Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 154 Sudden Accident

Chapter 154 Sudden Accident
Hayden stared at Hancock who was right in front of him at the moment. Although the scenery in front of him was very beautiful, he didn't want to feel as if he was being hit hard by a twenty-ton hammer every time he looked at it.

boom! boom! boom!
At this time, Hancock's attack is not only equipped with the ability of sweet fruit, because in her eyes, this man is suspected to be frozen with the ability of natural fruit, and she also brings armed domineering that Hayden does not have on every attack.

The sudden increase in power of the kick made Hayden's Great Ice Sword disintegrate faster and faster.

However, at this time when Hayden was still on passive defense.

He seemed to sense something, and his pupils shrank suddenly!
In Hayden's perception of spiritual pressure at the moment, even though he didn't deliberately start the investigation, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and then his brain seemed to be pricked like a needle.

This is the wonderful feeling in his brain that is warning him!
Immediately Hayden didn't think about it any more, the great sword of ice in his hand suddenly slashed at Hancock who was constantly attacking him in front of him, forcing her to distance herself from him so that he could carefully observe the surrounding environment.

Hancock has quick eyes and quick feet.

Seeing the suddenly powerful slash, she naturally wouldn't directly block it, instead, she put her hands on the ground and quickly did a few backflips to retreat behind her.

After a while, Hancock, who took a few steps back, stood firm, and she was immediately ready to meet the attack.


In her eyes, she could only see the man in front of her at this moment, and the posture he was posing now seemed to be ignoring her, a posture full of flaws.

The man was standing in the air, looking sideways down, not knowing where he was looking.

Hancock's brow furrowed for a moment.

She didn't understand what this man was doing after stopping in the middle of the fight.

Hayden's spiritual pressure instantly spread below the surrounding sea surface.

At this moment, his sixth sense of crisis is telling him that something dangerous is about to happen.And in this windless zone, there should be only one kind of dangerous thing...

Then Hayden sensed it.

Under the surface of the sea near the ship he was staying at the moment, there was an aura similar to the activities of Neptunes quietly appearing at this time.

Moreover, he also sensed countless vague and faint auras, which seemed to be swimming in the deep sea area under their boat, and were slowly swimming up towards the current position of the boat.


He didn't need to think too much, he continued to think more, he immediately understood the situation at the moment.

As said before.

It is true that the two giant snakes on the bow of the Perfume Snake can deter some sea kings, but they can only deter some.

The Perfume Snake stopped here for such a long time, their aura probably spread far away, and those big guys who were not afraid of these two Snakes were naturally attracted to them.

"This is the real trouble..."

Hayden looked down at the calm blue sea, with a very serious expression on his face.

Bad things will and will happen.

For Hayden, it would be fine if it was just two or three.However, if the large sea kings attacked like a swarm, this crisis would not be easy for him to solve.

Of course, he can directly use the spirit to ascend to the sky, which is so high that even large sea kings can't attack it.

However, leaving the female empress and the ship of women trapped in place, he doesn't think the current empress has the strength to solve this level of trouble.

Thinking about this for a moment, Hayden felt that it was time to end this senseless battle.

"Hey!" Hayden turned his gaze back to Hancock, "I think we need to stop now." He said, looking seriously into Hancock's eyes.

At this moment, Hancock felt that the man's demeanor seemed to suddenly become serious, unlike the indifferent expression just now.

But she didn't respond either, she just signaled him to continue talking with her eyes.

Looking at Hancock, what Hayden thought in his heart was, is there any way to quickly take the people on their boat out of this sea area...

"Does your ship have the function of quickly maneuvering to leave this sea area in an instant?" Although he probably didn't have it, he remembered the Sonny's wind cannon, and asked Hancock as he wondered if there was a possibility on this ship. .

Hancock, she was suddenly puzzled by the meaning of this man's words.

Get out of this sea quickly?What does he mean by this?
Just as this question arose in her mind, she immediately thought of a terrifying thing.

The man who was fighting with him just now, after he stopped, he showed a look of looking somewhere else, and then asked her if there was a way to leave this sea area quickly...

These various performances formed a complete jigsaw puzzle in Hancock's mind, and the word Neptune was written on the jigsaw puzzle.


Boa Hancock's face darkened instantly.

Even people who live outside the windless zone know that the windless zone is extremely dangerous, so those of them who live in the windless zone are naturally more aware of the degree of danger.

Now this is only possible for Neptunes!
However, if this guy who was fighting with her so hard to tell the winner, wants to leave this sea area, it is only possible that the number of Neptunes has exceeded his ability to control.

Hancock, she realized that now was not the time to continue fighting.

As the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, she couldn't be the result of the destruction of all the Nine Snake Pirates on her first voyage. Now she must leave here immediately with the crew!


This is the answer given to Hayden by the stern Hancock.

"No matter what you did just now, quickly unlock the abilities of my crew..." Hancock said, looking at Hayden expressionlessly.

If she wanted to run the ship, she couldn't do it alone.She not only needs the two snakes in the bow to move, but also needs her crew to do their jobs.

"Looks like it's gone..."

Understanding the meaning of Hancock's words, Hayden knew that the only way for this ship to sail was to be pulled by the two giant snakes at the bow.

Immediately, Hayden frowned, and withdrew the unscrupulous spiritual pressure.

At this time, everyone on the deck below reacted immediately, including the two giant snakes at the bow.

They felt the weight of more than ten tons pressing on them at this moment, and suddenly disappeared.The invisible weight on them was quietly moved away by something.

The female pirates of the Nine Snake Pirates got up from the deck in an instant, and all of them looked up at their Lady Snake above them.

Although they didn't understand the current situation between Lord Sheji and this man, they only listened to the order given by Master Sheji in a solemn tone.

"Get ready for sailing and leave urgently!"

(End of this chapter)

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