Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 164 I, Hayden

Chapter 164 I, Hayden
At this moment.

Because of the energy bar at the beginning, this series of chain reactions finally, finally came to an end.

At this moment, Hayden no longer had any energy to do anything else.

Now he just wants to find a place to sleep well, and after falling asleep, he will sleep until he wakes up naturally.

However, the tsunami was extinguished by him with one move.

But now, he was standing in the sky on the windless sea, and there was no island in his line of sight for him to settle on.

In addition to sea water, or sea water.

"Depend on…"

Hayden's tone of voice was a little weak now, and he inserted Sode Shirayuki back into the scabbard on his back.

With his sore limbs moving, he was going to ride his red silver horse to find an uninhabited island.


At this time, Hayden suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Hey, where's my motorcycle?"

He was so shocked that he was dumbfounded and immediately yelled.

A second later, though, he realized in his mind that he hadn't seen the motorcycle.

It seems... It seems... It should have landed on Hancock's boat, right?

Thinking of this, his expression was a bit ugly, and his facial features were tangled together.

Holding a faint hope, Hayden looked around the surrounding sea area, hoping to see Hancock and the others' ship.


Hancock's ship has long gone.

Forget it, anyway, we should be able to meet again soon, and I will take it back when the time comes...

At this point, Hayden had no choice but to think this way in his heart.

However, now he still has a problem to solve.

At this time, he couldn't clearly identify the direction on the vast sea, and all the things he navigated were mounted on the red silver horse.

And he is an expert in things like world geography, not to mention the strange world of One Piece now.

It would be okay if there were things like map navigation, but right now, he doesn't have anything on him except for two Zanpakutō and a navy emergency phone bug.

Looking around at the blue sea with almost the same scenery, Hayden was completely blinded.

Looking at the not so dazzling sun above his head, Hayden decided to walk in the direction of the sun.

I used to watch survival programs and the like, and it seemed to talk about getting lost and looking at the sun to identify the direction.

Hayden remembered this survival technique, but he had long forgotten the specific details, so he just remembered watching the sun.

However, after thinking about it, it seems that the skills of the original world are not as good as the current world, maybe...

Hayden stomped the air in the sky, heading straight in the direction of the sun.At the same time, I was thinking about it in a mess in my mind, killing time.

Fortunately, less than a moment passed.

On the horizon in Hayden's eyes, a small island-like shape appeared.

The footsteps stepping on the air suddenly accelerated, and Hayden's figure flickered in the sky at high speed.

After a few minutes, the appearance of the small island in sight became clear.

Hayden's figure has not yet reached the small island, but his spiritual pressure has already reached the small island, scanning the general situation of the island in two to three seconds.

There are no big beasts, only animals that don't pose a threat to him on that island...
For Hayden, the perfect getaway-cum-remedial island emerged.

There are no beasts that can threaten him, and there are a group of ingredients that provide him with meat on the island.

The physical fatigue urged Hayden to speed up his actions, and his steps on the air then increased slightly.

Then Hayden's feet finally hit the dirt floor of the island.

"Oh~~ It still feels comfortable."

Hayden, who hadn't stepped on the ground for a long time, would suddenly make him step on the dirt.

Just stepping on the dirt in an ordinary way, this inconspicuous little thing can give him a very pleasant sense of satisfaction.

Followed by.

Hayden realized that his limbs suddenly became weak at this moment, gradually unable to support his normal standing state.

However, he didn't resist, and his body slowly collapsed on the muddy ground.

Hayden doesn't care if it's dirty or not, and he's not afraid of other animals attacking him while he's drowsy. He just wants to sleep right away, what's the matter?


Hayden fell into a deep sleep without even realizing it.


vertical day.


Hayden was licked awake by a strange little animal whose name he didn't know.


Looking in the direction of the little animal that was scared away after he woke up, Hayden, who was still a little sleepy, wiped the sticky drool on his face.

Hayden's face was blank, but he was not someone who would care about these things.

After waking up, his body was full of vitality, which made him feel very comfortable.Then, he began to recall a series of things that happened yesterday.

After 5 minutes of deliberation, Hayden decided what to do next.

First of all, although he is a bit reluctant, his domineering practice needs to be temporarily suspended.He has nothing on him, and he needs the navy to come to pick him up in this windless belt.

Second, I happened to go back to the Navy Headquarters and proposed to the above to invite Hancock to become the king Shichibukai.In this way, there is basically no need to worry about what the navy will do to Hancock and the pirates.

After thinking it over, Hayden immediately took out the emergency phone bug he had carefully protected.

He put a small phone bug in the palm of his left hand, picked up the receiver with his right hand and started dialing.

"Blu blu blu!"


Hayden immediately said: "Hey, hello, this is the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Rear Admiral Hayden. I am currently on an uninhabited island in the windless belt, and I need a warship to come to meet me."

The person on the other end of the phone bug was stunned, inside the windless belt?
However, because this call line is the internal call line of their navy, he immediately reported the situation to the superior next to him, and at the same time checked the identity of Major General Hayden.

After a moment of silence.

Hayden's identity information was quickly confirmed and confirmed to be correct.The part about the windless zone also learned from the report the reason why the major general went to the windless zone.

The telephone operator immediately informed the major general on the other end of the phone bug.

"Understood, Major General Hayden. Your request has been reported to the higher-ups, and someone will come to respond soon."

The telephone operator paused for a while before he continued: "Excuse me, do you need any other help?"

After the phone operator stopped talking about the phone bug, Hayden immediately replied: "Oh, ok, ok, I understand. The rest is gone."

"Okay, that's it."

Haw!The voice of the phone bug was hung up from that segment.

Hayden didn't care. He carefully put away the phone bug again, then stood up and looked at the surrounding environment. He was about to start making some breakfast for himself...

(End of this chapter)

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