Chapter 171
"Who is Tony?"

Hayden repeated subconsciously, "Don't you know Tony Tony? A world-renowned stylist?"

"do not know."

"do not know."

The same answer came one after another.

But as soon as Hayden spoke, he knew that the answers of these people should basically not know.

If it weren't for the recommendation from the uncle who didn't want to be named, even if Tony Tony is a world-renowned stylist, he wouldn't have learned about this aspect.

"Okay, okay." Hayden didn't intend to explain anything to the group of boys, "Follow me honestly, don't be alone on this Chambord Islands. I think you should also know that as a navy on this island What happens after the order is placed,” he said.

Although the sea soldiers still didn't understand why the officer in front of him was looking for that person, they didn't dare to interfere with the officer's decision.

After everyone answered clearly, they continued to follow Hayden's footsteps and walked on the street of the hotel street.

People are coming and going on the avenue of Hotel Street.

There are people of all shapes and sizes, and everyone has a very different occupation.

And these strange people came here, basically they came here with similar reasons.

The reason why the hotel street is called the hotel street, as the name suggests, is that there are so many hotels that people can call this area the word hotel street.

Hotel Street is a place where people who want to stay in the Chambord Islands for more than a day will definitely come.

Hotels provide a variety of services, such as sleeping, eating, bathing and so on.

Of course, there are also indescribable services that cannot be avoided as a hotel.

Even in broad daylight, the streets on both sides are still lit with dazzling neon signboards, with all kinds of bold and attractive words written on the signboards, luring everyone who comes to the hotel street, luring them to step into the hotel involuntarily in.

It's not just the bold vocabulary on each hotel, each store also displays its unique selling points in front of the door.

And these selling points refer to the "things" that gather almost all the characteristics of the world. It can be said that as long as you come here, you can basically taste the "characteristics" of the world.

As Hayden and his party went deeper into the area of ​​Hotel Street, they came to the inner part of Hotel Street.


Hayden, who was walking in front, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The world of flowers and flowers in front of him made his eyes blind for a while, and the impulse in his body was as unrestrained as a beast on the prairie at this moment.

He seemed to have forgotten the reason why he made a special detour to the Chambord Islands, until there was a sound behind him——

"Gudong, gudong, gudong..."

This group of sailors who will hold back the feelings in their hearts will finally be unable to hold back.

Not to mention the current surrounding situation, Hayden, whose concentration is not ordinary, can't handle it anymore, and the group of sailors behind him can't handle it long ago.

Hayden was startled back to reality by the sound like a group of toads screaming behind him, and he suddenly realized that the group of them did not know where they were going.

He couldn't help but looked around the surrounding environment, as if they had just set foot on the area of ​​Hotel Street last second, but the place behind this meeting was no longer what it was before.


Hayden felt that he was a bit too worthless. Although it was the first time he visited this kind of grown-up street, he shouldn't get lost in this colorful world...

"Hey, hey, hey!" Hayden immediately shouted to a group of younger brothers who had lost their souls behind him: "Come to my senses! Look at what you guys are like! This little scene has become like this!" In this way, what if you guys need to go to the battlefield at that time!"

Hayden's tone of speech at this time was very severe, and he was speaking with a hint of excitement of hating iron for steel.

Hearing these words in the hearts of these sea soldiers, they immediately brought them back to their souls, and at the same time, a deep sense of shame arose in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, it was the first time they went on a mission with this powerful officer, and they presented this unsightly scene of themselves in front of the officer in less than a day.

All the sailors could not help lowering their heads, and stood in the middle of the street filled with neon lights, accepting the reprimand from Officer Hayden in front of them.

When Hayden taught the group of sea soldiers in front of him like pecking chickens, on both sides of the gradually narrowing width of the street, there were big sisters with different looks standing outside the hotel, and they were watching the scene on the street. play.

The navy is not unusual for them, but they have never seen a navy that behaves like this, stopping halfway and starting to teach people.

"Brother Navy~~Come in and play~~~"

"Don't be shy~~~"

"Big sister has fun here~~~"

Curious, they began to hold up the silk scarves with their small hands, and shouted softly while waving them in the air.

a time.

On this pink hotel street, everyone's eyes were attracted by the objects that these big sisters greeted, that is, Hayden and his team of sailors in the middle.

Some find it funny, some find it amusing, some find it a little scary, and of course some find it unpleasant...

"Hey hey, boy!"

"Are you guys here to make trouble here?!?!"

An extremely arrogant voice accompanied by applause suddenly sounded from behind Hayden.

Followed by the big sisters outside the hotel doors on both sides of the street, there was a burst of screams that were so frightened that they couldn't help covering their mouths.

"You navy bastards, you'd better make way for us Danny Boss!!!"

"It is! It is!"

"How dare you stand in the way of our boss in the middle of the fire!"

"I don't even look at who owns this piece of land!"

At the same time, several shouts, perhaps a dozen or so, seemed to be echoing the voice that sounded behind Hayden at the beginning.

At this moment, Hayden, with his back turned, could hear in his ears, as if a group of excrement were buzzing around in circles.

Hayden didn't need to turn around to see the situation behind him at this moment. Judging from the voice alone, he knew what situation they were encountering now.

He never troubled the ants.

But the ants would automatically find him from time to time.


"Sir, behind you!"

The sailors who were repenting in front of them at this moment had already raised their long guns at this moment, and all the black muzzles were aimed at the back of the officer in front of them, and everyone looked very serious.


Although Hayden said that the reaction speed of the younger brothers in front of him was not bad.

That is, why would there always be troublesome guys who don't have good eyesight, he is also a navy with the rank of major general wearing a coat of justice.

He couldn't help but put one hand on his forehead, and waved to the group of younger brothers in front of him with the other, motioning them to put down their weapons.

And such a play between the local "street thieves" on the hotel street and the Shanghai Navy naturally attracted all kinds of people on the hotel street to stop and watch.

Almost none of the guys who came to the Chambord Islands from the first half of the relatively dangerous and extremely dangerous route can be described as ordinary people: some came here with a powerful captain, and some of them were that powerful captain.

Although these people have different strengths, they all have one thing in common—the navy is their enemy.

Although they didn't want to act together in the current situation, they still wanted to watch the show while standing by the side...

(End of this chapter)

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