Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 173 Shaking the Air

Chapter 173 Shaking the Air
"Why, why do you want to hinder the normal play of tourists on our model sanitation street? Is it amazing that you are a navy? You can set up checkpoints at will?"

The tone and demeanor of Dani's speech at this moment is very aggrieved, just like ordinary people who barely live a miserable life under the hands of those tyrants.

As he spoke, the burly middle-aged man in front of him seemed to wipe his eyes involuntarily with his thick right hand, as if he was crying because of emotion.

And some pirates who are often in the area of ​​Gonghuoding, they can understand at a glance what Dani is thinking and planning in his heart.

"This guy started again..."

"Da Ni's methods are really old-fashioned..."

The crowd around the side began to whisper, whispering to each other about the scene in front of them.

However, some people did not comment on the scene in front of them.

As long as he is a person who has no psychological and spiritual problems, he can have an understanding of the current situation on the court.

On one side are dozens of vicious local forces, and on the other side is the navy with only a dozen people. Although the navy has weapons such as spears in their hands, the comparison in numbers is an overwhelming disadvantage.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the current situation is very unfavorable to the navy, so the high-ranking navy party in the field will definitely understand the current situation that is unfavorable to him.


In such a situation, the navy still seemed to be not worried about anything, as if the dozens of local gangsters in front of him, who could kill them with a single punch, did not exist.

The strange behavior of the navy in the field again confirmed the inner thoughts of some of the surrounding onlookers.

This navy with two swords on its back is not one that can be dealt with at will...

Followed by.

Just when Hayden was about to speak back, he saw the person in front of him continue talking without stopping.

"Hey, let me tell you, what should you do if your navy stands on this street and hinders our business in this hotel street?"

When Dani said this, his tone suddenly changed, and he said in a threatening tone:

"I see, you have to hand over something before we can let you go..." As he spoke, he rubbed his right thumb and index finger back and forth.

Everyone around the scene understood the meaning of Danny's gesture, and of course Hayden also understood what the gesture of rubbing his fingers meant.


Following their boss's words, the team of dozens of people behind him stomped the ground fiercely.

The combined energy of dozens of people immediately shook the feet of everyone present, and with the cold eyes of the silent dozens of people, the atmosphere in the air instantly froze.

It seemed that everyone present could see the invisible tension in the air with their naked eyes.

"Do you mean this?"

After listening to the man's question, Hayden took out a stack of Berry banknotes with a face value of [-] yuan from his pocket, and shook them in the air.

Although this stack of banknotes can be easily taken out by Hayden, this stack of [-] yuan banknotes is a huge sum.These are all taken out of the card by Hayden in advance, and the Bailey on him is not just these in his hands.

As the banknotes in Hayden's hand waved and swayed, the smell of money slowly drifted into the space at this moment.

In the eyes of the people around, the navy on the field didn't seem to know what was going to happen next, so he just pulled out Berry without even thinking about it.

And Hayden's actions just mixed with the boss Danny's intentions. Sure enough, this seemingly silly navy was so easy to get. He had just opened his mouth, and the navy sent Bailey directly in front of him.

At this moment, Dani only had the stack of waving Berries in Hayden's hands, and everything else was pitch black.His mouth was raised uncontrollably, and a very weird and ugly laugh came out of his mouth.

"Hey hee hee hee hee hee hee..."

"Navy, it seems that you are still a sensible person..."

Dani then returned to the real world in a state of immersion, and said to the navy in front of him with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Today's trip is really easy, so many Baileys can go to have a good drink and play again tonight...

Dani, who fell behind, couldn't help thinking happily in his heart, and then stretched out his hand towards Bailey in Hayden's hand, wanting to take the money in his hand.

Before Hayden could make any move, the dozen or so sailors behind him immediately aimed their guns at the man standing in front of the officer.

They know the strength of the chief in front of them, but even so, as subordinates, they still have to do what they should do as subordinates.

This action of aiming immediately aroused the commotion of a group of dozens of Dani's subordinates. They were holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, such as spears, sailor machetes, meteor hammers...etc. .

The tension in the scene suddenly rose rapidly.

The sword is drawn, and it is on the verge of fire.


Hayden faced the group of gangsters, without turning around, he raised his right hand to signal the boys behind him not to be so nervous, as if the group of guys in front of him were very powerful.


Hayden temporarily ignored the inquiries from the younger brothers behind him.

And because the navy's guns were all aimed at his own Danny, after he paused, he continued to stretch towards Bailey in the navy's hand in front of him.

Hayden then put the taken Berry back into his pocket.

When Dani saw the action of the navy, he immediately asked loudly: "What do you mean!!!"

He seemed to understand that the navy had no intention of handing over Bailey from the beginning.And he happened to be right.

Hayden ignored the clamoring person in front of him.

Unhurriedly, he began to clean up the aura on his body that had been polluted by this group of people with his hands.

His hands seemed to be patting dust on the place that was about to be grabbed by these guys every time. The filthy breath of these guys had already contaminated the space of about [-] centimeters from the body surface.

at the same time.

With each slap, Hayden began to slowly release the spiritual pressure that was contracted on his body.

Little by little, gradually.

Every slap seemed to shake the air around it.

The streets, the air, the Yalkiman mangroves, all the people around...

It seemed that everything around was afraid of the terrifying, invisible aura emanating from Hayden.


The group of local gangsters in front of Hayden were shocked by the breath they didn't understand the specific meaning of.

Dani, who was closest to Hayden, was so frightened that he lost the ability to speak and control his body.His staring eyes had lost their focus, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

Then, Hayden's final slap fell.

(End of this chapter)

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