Chapter 179

at the same time.

Just around the area where Hayden and his party were standing, where they couldn't see around them, the criminals on this small island were quietly hiding around.

As for this group of guys who are called "outlaws" by different forces, why haven't they appeared in front of the navy since this group of navy set foot on the island until now.

Moreover, in the underground world where the navy heads are here, there is a bounty for every head, and the amount of bounty is relatively high at the same time, why haven't they directly made a move?

One of them, he looked at Hayden and his party in the open space ahead, but his eyes were mainly focused on the little girl who ran to the navy.

Thoughts in his mind began to come alive, "Are we still going?" He kept his eyes fixed on the figure of the little girl outside, but he said to the companion next to him.


Beside him, another person who was also observing Hayden and his party was silent for a second, not knowing what to do now.Maybe he didn't dare to do it...

"I don't know." He said, "Let's observe the situation of this group of guys again, that brat is indeed a little troublesome." Lilu went to Haideng and the navy before them, and they were a little afraid of this brat.

However, under the lure of the Navy's head bounty, they still decided to observe the movements of these guys for a while to see if there was any chance for them to miss it.

The members of their gang have not left here for the time being.

And the criminals who were hiding in other places surrounding Hayden and his party also did not leave here.Perhaps at this moment, it is not necessarily true that everyone hiding around is thinking the same idea in their hearts.


Back to Hayden.

"Little ghost, is it alright for me to call you by your name?" Hayden stood up now, looked down at the kid and asked.

Lilu, who was looking up at Hayden, immediately replied after hearing this question: "Well, no problem, just call me Lilu." She nodded her head a few times as she spoke, showing great respect for the navy in front of her.

Followed by.

She seemed to think of something suddenly in her mind, and she continued to ask: "Then, Mr. Navy, what is your name?"

In Hayden's eyes, there was a somewhat puzzled expression on her dirty face, and her two big eyes flickered.

Although this kid's face was as black as if it had been pulled out of a coal pile, judging from this kid's facial features, he would definitely become a beautiful beauty when he grew up.

"Hmm..." Hayden closed his mouth and made an incomprehensible voice. Loli didn't match his point. "Hayden, this is my name." He told the brat in front of him.

"oh oh."

Lilu nodded.

Then her little head tilted, "Then...Master Hayden, what are you asking me to do? Looking for someone? Looking for a place? Or looking for something?"

Lilu has entered her role, doing what a tour guide should do.

"Look for a stylist named Tony Tony. A kind person told me that this person should be in Soap Bubble Park now."

Hayden immediately spoke out about himself without hesitation.

".Tony Tony?"

Hearing this name, Lilu repeated it subconsciously. She felt that the name seemed a little familiar.

After a while, she remembered the owner of this name.

"Oh!" Lilu suddenly said, "Tony Tony, I know that guy."

"you know?"

"I knew."

Lilu heard that it was such a simple matter that the navy wanted to ask for, and the nervousness in her heart that she thought would be a little difficult because it was now a task that the navy asked for disappeared immediately disappeared.

"I'm familiar with that guy, Tony Tony. Others don't know the exact location of that guy, but I know this living map." Lilu said this with a very proud expression.

Before Hayden could reply, she continued, "Let's go now. I'll tell you as we go." As she spoke, her little hand grabbed Hayden's big hand and led him away.

"It's safer for us not to stay in this place for a long time." After taking a step, she turned her head and reminded Hayden. After finishing speaking, she looked vigilantly at the empty environment around her.

Hayden let her act.

He walked forward with the kid, and the sea soldiers behind him also hurriedly followed happily.

The officer said that he would not take him with him, but now he is obediently following...

A group of sailors walking behind Hayden thought to themselves with a sneer.

Hayden's team consisted of a dozen people, and now a little girl was added, and the group began to head towards Tony Tony's position.


some time passed.

A group of people walked through the illegal island in the twenty-odd numbers.

However, after walking for maybe ten minutes, the group of them has not encountered the navy that came up to trouble them.

Even if some lawbreakers appeared in front of them on this island, those guys didn't come up directly, but stopped after seeing them, and stood there staring at them.

Although this was also in line with Hayden's thinking, the actions and eyes of these guys made him pay more attention.However, he didn't need to think about this little situation.

Hayden looked at the kid leading the way, and then asked her, "That Tony Tony, isn't his location known? How do you know?"

"Huh? Master Hayden, are you calling me?" Lilu, who was leading the way in front of her, looked back at Hayden belatedly.

"...I said, the stylist Tony Tony, doesn't anyone know his exact location, why would you know?" Hayden repeated patiently.


Hearing this question, she kept walking forward, but turned her head to Lilu who was behind. Her footsteps suddenly stopped and she almost staggered and fell.

But she immediately stabilized her figure, "You don't even need to ask who I am, I'm Li Lulu, a famous living map nearby."

As if Hayden's question invaded her, she suddenly refuted without thinking.

"Li Lulu?"

Hayden was attracted by the name, and subconsciously pronounced it, while staring at the brat in front of him.

Looking at the eyes of the navy behind, Lilu immediately said, "Well, I prefer people to call me Lilu."

"Is that so..." Hayden didn't ask further.

Followed by.

Lilu thought of something, and then opened her mouth to change the current topic.

"The person who told you that Tony is in Soap Bubble Park is really a kind person. Although he doesn't know the exact location, it's almost the same. Mr. Hayden, your luck is really good..."

After that, Hayden chatted casually with the kid.

The kid asked, and he answered.Randomly pick a few strange and strange things he has encountered on the sea and tell this kid.

Not only did this kid exclaim in surprise from time to time, but the sailor behind him also exclaimed from time to time and then asked curiously.

 Tell me about the recent situation.

  First of all, thank you readers and friends who have been seeing the present, thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your monthly tickets, and most importantly, thank you for your subscription.

  Because some comments made my mind explode, I haven't read comments for a long time.

  I hope you will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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