Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 170 Stepping into Hotel Street

Chapter 170 Stepping into Hotel Street

Chambord Islands.

The Yarkiman mangroves on the island are like the original high-rise buildings, towering between the sky and the earth.

Clean climate, fresh air.

As far as the eye can see, there are almost green and healthy plants, and there is a green ocean on the island.

Coupled with the special resin secreted all the time from the respiration of the Yarkiman mangrove, soap bubbles of different sizes emerge from the resin due to air expansion.

The soap bubbles are not real soap bubbles.

The bubbles that emerge from the roots of the Yarkiman mangrove tree are at least as strong as a normal man's weight and will not burst when stepped on.

All these combined into the Chambord Islands presented in front of Hayden at this moment.

Hayden led a small group of people directly out of the naval base at No. [-].

Stepping on the grass that was a little sticky due to the special resin under his feet, Hayden walked in the front alone, with a large map spread out in his hand, which was the sightseeing map of the Chambord Islands.

Because all the areas of the Chambord Islands have been explored long ago, he doesn't need to bother the navy in the base to get him a map of the interior of the navy. He only needs the map that ordinary people use when they board the Chambord Islands.

Hayden had decided from the beginning not to go to the illegal area of ​​the Chambord Islands as much as possible, but regarding the Tony Tony stylist, he didn't have any information about the location of this person.

There are so many places to stay in the Chambord Islands, and there is a possibility for every place.In other words, if you use a stupid method, then you have to go to every place.

Why is there no information about this person in the Navy's intelligence...

While looking at the map of Chambord Islands, Hayden frowned and thought in his heart. The lieutenant general who did not want to disclose his name did not tell me the details...

Start with the Naval Base on the Chambord Islands map.

On the left is the area of ​​NO.70 Hotel Street, on the right is the area of ​​NO.50 shipbuilding and coating, and the area directly in front of NO.60 naval area is a part of the illegal zone.

Hayden didn't know how those men in their navy could bear the fact that the lawless area was their neighbor, but he didn't care much.

The Chambord Islands are the islands that every pirate who wants to go to the new world must pass through. If Hayden wants to deal with the chaos on the island, unless he directly annihilates all the pirates in the world, he must The name "Pirate" must be completely exterminated.

Otherwise, after Hayden cleaned up the pirate situation on the island, he could only last for a while.

The illegal zone in the middle was crossed out from his route by Hayden, so there were only two routes left on both sides—Hotel Street and Shipyard.

Hayden thought about it, and he decided to choose the route of Hotel Street.

The area of ​​Hotel Street is naturally a crowded place where people gather.The more people there are, the more people will speak.

In addition, this kind of hotel is generally a good place to inquire about news.

With so many people, Hayden couldn't believe that he couldn't find a guy who knew about the Tony Tony stylist.

"Don't get lost!"

Hayden, who never stopped, saw that he was about to cross the bridge to reach the area of ​​Hotel Street, and suddenly turned his head to remind the team behind him.

"Yes, sir!!!" A group of sailors behind immediately responded in unison.

Hayden, who was walking in the front, could already see the bustling scene on the No. 70 island opposite before he crossed the bridge.

Rows of small houses with different architectural styles gather on the NO.70 island. People from different parts of the world naturally bring architectural styles from different parts of the world.

The crowds are crowded and the voices are loud, even if it is not the most lively time at night.

Hayden led a team of sailors behind him and walked across the connecting bridge in front of him. It can be said that he officially left their navy's territory and arrived at No. 70 Hotel Street area.

Hayden was wearing a white suit close to pink, with a coat of justice on his shoulders, and two Zanpaku swords crossed on his back.

Now 1.9 meters is close to two meters tall, and his body is upright.


In the eyes of a group of sailors behind him, the officer in front of him seemed to have no airs. After getting in touch with the officer, the officer's character was more approachable.

If Hayden's navy uniform was changed and they were shown again, they would never have thought that the officer was someone who could compete with the lieutenant general.

To make him do nothing and feel the oppression of his strength only from his aura, he can do this by releasing a little spiritual pressure.

However, Hayden shrank all the spiritual pressure in his body, he is used to such a state that is more like an ordinary person.

This state not only allows him to surprise the enemy when he faces an unknown enemy, but also exercises his ability to control the spiritual pressure every minute and every second.

that's it.

A navy who looked very young and weak, led a group of navy with long guns in their hands and a sailor's scimitar on their backs, and a group of them stepped into the area of ​​Hotel Street.



For these people staying in the hotel street, the appearance of the navy is not a surprise, and all kinds of people who are mixed with fish and dragons have no idea about the navy.

On the Chambord Islands, it is not that their navy can cover the sky with one hand.

Even if the location of Hotel Street is right next to their naval base, as long as the navy doesn't come to provoke them, they will naturally ignore the arrival of the navy.

And Hayden also didn't pay attention to the hostility of all kinds of people in the surrounding streets towards them.

According to the perception of spiritual pressure, there is no guy who can attract his attention on this No. 70 island, so the group of guys in front of him who look very fierce are basically guys who can't last a second under his sword.

No need to worry, no need to bother.

On the contrary, the atmosphere of this hotel street made Hayden a little excited.

"Sir, what are we doing here on the Chambord Islands?"

At this time, the sea soldier who was closest to Hayden interrupted the officer who looked a little excited.Not only him, but also a group of sailors behind him were equally curious.

"Ah?" Hayden stopped, blinked and changed his eyes, "Didn't I say that?" He turned his head and said to the little brothers with question marks on their faces.

"I didn't say it."

"Ah..." Hayden scratched his head when he heard the answer, "I came to Chambord Islands to find a man named Tony Tony."


The sea soldiers didn't react immediately, and the same question suddenly popped up in their hearts.

Who is Tony Tony?

What does this have to do with their mission to recruit Qibuhai?
"Who's Tony Tony? Sir."

After a while, the sea soldier who asked the question first came back to his senses and couldn't help but continue to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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