Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 166 Leave it to you

Chapter 166 Leave it to you

Hayden, who spoke too quickly, almost choked on his own saliva.

Wait, is the action of the world government so fast?

Hayden thought to himself, even if he didn't know the specific date when Hancock was offered a reward, it could only be within this week.

Just now that a reward was offered, the World Government actually planned to give a position to King Qiwuhai directly.

However, consider that ten years have now passed.

When Hayden himself traveled to the world of One Piece for the first time.

He came across a news paper one time.

At that time, it was only 1502 in the lunar calendar of the sea. Crocodile at that time was one of the sand crocodile Qibukai who was defeated by Luffy in the original book.

It is now 1511, so much time has passed.

Now there just happened to be a female pirate with strength, ability, and influence that caused such a big sensation in her first debut. It is not impossible to give the position of Shichibukai...

Marshal Sora then continued to tell him calmly: "I believe you should know what the privilege of His Majesty Shichibukai is."

His voice was heard in Hayden's ears, and there was a faint sense of menace, and a chill suddenly rose up Hayden's spine.

This feeling of oppression...

Hayden couldn't even answer immediately.

Obviously in his own eyes, Marshal Kong in front of him didn't do anything, he was just talking, why did he feel as if he was being pressed by dozens of tons of steel...

A little cold sweat could not help but ooze from Hayden's forehead, and he couldn't help wiping it off.

However, the meaning in Marshal Sora's words, during his thinking, he couldn't help but think of the pirate with the identity of Shichibukai.

"Qiwuhai under the king" is one of the three major forces on this great route.The three major forces are the Navy, the Four Emperors, and the Qiwuhai under the king.These three major forces maintain a delicate balance in this strange sea area on the great route.

Hayden knows the privilege of Shichibukai.

Basically, it is a pirate with an officially recognized "license to plunder and kill" in this world.When they become King Qiwuhai, the bounty orders on them and their subordinates will be stopped, and the world government and navy will not pursue all the crimes they have committed before.

On the sea or on the islands, crimes such as private robbery will also be acquiesced by the world government.

As long as a certain amount of property can be handed over to the world government, then everyone will be safe and sound, and the world government will not send the navy to hunt down you, the pirate who committed heinous crimes.

Looking at Marshal Kong in front of him, Hayden didn't say a word to express his understanding.

He also understood the real meaning of Marshal Sora's words just now. It should be that the Nine Snake Pirates will soon join the Qiwuhai. Now this special period cannot take action against the Nine Snake Pirates, something like that the meaning of.

As for why Marshal Kong said such things, Hayden probably knew the reason.

It should be that he himself fooled Marshal Sora just now, how dangerous and powerful Hancock's Nine Snake Pirates are...

Thinking of this, Hayden couldn't help secretly laughing.

Of course, he secretly laughed in his heart, but he didn't dare to really laugh out loud in this serious situation at the moment.

He immediately made an expression of dissatisfaction with the Qiwuhai system under the king.

As I said before, when he first came to this world, when he had a system start, he would still have ambitions for some bad things in this world, and wanted to use his own power to change the injustice in this world blah blah blah blah.

just now.


Anyway, Hayden made an expression that he thought he was very dissatisfied with the Qiwuhai system, and he didn't care much about what Marshal Sora thought of him now.

after that.

Looking at the kid in front of him who seemed to be easily agitated, Marshal Sora was silent for a while, thinking about the candidates for the task of recruiting Qi Wuhai in his heart.

The people from the world government threw the task directly to him, told him the general situation of the pirate, and let him go.

Marshal Kong is currently having a headache about the candidate for the task, and it seems that there is a perfect candidate for this task just in front of him.

According to the information that was sent, the pirate named Boa Hancock should be a person with the ability of sweet fruit. Combined with the pirate's beauty, the combined power of the two must be amazing, not to mention Then came the true strength of the pirate named Boya Hancock.


Under the power of the female pirate, the Hayden kid in front of him said from his mouth that he had fought a tough battle with that female pirate, and the kid was able to return safely and intact.
Although I don't know how this kid can resist the ability of the female pirate, but since he can resist the female pirate, it is just right for this mission.

In this way, there is no need to think about other candidates, and there is no need to have a headache in case one is sent out, and the stone sculpture that becomes the entire warship comes back.

Marshal Kong quickly thought of this.

"Little ghost. This time, I enlisted the pirate named Boa Hancock to join the task of becoming the king of Shichibukai. I will leave it to you today."

Speaking of which, Marshal Kong paused for a moment and took out a stack of documents from the drawer of the table next to him, and handed it to Hayden while continuing to say:
"This mission will start immediately tomorrow, and the relevant matters have been arranged. This is the relevant document of Qi Wuhai under the king, remember to sign it and bring it back."


Hayden didn't understand right away, his eyebrows were wrinkled into a question mark.

Although, after listening to Marshal Kong telling him in advance that this is shocking news for others, he also wanted to make it clear to Marshal Kong in front of him, and let him directly hand over the mission of Qiwuhai under the king to he.

But generally speaking, tasks of this level are basically not something he can handle with the rank of major general.Generally speaking, matters related to the Qiwuhai under the king must be handled by at least the future of the Navy Headquarters.

Suddenly hearing that this task was entrusted to him, the unexpected surprise was as beautiful as the layer of salty powder on the senbei.

When he came back to his senses, Hayden nodded sullenly with a "very reluctant" expression, expressing his understanding.

Marshal Kong noticed the mood of the little ghost navy in front of him, but he didn't say anything, and then asked Hayden: "What else?"

"No." Hayden immediately shook his head and responded.

Marshal Kong paused for a moment, and continued: "Well, you can go out, remember to close the door." After finishing speaking, he continued to deal with the work that had stopped on the table.

After listening, Hayden walked out of Marshal Kong's office without hesitation.

After closing the door, the huge oppressive feeling inside disappeared instantly.Although the purpose of this trip was achieved in a completely different way than he had imagined, the end result was the same.

Hayden stood outside the door, he wanted to laugh out loud, but he couldn't do it yet.

He glanced at the sailor standing guard who stared at him with strange eyes outside the door, thinking silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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