Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 177 The Dead Town

Chapter 177 The Dead Town

I originally planned to finish it in a day, and then embark on the voyage to Amazon Lily.

But as time goes by little by little.

Although there is only a small possibility that it can be done today, Hayden still holds a faint hope that he can find it as soon as he goes there, and then he can get it all done in less than two hours.

Hayden thought in this way to speed up the journey.

He began to force himself to ignore all the interesting things on both sides of the street, whether it was the food he had never seen before, or the young lady who made him unable to move.

A group of people passed through island 75, passed through island 76, passed through island 77...


Hayden led a group of more than a dozen sailors behind him, and at this time finally came to the No. 20 island, the edge of the illegal zone.

Standing at the end of the bridge connecting the No. 20 lawless area, Hayden stopped here, looking at the connecting bridge ahead that could no longer be called a bridge.

This is a huge masonry bridge.

It was covered with green moss, and the bridge was broken here and there, with a brick missing here and a big hole there.

The most important thing is that the bridge was directly broken by something in the middle, making it impossible for ordinary people to go to the opposite island through the bridge.

Hayden looked intently at the NO.20 island across the bridge.The small island known as the illegal zone is not too scary in the literal sense.

Except that there are almost no people on the small island in front, and the buildings on the island are a bit dilapidated, it basically looks like an ordinary and peaceful small town.

But since it is called an illegal area, there is a reason why it is called this name.

Hayden didn't let up.

Rather, it doesn't matter if he is slack or not, this little scene doesn't make him too nervous.This is the case of the small group of sailors he led...

Although he has a general understanding of their strength, he doesn't know what unexpected things will happen after entering the depths of the illegal area.

"let's go."

Hayden looked at the dilapidated bridge ahead, gestured to the sailors behind him, and then he was the first to go up.

The break of the bridge will not stop their progress.

In less than a few minutes, the entire group passed the bridge and came to the illegal area numbered twenty.

In the Chambord Islands, every small island is basically equal to a world.

The hotel street behind is a lively and noisy place, but the NO.20 island that I am stepping on at this moment...

Is it quieter here?

After going to the island, Hayden didn't stop, and continued to move forward.

The sailors behind him all picked up their weapons, looking wary of threats that might emerge from anywhere around them.

There are not a large number of buildings on other small islands here, and the huge roots of the Yarkiman mangrove are more conspicuous on this desolate island, with huge round roots protruding.

Although there are also buildings here.

But when Hayden got closer, he noticed that these dilapidated buildings were already covered with green moss, almost blending in with the special environment of the Chambord Islands.

'It's quieter around here'.

Hayden now feels that it might be better to use the word 'dead silence' to describe it.

The appearance of this lawless area is completely different from what he imagined.

He originally thought it would look like the one in the movie, which looks very wasteland, with strangely dressed guys of various races coming and going, and there are all kinds of dangerous items on the street.

However, the reality is uninteresting...

of course.

The small island in this lawless area is not really devoid of people.

In Hayden's spiritual pressure perception, he sensed that there were a certain number of guys around him, hiding in various places out of sight, and he didn't know if they were hugging or doing something.

Since these guys didn't dare to show it, in Hayden's mind, it basically meant that this group of guys didn't exist.

However, this is also fine.

Without the kind of guy whose brain circuit is different from other people jumping out, he can just take a walk like this without worrying about it, and walk all the way to Soap Bubble Park.

"Pay attention to your surroundings! Be vigilant!"

Hayden walked in the front carelessly, beckoning to the younger brothers behind him.

Then, the sailors behind him did not respond, and they used their actions to show their understanding.

They are not ordinary sailors, and they still have a little awareness of the potential dangers in the surrounding environment.It can't be said how specific it is, but it is enough to let them know that the quiet surroundings are not as peaceful as they appear on the surface.

at the same time.

The outlaws hiding around all of them had their weapons already in their hands.

As early as when Hayden and his group of navy stepped onto the small island, they had already hid aside to observe this group of navy.

On the Chambord Islands, the current general distribution of forces has been like this long ago.

The navy and their territory are in the area between [-] and [-], because the Chambord Islands cannot be fully controlled, so they let the formation of illegal areas, and at the same time they are not likely to enter illegal areas.

Those pirates who came to the Chambord Islands are other criminals, and they will not provoke the navy on this island at will.

At some point, the two parties reached such an unspoken agreement.

And now.

This group of navy consists of more than a dozen people, and the leader is an officer wearing a navy coat of justice. These navies entered their territory "leisurely" like this...

At this time.

Hayden noticed that on the door of a dilapidated building on the side, the signboard used a now rusted spear to pierce a navy man wearing a navy coat, and it was stapled to the door like this.

Look at the erosion on the outside of this corpse, it happened a long time ago.


The navy is not welcome here.

The criminals hiding aside, they observed Hayden and his navy for a while, but they didn't seem to find any information.

They judged from the dozen or so sailors, their footsteps, the posture of holding the gun, the feeling of their eyes, the temperament of their bodies, etc., that these guys were nothing to worry about.

However, they couldn't see through the details of the naval officer in front of the dozen or so of them.

The two swords on his back show that this guy is a swordsman with two swords, but this guy doesn't seem to have the sharp eyes of a swordsman.Give them the feeling, how should I put it, it feels like ordinary people.

not right...

The criminals hiding aside all planned to observe for a few minutes.


In their line of sight, a small and weak figure, the owner of that figure seemed to have a brain-deprived, rushed towards the group of marines...

"Damn it! I was preempted by that brat!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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