Chapter 174 Ah~~~

Hayden's final slap was like a call to arms.

In front of him, a group of local forces composed of dozens of people crashed one after another, like dominoes, and fell down on the street with a "thump, thud, thump".

In just a few seconds, dozens of people collapsed into a large block, just blocking the narrow street tightly.

Arm to arm, arm to ass, face to foot...

Although the eyes of these dozens of people are open, in fact, they have lost consciousness, and the focus in their pupils has long been lost.

"What, what, what happened?!?!"

"Hey, hey!? What did that navy do just now?!"

"That guy's body doesn't seem to have touched Dani's group, right?"

"Why did Dani's group faint directly???"

Although the onlookers were oppressed by Hayden's spiritual pressure, Hayden did not expand the scope of the spiritual pressure to affect their peripheral areas, and they were not directly oppressed by the spiritual pressure.

All the onlookers stared wide-eyed, exclaimed involuntarily, looked at Dani's group lying down on the street, and then at the navy standing in the field who didn't seem to have launched any attack.

They couldn't understand what happened in front of their eyes for the first time.

The navy didn't make a move, and didn't even move his footsteps slightly. He just patted the dust on his body, and then Dani and his group all fell to the ground one by one in front of him.

in this chaotic time.

Some of the watching pirates seemed to have an impossible guess about the current situation.

Combined with the inexplicable aura that oppressed them just now, the pirates who had seen such a scene immediately came to their senses and thought of it—the feeling just now was very similar to the feeling of domineering and domineering.

Although it is impossible for this thing to appear from a navy, the only explanation for the scene in front of them now seems to be in line with the current situation.

Huo Ran thought of this.

Because of the instinctive fear that hadn't dissipated in everyone's hearts just now, the feeling at this moment suddenly intensified.

And a group of sailors just behind Hayden.

They were about the same distance from Hayden as Dani's group. Although they were not oppressed by Hayden's special spiritual pressure, they were still shocked by the aura emanating from the officer in front of them.

They didn't know when the spears in their hands were lowered, and their bodies had reacted in surprise before each of them realized it.

"Sir, sir..."


"Just the momentum of the explosion has cleaned up this group of guys..."

It turned out that it was just the strength that they had heard, but at this moment it finally showed a corner in front of their eyes.

The younger brothers behind Hayden, at this time, their hearts were becoming more and more crazy about the respect for the officer in front of them.

Such an excited emotion is simply higher than the insignificant them, surpassing ordinary things, and reaching a certain unattainable reverence for pure power.

Just like human beings are instinctively awed by the irresistible power of nature, Mr. Hayden in front of him is the nature in their world.


Hayden didn't feel any surprise about the scene in front of him, and he didn't care about the surprised reactions of the people around him because of him.

After taking pictures of the filth on his body, he slowly unbuttoned the bottom button of his suit so that it would be easier for him to move around.

He temporarily ignored the younger brothers behind him, and walked slowly towards the mohawk-haired leather-clothed boss who fell on the street in front of him.

Hayden walked to the head of the Mohawk boss with both feet, and now he only needs to lift his feet up and down again, and he can directly "solve" this man's head.

But he is not the kind of demon who kills indiscriminately.

In the eyes of the onlookers, Hayden, the navy body, slowly squatted down, and then——

"Clap clap clap!!!"

The powerful palm immediately slapped the boss of Mohawk hard on the face several times.

"Who dares to hit me!!! Who is it!!!"

The hot feeling on his face immediately stimulated Dani who was in a coma, and he immediately opened his eyes with curses.

Now, the mohawk standing on Dani's head was directly slapped down because of Hayden's force, and the right cheek that touched Hayden's slap instantly swelled into a big lump, glowing red.

Followed by.

Dani who woke up suddenly saw Hayden in front of him.

The last scene of the broken consciousness flooded Dani's heart like a tidal wave at this moment.

He remembered that he was suddenly fainted by fright just now, and the direct cause of his fainting was the feeling of suddenly waking up in the navy in front of him.An aura like a wild beast emerged from the navy's body, and the aura that suffocated him rushed towards his face in an instant.


This middle-aged man in his forties realized the horror of the navy in front of him. At this moment, he seemed to have changed into a weak girl in his heart, and his body was limp when he woke up.

Immediately afterwards, as if being threatened, he moved on his knees on the ground, trying to stay away from the navy in front of him.


Hayden, who was squatting, felt a little strange at this time.

Shouldn't it?Why did he take back his spiritual pressure? Why is this guy still afraid of him, and why is he still acting like this...

Hayden scratched his head in confusion, "Hey, calm down." He signaled to Dani who was in a girlish pose with an emphasis.

"You should be the local snake on this street, right?"

He continued to ask Dani, he did not forget the reason why he came here on this trip, since this guy seems to be the boss on this street, then he should be very well versed in information and intelligence.

But hearing the inquiry from the navy in front of him, Dani dared not speak, his body trembled and he shook his head immediately.

Don't look at him being so frightened by Hayden now, but his status as the boss of the neighborhood of Gonghuo Ding has not changed.As a boss, he is naturally well-informed.

He knew what type of people there were in this world, and he knew about the type of the navy in front of him when he was very young.

On the surface, this person looks easy and approachable, without any emotion.

But in fact, as long as his emotions are touched, this type of person is the most ruthless when attacking.

After realizing the huge gap between him and the navy in front of him, Dani didn't dare to say a word, for fear of offending the navy in front of him in some way.

Seeing that the guy in front of him didn't seem ready to answer his question, Hayden maintained good patience and continued to ask: "Hey, what do I want to ask you? You shouldn't be scared stupid by me, right?"

Dani continued to shake his head after hearing this, but this time the speed of the shaking was accelerated.

(End of this chapter)

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