Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 162 1 twist 3 twists

Chapter 162

"It seems that I can't go..."

Hayden stared at the sea area in the direction of the bloody ocean at this moment, muttering to himself.

Although his voice of talking to himself was very low, Hancock, who was standing close to him, could hear him clearly.

"What do you mean you can't leave?"

Hancock asked immediately.

With this guy on her boat, she would be in a very bad mood, and she wanted to get this guy off the boat as soon as possible.Now that this guy doesn't intend to leave after hearing it?What does he mean! ?

At this time, Hayden's expression, the smile that had just appeared on his face, suddenly darkened.

His sense of the danger was not once at fault.

And since there is no fault, then there will be more fierce guys attacking them than the Neptune group they solved just now, maybe the same group of guys rushing over may not necessarily be the same.

Hayden couldn't be sure of the vague breath he sensed.

At the same time, he couldn't imagine that there was any creature more terrifying than just now in this windless belt.

If you compare the strength and weakness of the Neptune group that surrounded them just now with the strength he just observed from a distance.

There is no comparison between the two at all, and they are not on the same level at all.

Hayden wanted to keep this tense atmosphere only in him, and it didn't need to spread to other people on the boat.

However, he still can't control his emotions well.

The unease in his eyes was immediately noticed by Hancock who was closest to him.

Why is this guy's mood suddenly off?

Although Hancock saw a trace of unease in him, she couldn't understand what this unease meant.

Hayden took a deep breath and turned his gaze to Hancock's eyes, looking straight ahead.

"Now I have some bad news to tell you. It is very likely that the situation here will be even worse than before." His voice was extremely serious at this moment.


Hancock looked at this expression that didn't seem to be joking, and she asked immediately.

Hayden couldn't give her an answer right now, he just had a vague feeling, and he didn't know what would happen in the specific situation.

"I... don't know yet. However, I need you to speed up this boat and run as far away from this place as possible." He told Hancock seriously.

Seeing Lady Snake and Hayden, their moods suddenly changed upside down.

It was a pleasant atmosphere just now, but in a blink of an eye, it became the dignified atmosphere now.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, not daring to disturb the two people in front of them.

After Hancock heard what Hayden said, she was silent for a second.

This mysterious man, after a period of contact, she didn't think this man would make any nasty jokes at this time.

Then only, really worse than just now will happen.

"Get ready! Set sail now!"

Hancock's face turned cold, and her voice was as cold as ice.


Everyone sitting on the deck responded loudly and stood up at the same time.

They reacted to this sudden order almost in the blink of an eye.No doubt, no hesitation, just respond to Master She Ji's order as soon as it sounds.

The members of the Nine Snake Pirates immediately returned to their respective jobs on the ship.

At this time, Hancock kicked his slender thighs, jumped directly to the top of the giant snake on the bow, and immediately gave the order to the two giant snakes below him to move forward at the highest speed.

Hayden also took off at the same time, jumped onto the highest mast, and looked at the direction of the bloody ocean behind the ship, wanting to see if there was any movement in the distance.

At this time, there was a strange silence on the ship again.

The sea kings in the surrounding sea area have been eliminated by Hayden and Hancock together, and now in this windless zone, there is no sign of biological activity at all.

There are no birds in the sky, and the ordinary fish in the sea have long since disappeared.

On this endless sea, only the pirate ship of the Nine Snake Pirates sailed alone on it.

After a period of silence.

Hayden, standing on the top of the mast, felt the crisis approaching.

However, he who stood at the top didn't notice the direction of the crisis he perceived, and something strange came over.

Don't think about the feeling in his mind that is warning him, if he just looks with his eyes, he won't feel that something bad is going to happen now.

Then, something appeared in Hayden's sight.

A blurry mass suddenly rose from the horizon.

And that thing, Hayden has never seen it before.

It was blurry and moving at a very fast speed, and, looking at the range that rose above the sea level, the size of that thing must also be huge.

What he meant was that it was a very big one, so big that it was estimated to be bigger than ordinary islands.

Hayden couldn't help narrowing his eyes, focusing his gaze on the distance.

As each second passed, what rose above the horizon became clearer and clearer until it took on its true form.


Before Hayden had to shout, everyone on the deck below him was already screaming for him.



The ordinary crew members of the Nine Snake Pirates immediately screamed.

In this windless and rainless climate, somehow a 300-meter-high tsunami was stirred up.

The evil waves are monstrous, covering the sun and the sky.

The sea in the distance roared and rolled towards them, and the big waves raised directly covered half of the sky.

This natural hazard is different from other conditions that can be controlled.

If it was a sea king attack, Hancock could kill the sea king directly.

If the pirates attacked, Hancock would be able to kill them more directly.

However, if a tsunami hits...

As devil fruit ability users, some ability users can fight against the power of nature.Likewise, there are those who cannot.

Hancock is the one who can't.

Not only is her fruit ability not dominant in this situation, but her strength has not yet reached the level where she can fight against nature.

Everyone in the Nine Snake Pirates can also understand that although Master Snake is powerful, they also know that there is a certain limit to strength.

The limit is, facing the current tsunami situation, they can only avoid the tsunami as much as possible, and then give their lives to God, hoping that they will not be swallowed by this tsunami...

At this time, the huge wave of the tsunami was approaching.

Together with Hayden, Hancock is standing on the deck at the stern, looking at the incoming tsunami.

She didn't expect that the first time she came out this time, there would be such twists and turns.The first two times she was quite sure they would be all right.

But at this moment, Hancock is silent and not sure...

(End of this chapter)

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