Chapter 161 Leave?


Listening to the name that came out of the strange man's mouth, everyone on the boat immediately subconsciously recited it silently in their hearts.

Hancock, who was sitting next to Hayden, also silently recited Hayden's name in her heart at this time.

It's a strange name, but it sounds a little nice...

and many more?

How could the concubine find such a strange name pleasant?

The thoughts in Hancock's heart suddenly separated into two people, and the emotional situation in his heart suddenly became complicated.

And her two younger sisters, who stood behind Hancock, lived with her elder sister since they were young. At this time, the two of them noticed the subtle changes in her elder sister.

There is something wrong with my sister...
Sandersonia and Marigold frowned immediately, and their eyes were fixed on Hancock's back, trying to find out what caused this change.

Then, the sound of Hayden's constant eating interrupted the two of them from thinking immediately.

Before the two of them could find out the answer that caused the change, the answer seemed to be delivered to the door by itself?

Sandersonia and Marigold suddenly looked at each other's eyes. They both understood the meaning revealed in each other's eyes at this moment, and their meanings were also in agreement.

this man? ? ?
When such a question popped up in the minds of the two of them, they immediately felt a little funny.

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible...

Sandersonia and Marigold shook their heads suddenly from side to side, trying to get this ridiculous guess out of their minds.

The two younger sisters are considered to be large in size, and the violent shaking action naturally aroused the reaction of Hancock in front.

Hancock then looked back at her two younger sisters, who were shaking their heads violently, and she immediately felt strange.

With a sideways look, Sandersonia and Marigold noticed it.

Seeing her elder sister suddenly looking back at them, the two of them immediately stopped shaking their heads.

However, they didn't dare to tell their elder sister the reason why they made the actions, so they had to raise a big smile and looked at her elder sister with a smile, without saying a word.

A look of puzzlement flashed across Hancock's face, but he didn't care about it anymore, and then he turned his head and continued to watch Hayden eat.


Hancock, who looked at Hayden again, forcibly controlled himself, suppressing the movement of swallowing saliva.

How does this guy eat food so delicious! ! !

On the surface, Hancock maintained a haughty expression, but he was already roaring inwardly.

Earlier this guy asked her if she would eat, but he said no.If we eat again at this time, will it be a little...

Hancock's mood was very tangled at this time, and his vision was a little blurred.

However, the next second followed.


At this time, Hayden patted Yuanyuan's stomach contentedly and said.

Hearing Hayden's movement, Hancock immediately came back to his senses, the huge pile of food in his sight was all cleaned up by Hayden at this time.

Well, now there is no need for her to continue to struggle...

Hancock's expressionless face flashed a hint of ferocity with lightning speed, and then instantly returned to an icy expression.

This guy.
In order to maintain her majesty, Hancock had no choice but to grit his teeth tightly in his heart and said bitterly at this moment.

at this time.

Hayden, who had eaten and drank enough and solved the most important crisis, planned to leave at this time.

After all, he hasn't forgotten the most important thing for him to come to the Windless Belt, and that is the practice of domineering.

Moreover, he is a navy, and he is prone to problems if he stays on a pirate ship for too long.

Although he felt that he seemed to have a relationship with Hancock, he didn't want to ask them to teach him domineering.

Hayden, who was full of food and drink, stood up, and then looked at the eyes of everyone in the Nine Snake Pirates one by one, and it was time to leave.

"Okay, thank you very much for your hospitality. Although there were some unpleasant things at the beginning, the final result is still good..."

Hayden smiled and said goodbye.

Everyone in the Nine Snake Pirates immediately responded to his wave, smiling and waving at Hayden, the man who was their savior.

Hancock next to him was not agitated.

Hurry up and go!

She was thinking this way in her heart, but it didn't show on her face, she was still expressionless.

at this time.

The Perfume Snake they were on was finally about to sail away from this bloody ocean and completely leave this battlefield.

This large area may have a diameter of several kilometers or tens of kilometers, and it is a sea of ​​blood.The reaction caused by this huge scene in this windless zone is by no means calm and nothing happened, as if the bloody aura that soared to the sky did not exist.

No no no no!

It's more than that.

The sea kings in the windless belt are ferocious, violent, large, and very sensitive to the smell of blood.

The blood-colored ocean filled with bloody breath will definitely attract not only the Sea Kings who have not come here, but even the Sea Kings from far away.

In this way, just by imagining it in your mind, you can feel like experiencing the scene of fear in person.

It's not that there is a shielding breath such as Hailou Stone, or that the two giant snakes on the bow of the Perfume Snake can deter some Neptunes. These two ways of walking through the windless belt can solve it.

Neptunes following the scent, they will not pay attention to what these small shrimps are on the road.All the way like a violent machine, crushing anything that stands in their way until they come to the place where the smell comes out...

"Okay, see you soon!"

Hayden said the last word to them, and he was going to go straight away.

At this moment, he did not expect that a greater crisis was rushing towards them.Similarly, it is impossible for him to imagine the situation he will face.

The situation of this windless belt is still very strange to him, and the situation of this world is also very strange to him.

next moment.

hum! ! !
The feeling that only Hayden could perceive suddenly exploded in his mind.

The sudden arousal felt as if someone had struck a gong directly in his brain.

Hayden's mind froze instantly.

An unprecedented sense of threat suddenly appeared in the distance from his place.

Even though his spiritual pressure perception didn't have that far range, he could still inexplicably feel such a huge aura that made him feel terrible.

The movement of preparing to take a step froze immediately, and his face sank.

Followed by.

He turned his gaze to the rear at this moment, that is, the direction of the bloody sea behind their ship.

The battlefield that has just ended, the waves are quiet and the clouds are empty.

There was no sign of living creatures, and in Hayden's eyes, it was extremely silent...

(End of this chapter)

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