Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 180 Illegal Bazaar

Chapter 180 Illegal Bazaar
Three fifty-two.

Along the way, Hayden and his party were in a cheerful atmosphere. From a relatively quiet island, they came to an island where they felt the hustle and bustle as soon as they stepped on the island.

The island was completely different from what it had been before, and Hayden and his party immediately realized this.

Although Hayden was walking behind Lilu at this moment, he didn't see the expression of the kid in front.However, just from the desire to jump up on the kid's body, he knew that the kid seemed to be driven by the lively atmosphere around him.

just now.

The lively atmosphere of the small island they landed on is just like the illegal market in Hayden's mind.

Looking at the endless market at a glance, there are crowds of people wherever you look.

Both sides are full of shops with a lot of goods and very messy, and there are merchants who just put a wooden board on the sticky grass and start selling.

"Come and take a look! Special sea king essence!"

"The best iron-cutting sword is only for today, don't wait until it expires!"

"Future, destiny, women's fate... I have everything you want to know!"

Hayden and his team followed the little ghosts in front of them through this illegal market composed of criminals.

He hasn't been shopping for a long time, and he feels that his eyes are going to blur.

The Chambord Islands can be regarded as an end point of the first half of the great voyage, where the goods brought by people from different places are gathered. Anyway, it is all kinds of strange things that appear on the sea, and you can almost see them after a few steps.

However, this market with a special style is not a place where Hayden and the others can come casually as a navy.

But the strange thing is that since they entered the market, no one has dared to trouble them.

Hayden observed the criminals around him, and he felt that this was a bit too weird.

After these guys saw their navy, although the expressions on their faces sank for a moment, they were not ready to go up and attack them directly.

shouldn't be...

Hayden felt that his team of only a dozen sailors should not be able to scare the people of their small island.And he didn't let go of the spiritual pressure to frighten them.

Hmm...they definitely have something wrong with that.

Hayden continued to follow the kid in front of him while thinking.The group of sailors who followed him looked like they were all soldiers now, but the situation they were facing now was pretty much the same.


"Sir, that, that, let's go faster..."

"Yes, sir..."

The sailors had already heightened their vigilance to the situation of being 'surrounded', and the few sailors closest to the officer couldn't help but suggested in a low voice behind Hayden.

They thought that walking through the illegal area was just like before, basically no one appeared, and they really didn't expect that there would be such an illegal market.

Moreover, they directly passed through the middle.

Although I don't know why the owner with countless hostile eyes around him didn't come up to attack directly.

But they think that the problem of being attacked by the group of people around them is only a matter of time, and it is better to leave this place as soon as possible before the thoughts in their hearts are implemented.


The little girl Lilu in front of everyone.

She didn't seem to have any sense of leading the navy to such a place with the most outlaws.It seems that there is no common sense that even a three-year-old child knows: navy and pirates, there is no friendly relationship between the two.

at this time.

She who was leading the way stopped and looked back at Hayden and the others.

"Master Hayden, this is the most famous bazaar in our area. You can find anything interesting and delicious here." She smiled and introduced this bazaar to Hayden.

"Little ghost, continue to lead the way."

Hayden ignored the brat's introduction of this "criminal den" to him, and directly held Lilu's head with his big hand, controlled the strength to turn her whole body forward, and then walked forward by himself.

"Hey! Wait!" Lilu, who was taken aback by Hayden's actions, immediately came back to her senses, and quickly followed her steps.

"Master Hayden, aren't you curious? How about it? Is this the first time you've come to this kind of place?" Lilu, who was walking side by side with Hayden, tilted her head and looked up at Hayden, as if asking for credit. asked in a slightly excited tone.

"Heh... brat." Hayden chuckled, looked at the road ahead, and said to the brat, "If it weren't for the fact that things here would be very troublesome to deal with, and I need you, brat, to lead the way now..."

Hayden didn't finish half of what he said.

After hearing this, Lilu couldn't figure out what the words meant, and why did he feel that Mr. Hayden next to him had been in a strange mood since he entered the market.

Lilu couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on his face.


In front of Hayden and his group, a strange fragrance suddenly wafted in the air.

Each of their noses smelled this fragrance that made their throats feel dry.


"It's polar ice cream!"

Lilu, who was a little depressed, immediately became excited, and shouted something that Hayden and the others didn't know.Her eyes widened immediately, wanting to see the place where the scent came from as soon as possible.

Hayden couldn't help but wondered.

Then, everyone saw a strangely 'smoky' stall in front of which a crowd gathered.Then, everyone walked to this 'smoky' stall.

However, it might be better to say that Hayden and the others followed the fascinated Lilu to the stall.

When the crowd gathered in front of the stall saw Hayden and his navy approaching, they remained silent as if they were friendly enough to make way for them.

This also happened to allow Hayden and his party to clearly see what was going on at the stall.

'The polar ice unicorn is so delicious! ! ! '

The signboard on the trolley reads such an exaggerated slogan, and behind the trolley is a bald man using his dexterous hands to create ice creams that look like strange animals.

And the feeling that this ice cream uploaded to them was not only this cold air, but also had a very strong unknown fragrance.

"Want a copy of our signature ice unicorn? Little sister." The bald man leaned over to look at Lilu and asked, with a standard smile on his face that was a bit scary.


Lilu looked at the world's most delicious delicacy within reach in front of her eyes, she couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, but she couldn't say the word "I want".

It was obvious to her that she had no money.

So, she could only stare straight with her twinkling eyes.



At this time, a group of sailors behind Hayden saw the situation and began to become very disgusted, and shyly twisted their bodies and shouted to Hayden.

They wanted to help the poor little girl buy this ice cream directly, but they just noticed that they didn't seem to have any money with them, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted their time.

The meaning of the sailors was well conveyed to Hayden.

at the same time.

The pirates who gave way to them before, although they made way, they did not leave. They all surrounded Hayden and the others, staring straight at their group.

At this time, they watched this group of guys dawdling here to delay their purchase of this item. Although they did not dare to touch Hayden and his party for the time being due to reasons they did not dare to say, they could still talk about it.

"Hey, hey, you poor ghosts can't afford it, so don't stand in the way!"

"Hurry up and make way for me!"

"Dead Navy is really miserable, I don't even have the money to buy an ice cream!!!"

The many pirates around began to taunt and taunt, and in just a few seconds, the surroundings began to make noise.

And Lilu seemed to be frightened by this movement, she didn't understand why these guys had such a big reaction to the Navy.There seemed to be a tear in her eye.


Seeing this movement, the kid turned his head back and stared at him with indescribable eyes——

Hayden stared sharply at the place where the pirate was standing on the right, and a thick spiritual pressure raged out of him in an instant.

The power invisible to the naked eye filled the entire nearby world like a tornado.

Just a glance.

Groups of pirates gathered around them instantly turned into standing corpses, dead silent, as if they had been deprived of their souls.


Hayden turned to the ice cream owner in front of him and motioned, "Boss, give me one." After saying that, he took out Berry from his pocket and prepared to pay.

(End of this chapter)

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