Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 178 Little Girl Lilu

Chapter 178 Little Girl Lilu


In the silent environment, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded.

The sound of footsteps was amplified several times in this environment, and it was naturally heard clearly by the ears of Hayden and his party without any omissions.


A group of sailors behind Hayden immediately pointed their black guns in the direction of the sound, shouting in unison.


A dozen pairs of eyes, including Hayden, all looked at the person coming.

It was a little girl who came suddenly.

He is about 1.5 meters tall, and his body is soft and weak.The only thin skirt on her body was full of stains, and the corners of the skirt were ripped apart like strips of mop cloth.

A shy smile played across her grimy face, but she didn't seem bothered by what had happened to her.

"That...Brother Navy, do you need a guide here?"

The little girl named Lilu timidly asked the big navy brothers in front of her.

"I, Lilu, are the living map of the Chambord Islands area. You can ask me who you want to find, where you are looking for, and what you are looking for."

When she talked about something she was familiar with, the cautious look disappeared, and a proud smile appeared on her face.

And Hayden and his party were in sharp contrast to the little girl's appearance.

Wearing clean and tidy uniforms, everyone's temperament is full of strong self-confidence.

They and this little girl who is struggling to survive in this illegal area are people from two worlds.All the sailors immediately thought of this.

At the same time, the sympathy in their hearts for the little girl who could understand the situation at a glance began to overflow involuntarily.

"What a poor child!!!"

"Little cutie, do you live alone on this island?"

"Sir, let's take this little girl with me!!!"

The sailors under Hayden immediately yelled, and the expressions on everyone's faces were almost moved to tears by the stories they made up in their own brains.

"Take your sister!"

Hayden yelled, and hit the head of the sailor who proposed to bring the kid with a hammer.


This hammer also frightened the sympathetic sailors beside them back to their senses, their eyes were on their noses, their heads were on the ground, and they muttered weakly.

At this time.

Only then did Hayden take a closer look at the kid who suddenly ran in front of them.

He couldn't help but frowned thinking in his heart.

Although this kid looks miserable, like the kind of kid who lives alone in such a dangerous area.


He couldn't believe that this frail little girl could live in peace for such a long time on the Chambord Islands, an island where pirates are densely populated.

It looks like it hasn't been bathed for a week or two, and the clothes on it look like they haven't been changed for at least a few months. There is also a sign made by the kid himself, "Live Map of Chambord Islands".

Although Hayden couldn't speculate how long this brat had lived on the island, judging from these three points, it must have been at least three months, not two or three days when he just came here.


Looks like another problem is coming.

Hayden quickly had a rough judgment of the current situation in his mind, but he decided to follow this kid's routine.

Although this brat has absolutely no good intentions, but let him kill the little girl directly like this, to be honest, he can't do it.

"Little devil."

Hayden looked at the girl, approached her and squatted down, his eyes level with the little girl's.


The little girl named Lilu watched the navy approach her without hesitation, but she herself was a little at a loss and a little scared.

When she did this in the past, the other people she met either treated her carefully or were very rough.

Anyway, it wouldn't be like this navy, as if he wasn't feeling sorry for himself, as if she was just an ordinary little girl...

"Is it true that you are the living map of this island? If I want to find someone, can you help me find it?" Hayden continued to ask, staring at the stunned kid in front of him.

"Ah?" Lilu's reaction was delayed for a second before she realized, "That's right, that's right. I, Lilu, will never lie. If you need someone, something, or somewhere, just come to me directly. Lilu, it can be done in one step..."

She patted herself on the chest, proudly emphasizing her slogan again.Having said that, she suddenly stopped.

The shoulders began to twist gradually, and the arc of the mouth became exaggerated, "That... that is, this service needs a little bit, you know."

In Hayden's eyes, the little girl in front of her seemed to be acting like a profiteer in an instant.


Looking at this brat, Hayden couldn't help being silent for a second.

Then, just as he was about to say 'money is not an issue if his business works out'.

As a result, the sea soldiers behind him, who had been watching, noticed what the little girl meant, and they immediately shouted:

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Sir, I have it!"

The sailors immediately crowded around Hayden and the little girl, all of them looked as if they were driving themselves to be slaughtered by others.


Hayden couldn't help covering his face with his hands, he really didn't see this group of nervous guys.

After a while.


Hayden brought a touch of spiritual pressure in his shouts, and then calmed down the group of noisy guys in his ears.

Then, he continued his 'deal' with this brat.

"If you can lead me to the person I'm looking for, the money issue won't be an issue." Hayden said indifferently, revealing a corner of Berry in his pocket to show his confidence in saying this.

Although I still don't understand what this kid is trying to do, it's still possible to have a local guide to lead the way.


Lilu's attention at this time was all attracted by the stack of Berries that the navy showed her just now.She only saw a corner of the berry, but she also saw that there seemed to be many zeros written on the berry.

"Okay! The deal is concluded, you must never go back on it!!!"

Lilu, who came back to her senses, immediately clasped the big hands of Haijun above her with both hands, and shook her hands violently, indicating that the deal between them has been confirmed, and no one can go back.

There are so many Baileys, as long as I can reward her with one, then I can change into new clothes...

Lilu thought beautifully in her heart.

Holding Haijun's hands, as if forgetting that she was still holding this navy, she never let go, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily.


Hayden looked at the kid in front of him with a lot of mental activities and chuckled, but didn't express anything.

(End of this chapter)

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