Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 167 Lieutenant General Kuzan?

Chapter 167 Lieutenant General Kuzan?

after that.

Full of unexpected surprises, Hayden started the long journey down the stairs from the topmost floor of this huge naval fortress.

After this long and boring time began, Hayden, who was walking, remembered another thing in his heart.

Why did the people from the world government establish such a system of Qiwuhai under the king?
On the surface, the world government has seven powerful big pirates and seven thugs in an instant, which can form a deterrent to other pirates in this world, thus maintaining a very delicate balance on the great route.

And such a thing that is beneficial to their side only needs to make them pay the small and insignificant condition of "acquiescence to pirate behavior".As long as the navy under their world government is not allowed to hunt down the king's Qiwuhai, it will be fine.

Although this looks bad to their image on the surface, but even so, who in the world can point fingers at what their world government is doing?

Hayden has been a little confused about this system ever since he saw this part of the Qi Wu Hai in the original world.

Just like the Crocodile crocodile in the original book, it is impossible for the navy to monitor what he is doing behind his back in real time.

With the name of Qiwuhai, not only will he not be hunted down by the navy, but he can do his own thing in one place with peace of mind, and at the same time enjoy the benefits of being a pirate.

Although occasionally he may do something in accordance with the requirements of the World Government in order to maintain the title of King Shichibukai, but basically it doesn't matter.

If you are not happy with the meaning of the world government, you just run away and quit, and the final result is just to return to the pirate stage and be hunted down by the navy.

Such a thing with only advantages and basically no disadvantages, now that Hayden thinks about it carefully, he is a little moved by the position of Qi Wuhai under the king.


Hayden shook his head subconsciously, and immediately threw out the thoughts that came to his mind just now.Although Qiwuhai under the king is good, his position in the navy is more suitable for fishing.

Thinking in a mess, he kept walking along the downstairs, until he saw a man with an afro head on his head walking in front of him, who was taller than him.

Uncle Kuzan?

Hayden felt that the back of the person in front was very familiar, and after thinking about it in his mind, it seemed that there was no other high-level person in the naval fortress who would hang out here.

The man in front was wearing a two-meter-long black overcoat, and his afro head was covered by a navy turban, revealing the curly hair beyond the turban. He walked leisurely at a leisurely pace.

"Uncle Kuzan!"

Hayden waved to Kuzan in front of him.

And Kuzan in front of him would naturally turn his head and look over when he heard a voice in this empty corridor.

"Yo...it's Hayden."

Kuzan stopped and said to Hayden with his usual laziness on his face.

This meeting is a long-lost meeting for Kuzan and Hayden.

Kuzan, as one of the top three lieutenant generals in the navy, will naturally have a full schedule of tasks, and usually rarely has the opportunity to meet Hayden.

As for Hayden, after he returned from staying in Beihai for two years, he didn't spend much time in the headquarters, and immediately went to practice domineering.

The two people's time is basically staggered, so they won't run into each other.

Seeing that the person in front was definitely Uncle Kuzan, Hayden stepped up a little bit and walked in line with Uncle Kuzan.
So, the two went downstairs together.

"Uncle Kuzan, the news about you is very popular recently." Hayden chatted with Uncle Kuzan while walking.

Although Hayden hadn't seen Kuzan during this period of time, there was news about Kuzan in the newspapers selling newspaper birds wandering around the sea.

Some things that are not described about these characters in the comics are now happening bit by bit in the world where Hayden is now.

The current Uncle Kuzan, the general Aokiji in the original book, his life is happening in front of Hayden little by little, and a little bit of his mighty strength is naturally revealed.

Looking at the photos in the newspaper about the effects of Uncle Kuzan's freezing ability, Hayden always sighed.

To be honest, he himself can also achieve the current trick that almost affects the power of the celestial phenomenon with Uncle Kuzan.

The only difference between him and the current Lieutenant General Kuzan is that after he releases this level of moves by himself, he will be tired like a fool immediately.After Kuzan was released, his body was as relaxed as if he had just yawned normally.

Thinking about it now, Hayden feels that he still has a long way to go.

Followed by.

Lieutenant General Kuzan shook his head and did not pick up the topic. He said to Hayden, "You little brat, how are you doing? I think you were treated badly when you came back from Beihai."


Hearing this, Hayden's throat suddenly seemed to be stuck by something.

Why did he directly mention the matter of Beihai as soon as he came up, he didn't want to come back after being beaten like that...

Hayden coughed twice to express his dissatisfaction, and then said, "Ah, ah, uncle, why are you doing this?"

"What about me?"

"You are like this!"

Hayden argued to this point, but noticed that Uncle Kuzan suddenly smiled on his sleepy face.

snort!I count you as good, and I don't care about you.

Thinking this way, Hayden stopped the meaningless debate.

In the atmosphere of silence for a while, Kuzan somehow recalled the scene when he first met Hayden, the kid.

Back then, the little devil who seemed to be no higher than his knees dared to hold a stick and stand in his way to protect his companions.

From being a little kid back then, he is almost an adult now.
Has it been almost ten years...

Kuzan looked at the corridor ahead, and gradually, gradually returned to the past, back to the original O'Hara that no longer exists.

Judging by the current appearance of this kid, Hayden, it seems that his amnesia has not slowly recovered over time.At the beginning, the ship doctor told him that the part of memory loss should recover slowly as he grew up, but now it seems that what the ship doctor said was not accurate.

The reason why he remembered this matter now was because of Hayden's astonishing growth rate.

Although he joked that Hayden was beaten badly by that Doflamingo in Beihai, he also knew that Doflamingo, that pirate, was able to escape being chased by Lieutenant General Crane in Beihai. For a long time, it also shows his strength to a certain extent.

After that, the news came out that the Doflamingo family found a place to rest for a long time, and they were still looking for doctors everywhere.

Combine this.

After the kid Hayden was rescued by Lieutenant General He, Lieutenant General He never fought Doflamingo, and Hayden was the only one who fought Doflamingo before that.

This just tells him what level Hayden has reached now, and at what age he has reached this level.

Kuzan didn't know if the thing he was thinking about was good or bad.

However, even if it didn't happen to him, he began to think about telling Hayden the truth about what happened ten years ago.

In order to prevent unpredictable impacts in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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