Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 163 Frozen Flash

Chapter 163 Frozen Flash

The strange change suddenly appeared again.

In the [-]-meter wave, there seemed to be something swimming back and forth in it, in groups, and at the same time, it seemed to be huge.

Seeing this slightly strange picture in Hayden's focused eyes, Hancock who was also standing beside him also noticed this.

"what is that?"

Hancock asked subconsciously after seeing it, and she had never seen such a scene even in the windless zone.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing."

Hayden replied casually.The thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly, he just wanted to find a way to solve the current real crisis.


What happened to this tsunami...

The emotion in Hayden's heart was very irritable, and his brows were almost wrinkled together.

The roaring tsunami was already moving at a terrifying speed.

And Hayden and Hancock are now able to see clearly what's inside the tsunami.

That is a group of Neptunes!
Moreover, the appearance of each head is basically the same, which is a strange group of sea kings.

Constantly rolling in the huge waves.At this time, they had already stirred the red water in the bloody ocean into the huge waves.

This raging tsunami was mixed with a trace of blood red in an instant, blue, white and red.

If it wasn't for the tsunami that was sweeping towards him at this moment, Hayden would definitely praise this rare spectacle in the world.


Hayden cursed secretly.

It now appears as if he is the only one who can handle the current crisis.

He didn't know if he could do it with his own ability, but how could a man say no.

Now the tsunami has not rushed in front of them.

If he faced the tsunami directly to block it now, even if he couldn't stop the massive tsunami in the end, he should be able to buy some time for Hancock and the others...

After thinking about it quickly, Hayden decided on this method.

Now, under the violent speed of the tsunami, all considerations or actions must be fast.

Instant decision, instant action, can not miss the best time.

Realizing that now is the chance for Hancock and the others to escape from here, Hayden hurriedly said to Hancock: "Hurry up and take your people out of here, and I will block the rest for you."

"and many more?!"

Hancock listened to Hayden's words, did he intend to sacrifice himself to buy time for them to escape?
Even if Hancock didn't fully understand Hayden's strength at this moment, she didn't think that after Hayden went to block the tsunami, there would be no time to escape from the tsunami.

At this moment, all the camouflage on her body faded with depression.

She didn't know how this man who had only known her for such a short time was willing to sacrifice his life for her.

Hancock's words swirled back and forth in his throat, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, and he couldn't say it.

Seeing her provocative appearance, Hayden burst out laughing.He probably knows what caused Hancock to look like this now.

"Hey, hey, why are your eyes still shining?" He pointed to Hancock's eyes and said with a smile.

Hancock quickly wiped his eyes, and only heard Hayden continue: "Did you forget that I can fly? After I block the tsunami and you leave this sea area, then I can fly away directly."


Hancock froze, the expression on his face froze for a moment.

It was only after a moment that she began to understand what Hayden had just said to her.

It turned out to be like this...

Knowing this, the touch between life and death in Hancock's heart disappeared without a trace.


She changed her mind and thought that since this guy could leave directly, he still stayed on the boat to help them.

Hancock, she thought, just forget about what this guy played with her just now.

Afterwards, Hayden looked at Hancock and said goodbye.

"We should meet again soon, and I'll give you a present the next time I come."

While speaking, Hayden pulled out the sleeve Shirayuki that had been inserted back.

"Gift?" Hancock muttered, and when she was about to say something to Hayden, Hayden's figure had already leaped high, and directly met the huge wave.

Hancock's words had already reached her lips, and as she watched Hayden's leaving back, she had no choice but to swallow the words on her lips, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hayden then stood in mid-air at roughly half the height of the wave.

One person with one knife, facing the power from nature in front of you - a roaring huge wave with a height of [-] meters!

——"Punishment in vain!!!"

Hayden freed Sode Shirayuki again.

all of a sudden.

The gust of wind engulfed by the tsunami had already arrived, instantly blowing away the cold white mist covering his body, revealing his half-swastika completed form.

Hayden wasn't troubled by the gust of wind blowing on his face, and in the state of Swastika, his mood was very calm.

Shirayuki held the sleeve, and then faced the void of the huge wave in front of him, it seemed that a white circle was slowly drawn, but in fact, the formation of the circle was only a matter of an instant.

Using the white circle in the void in front of him as the channel to release the spiritual pressure, Hayden suddenly mobilized the spiritual pressure from all over his body, pouring it all into the circle at this moment.

The hollow white circle was gradually filled with some kind of dazzling light, until it became a round spot of light emitting a cold breath tens of degrees below zero.

At this time, the spiritual pressure gathered on this move was already huge enough, and the tsunami in front of him was about to slap Hayden directly.

Hearing the roar of the tsunami in his ears, Hayden released the freezing flash that he could only release with almost all his spiritual pressure.


Hayden aimed the tip of Sode Shirayuki at the circle in front of him, and continuously provided a huge amount of Reiatsu.

The white circle in front of him immediately shot straight at the tsunami ahead like a laser beam.

In just the blink of an eye, the frozen beam of light has shot into the tsunami ahead.


In Hayden's eyes, the point where the beam of light touched the tsunami immediately froze a large area.What followed was the unique sound of ice cubes freezing and forming.

The trend frozen on the huge wave seemed to go wild, and it expanded in an instant.

Less than five short seconds.

The beam of light has already frozen the part of the tsunami facing Hayden in front of him.

After being frozen, the huge waves on both sides were originally a whole huge wave. After the middle part was lost, the Neptune group in the huge wave also lost the power to attack.

The monstrous huge waves were solved perfectly after being partially destroyed by Hayden.


Hayden muttered.

Seeing that the tsunami had been extinguished by him, he quickly stopped the release of moves.

at this time.

Hayden's upper body ice armor, after this violent release, now only has an ice scarf left.

However, this crisis is finally resolved completely...

Hayden, who was almost exhausted, had a relieved smile on his pale face.

 happy New Year! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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