Chapter 176
after that.

With the news in hand, the matter in front of me has almost been dealt with.

Next, you just need to wait for the navy on the Chambord Islands to come to receive the gang they caught.

It's just that during the time waiting on the street...

Hayden felt that he was going to be overwhelmed! ! !

The big sisters around are so exciting! ! !
Originally, the big sisters on the streets on both sides were already very unrestrained.

Now, because of the semblance of majesty they showed, the group of women seemed to be more daring.

The words that came out of those red lips could hardly be written by himself. He knew that as soon as he wrote them, he would definitely take them away in harmony.

Now, this hotel street has returned to the very attractive atmosphere before, coupled with the more "violent" offensive of the big sister at the moment...

Hayden couldn't bear it anymore, and the dozen or so younger brothers under him couldn't bear it anymore.


Hayden had no choice but to close his eyes and listen, forcibly shielding himself from the temptations that kept coming to him in the world in front of him. He deliberately made a detour to the Chambord Islands not to do such mundane things.

A strong heart is worthy of having a strong strength...

A strong heart is worthy of having a strong strength...

I'm here to find someone...

Hayden recited silently in his heart, reminding himself why he came here, and at the same time trying to clear his mind full of chaotic thoughts.

But it's okay.

The big sisters on both sides of the movement are very unrestrained and did not dare to approach Hayden directly.If it were someone else, they might have come up directly, but Hayden's navy uniform still played a deterrent effect on them.

Then some time passed.

The navy of the Chambord Islands arrived.After receiving the call bug, although they were a little puzzled, they came quickly.

After Hayden's sailors handed over the tied local gangsters to the navy of Chambord, he can finally leave this "Abyss of Desire" at this time. He is afraid that if he stays here any longer, it is very likely that today's One day just passed by.

Didn't even think about it.

After that, Hayden left the island directly with a dozen or so younger brothers behind him.

The small islands No.70 to No. 79 are all within the scope of the hotel street. They have just entered the hotel street before, and they have not encountered the type of hotel just now. Obviously, the small island just now is the area of ​​​​not serious hotels.

at this time.

When Hayden came to another hotel island, he could finally breathe a little.

Standing on the outskirts of Island 75, Hayden couldn't help but unbuttoning his suit, releasing the hot air accumulated on his body.

"Is the map on your body?"

Hayden pulled his shirt inside to fan the wind, and asked the sailors under him.He now wants to see where they are now, and where is the soap bubble park.

"Here, sir!"

One of the sailors immediately replied, took out the folded map from his clothes, and then stepped forward and handed it to Hayden.

"Hmm." Hayden nodded casually, looked back at the small island that made him 'fearful', and turned to the map in his hand.

The map unfolds.

The general distribution of the Chambord Islands is clearly displayed in Hayden's eyes.

His eyes froze immediately, and he immediately found the location marked with Soap Bubble Park.


Hayden looked up at the number of the small island they were stepping on, "No. 75..." After saying a word, his eyes shifted to the position of No. 75.


He knew what route their group should take to get to Soap Bubble Park, but his expression seemed to suddenly fall silent.

Hayden cursed secretly in his heart.


On this map, no matter what route they choose to go to Soap Bubble Park, they will definitely pass through the illegal area on this island.

"Headache..." Hayden couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

just now.

The character on this island who could directly cut him into a fool, Hades Rayleigh, this guy is not the main reason for his worry.

Although he himself said so at the beginning, judging from the performance in the comics, the old man shouldn't have any special reaction after seeing them in the navy. As long as he doesn't provoke him to death, he should no problem.

Talking about the reason for worrying about Rayleigh was just Hayden's nonsense.

The real reason is mainly the illegal area, the illegal area.

As they are called "lawless areas", there are many dark things in these places that completely ignore the existence of the world's laws.

Although the laws of this world are no more than decorations for people like pirates.

But in those places, there is no legal zone in the literal sense.

If you change the place, ordinary pirates will usually run away when they meet their navy.

But in that place, those pirates may come directly to you and block the way of your navy.

As long as they are not well-known masters of the navy, those lawless pirates will not care so much.

Hayden didn't want to cause a riot.

However, he knows that when passing through these places, there is an estimated 90.00% chance of causing riots.

Their navy of a dozen or so people, walking in an illegal area is like a group of a dozen or so sheep slowly walking into a predator's territory.

Of course, Hayden wasn't one of the sheep, but those predators would see him as one.

Although the group of guys who made trouble for them before looked very bluffing, they were still at the level of making trouble.If you go into the illegal area later, the pirates inside will not be the kind of small troubles.

And because of the different strengths of the enemies, Hayden estimated that if those guys got angry.At that time, the shot may cause a lot of trouble.

From the level of the riots, it caused a chain reaction and eventually became out of control.

Now Hayden hates trouble more.


If you want to go to Soap Bubble Park, you can only choose to go through the illegal area.

"The next step is to prepare for battle..."

Hayden, who made the decision, said in a low voice to the younger brothers next to him.

Then, he folded the map and signaled the sailor who had given it to him to put it away.


A dozen or so sailors immediately replied loudly.

The voice fell.

Although everyone didn't understand why the officer in front of him suddenly felt serious.

But everyone didn't think much about it, and immediately began to check their weapons and equipment to ensure that they were ready according to the commander's order.

Hayden subconsciously looked at the time on his arm, which showed 47:[-]. "Trouble..." He couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

At this time, let alone whether you can find the person in Soap Bubble Park, even if you find it, you don't know how much time it will take.

It seems that today I have to stay in this shampoo field all night...

(End of this chapter)

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