Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 175 The news is in hand

Chapter 175 The news is in hand
Under the bright sun.

Islet No. 74 on the Chambord Islands.

From time to time, the sound of bubbles growing could be heard on the small island made of Yarkiman mangroves, and the emerging bubbles rose slowly while shaking, and they were incomparably gorgeous under the sunlight projected from the sky.

At this time, on the streets of the Gonghuoding neighborhood, almost everyone on the small island gathered on this street.

During the period of stalemate between Hayden and Danny's group, there were even people from other small islands crossing the bridge to come here.The navy clashes with other people, which is a good show that many people like to watch.

Facing Hayden's second question, Dani still didn't give him a satisfactory answer, and he even speeded up shaking his head stupidly.

Looking at the terrified Mohican boss in front of him, Hayden took a deep breath, and then stood up.

And such a scene is in the eyes of everyone watching outside the field at this moment.

Suddenly there was a strange feeling in their hearts, how could they feel that the temperament of the navy was no different from them at this time, except that he was wearing navy clothes.

The positions of Hayden and Danny's group have been switched, and the current situation is completely in Hayden's hands.

It seems that stimulation is still needed...

Hayden looked down at the Mohawk boss who was slumped on the ground and thought, since this guy didn't intend to answer his question honestly, he had to take unnecessary measures.

"Originally, I only planned that as long as you answered the question, I wouldn't do anything to you..." After speaking slowly, Hayden paused and then stretched his right hand towards the handle of the knife behind him. "Since you're going to do it this way, then do it this way..."

The voice of the navy in the field was flat, without any fluctuations.

However, in the ears of Dani who was slumped on the ground, the voice of the navy was like a huge bell ringing in his ears.

"Etc., etc!!!"

Danny shouted in a hurry.This person can get rid of his group just by relying on his aura, so what does it mean when he stretches out his hand and draws his knife.

Dani didn't dare to imagine, nor did he want to.

"I said it! I said it!" Dani immediately raised his hands to signal his surrender, and moved towards Hayden with his knees.

Then, an important question suddenly came to his panicked mind.

"What did I say?"

At the same time that this question popped up in Dani's mind, he said it out of his mouth unconsciously.

"Oh?" Hayden looked at this person immediately as if he was amused, but he was a little relaxed. Today will be a brand new day for him to "makeover". After all, he doesn't want to make the scene too bloody.

"Do you know where the stylist named Tony Tony is now?" Hayden then asked directly.

"Tony Tony?" The man named Dani didn't react to the navy's question in front of him immediately.

The words Tony Tony and stylist, what does the Navy mean by asking this?
Dani suddenly had doubts in his heart, he didn't immediately think of the famous Tony Tony stylist in the Chambord Islands.After all, although that guy doesn't look like a normal person, that guy doesn't seem to have the habit of messing with the navy.


In his brain overloaded by fear, he thought about it, and finally he only thought that the navy should be asking him about the location of Tony Tony's stylist.

Is this what the navy wants to ask?
"Uh..." Danny continued with a puzzled face, and his tone was a little uncertain: "Stylist Tony Tony?" He also peeked at the face of the navy in front of him.

Hayden nodded without saying a word.

Then, Dani, who carefully looked at Hayden's face, dared to continue.

"Tony Tony..." He glanced at the watch on his arm, and the time was displayed at around two o'clock in the afternoon, "Tony Tony, no one knows the exact location of that guy. However, there are often people at this time I saw him at the point, and he should be in the area of ​​Soap Bubble Park around NO.30."

Dani's eyes looked up to the sky slightly, carefully recalling all the information about the stylist in his mind.

"At this time?" Hayden said to himself, and then looked at the watch on his left wrist. "At Soap Bubble Park at two o'clock?" He continued to think to himself that the stylist's life is really colorful.

If it were him, when he was not working normally, two o'clock now happened to be the time for a nap after a full meal.

Hayden then looked again at Mohawk, who was slumped on the ground, and their eyes collided immediately.

Hayden didn't notice any strange meaning in his eyes.

But if he wanted to tell the truth, he couldn't tell clearly from the look in this person's eyes whether this person was telling the truth or playing tricks on him.

However, Hayden thought again, after being "touched" by his own spiritual pressure, this guy probably still can't get up the courage to fool him again, right?

Then, Hayden, who got the news from the stylist, didn't plan to hang out here anymore.

Hayden then looked around at all the people around them who were watching the play, he didn't feel anything about being surrounded by people.

The group of people surrounding them, he knew at a glance that these guys were basically criminals like pirates.

Hayden's internal pendulum clock was oscillating between grabbing them or letting them go.

However, Hayden was a little hesitant about the information that 'at two o'clock, the stylists are basically in Soap Bubble Park'.

Well...forget about it today.

Then Hayden turned and stood facing the sailors behind him.

He then gave the order.

"Tie up all the guys who fell on the ground! Tell the navy of the Chambord Islands to come and take these guys back and lock them up."


Although the sailors were still in a state of astonishment, they still didn't immediately respond to the command of the officer in front of them in a daze.


"Isn't it okay to say that it's okay?!"

Danny's voice suddenly sounded, but it gradually faded away in the ears of Hayden and his party's navy.

Hayden ignored this person, and after giving orders to his subordinates, he looked at the onlookers again and said, "Alright! Alright! Today's show is over. If you don't leave on your own, the Navy Prison is waiting for you!"


The onlookers then had different reactions.

However, they just cursed secretly in their respective mouths, and left the street while talking.

After all, the aura emanating from the navy, the real sense of suffocation in the air just now, is definitely something to bluff.

Everyone left one by one, and the crowded street became clean at this moment.

Only Danny's gang tied up with various things remained, and Hayden's navy of more than a dozen people, and finally the big sisters who were originally at the door of the hotel on both sides of the street.

The tense atmosphere in the air also dissipated at this moment.
At this time, the big sisters also realized that the little brother in the navy in front of them is a powerful little brother.

And a powerful man can arouse their...

(End of this chapter)

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