot from the heart represented an attack that could shatter Hayden to pieces.Captive's Arrow has the same effect as Fragrant Foot, even if the opponent does not have a heart of love, the petrification ability of Sweet Fruit can still play a role.

However, Hayden, who was facing Hancock, did not panic.

With lightning speed, the great ice sword held tightly in both hands suddenly rose towards the empty space in front of it.

Then, there was a rustling sound.

In Hancock's eyes, a huge ice wall was just in front of her captive's arrow, and the range of the ice wall was just blocking all her arrows.

The arrows that hit the ice wall completely petrified the ice wall.

The ice wall that was exuding a bone-chilling chill just a second later turned into a stone wall that would shatter at the slightest touch.

this moment.

Neither Hayden nor Boa Hancock hesitated, and were not surprised by what happened before them.

Immediately afterwards, Hayden's figure broke through the stone wall, and his ferocious aura brought up billowing thick smoke.

At this time, Hancock had also arrived in front of Hayden.


She supported the mast below her with both hands, and with the support of the mast, she kicked out a set of fragrant feet in a row, and the gathered attack momentum was as violent as a torrential rain.

boom! boom! boom!
Hayden, who was sprinting, was immediately stopped by this turbulent momentum. Even under this set of attacks, his figure was beaten back, and the cracked pieces of the ice sword kept falling off. stone.

Hayden's brows were furrowed together.

He concentrated on catching all the attacks Hancock was facing towards him at this moment, and waved the great sword of ice in his hand to block all tricky and cruel kicks.

For a moment, in the eyes of Hancock's two sisters who could only watch the battle below, the elder sister above had already fought this man for hundreds of rounds.

The sky over the mast of the Perfume Snake at this moment has become a restricted area that their subordinates dare not approach easily.

Hancock's two younger sisters have not met their elder sister yet, and encountered this situation.On their island, no one has been able to fight this kind of situation with my elder sister.

At this moment, they suddenly became worried about their elder sister.

"Depend on…"

Hayden looked at the imposing Hancock in front of him, and cursed secretly with a headache.

How could this woman not stop attacking...

Even after a while, he was still passively defending against Hancock's attack, and her physical strength seemed to be a bottomless pit.

As for Hayden himself, although his physical strength has been exercised to a terrifying level, under the threat of petrification ability, he dare not stop making ice for a moment.

Stopping ice making means that his ice armor will be smashed by Hancock in an instant, and she will attack Sode Shirayuki's entity in the next second.

This is very difficult to bear the consumption of his spiritual pressure, even if his spiritual pressure is already considered good, but he can't bear it...

(End of this chapter)

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