Chapter 181


The sailors who were not affected were once again a little confused by the methods of the officer in front of them. They couldn't help but swallowed tons of saliva like drinking mineral water.

Look left, look right, and finally look around involuntarily.

As they slowly observed the situation of the surrounding pirates.

"Boom boom boom!"

Following their line of sight, the pirates standing like empty shells fell one by one, like dominoes falling straight to the ground.

As if their eyes had special functions, all the pirates surrounding them fell on the grass without exception, losing consciousness.

At this moment.

There were only Hayden and his group plus the ice cream owner in front of them, and only a dozen of them were still conscious and standing in the venue.

"Ah...Master Navy." The bald ice cream seller looked carefully at Hayden in front of him and said cautiously: "The little one is just a good citizen who buys ice cream, Mr. Navy."

The bald boss with a very vicious appearance couldn't think normally in his mind at this time, subconsciously uttering any words that could save his life under the instinct of survival.

In front of Hayden, who looks ordinary on the outside but hides an abyss inside, he completely turns into a harmless and 'cute' little sheep.

The bald boss looked at the Berry handed out by the navy lord in front of him. He held the completed special 'ice unicorn' with both hands, and handed it out of the small cart with trembling movements, and handed it to the kid in front of the navy lord.

"My lord...take this as a gift for you, my lord, it doesn't cost money..." He had a weeping expression on his face, and he didn't dare to pick up the Bailey in Hayden's hand.

"Oh? So good?" Hayden was a little delighted, and he put the Bailey back in his pocket without thinking, "Thank you, boss." He smiled at the good man in front of him.


Hayden motioned and raised his head to look at the brat who was waiting for his permission, "Little brat, hurry up and take it, we should go." His tone urged.

"Yes! Thank you, my lord!!!"

Lilu with bright eyes heard Master Hayden's permission, she immediately jumped up happily, then turned around and caught the big bowl of ice cream with both hands.

She has only eaten this ice cream once since she was a child, and only took one bite.However, the taste of this ice cream has never been forgotten by her.

She has no money.

Every time the adult gave her only enough money to barely fill her stomach.

No new clothes, no toys, let alone these delicacies that exist only for enjoyment.

Now, this Lord Navy actually treats her so well, she is very happy from the bottom of her heart.

Let that adult treat them well later...

Lilu couldn't help but secretly glanced at the Navy lord in front of him, and after taking a sip of the cold ice cream, she thought secretly.

Just as Hayden and his party were about to leave the booth.

Hayden, who had already turned his back to the small cart, suddenly stopped, and then he turned his head and looked at the bald boss behind him with eyes without any emotion.

"Boss, I advise you to do your business in another place." Hayden said flatly without any fluctuations in tone.

But listening to the bald boss' ears, he understood the true meaning of the words. "Understood, my lord. I'll change the place immediately." He patted his head hastily and said with a smile.


Hayden nodded without replying, and directly led a group of people back to the journey to find Tony Tony.


Four twenty in the afternoon.

Hayden and his party, who have not stopped after buying ice cream, have finally reached the end of this illegal area.

After walking this small island, the next small island is where Soap Bubble Park is.

at this time.

Lilu finally cleaned up the big bowl of ice cream in her arms.

After eating, she couldn't help making a comfortable sound, and rubbed her slightly swollen belly. "Yeah, this ice cream is as good as the taste in my heart." She was so comfortable that she closed her eyes and sighed.


He couldn't help staring at the back of the kid leading the way, but Hayden felt a little strange in his heart.

Why has it been so long, why hasn't this weird little ghost made any noise about her?
Is this guy really a living map of the Chambord Islands, as she said?Is she really taking them to Tony Tony's place now?

Hayden suspected the kid's intentions, but now he wondered if he was thinking too much.Maybe this little ghost is really what she said, and there is nothing else tricky about it.


Hayden stared at the back of the kid in front of him, and then thought about it carefully.

How did this kid who had no ability to resist survive for so long by himself in this kind of place?

Although this kid is just an ordinary human child, for those greedy pirates, if they catch one and sell it, that is a kid's money.

There should be no reason why such things as money are too much for those pirates...

Sure enough, this kid still has something weird about him.

Hayden squinted his eyes and looked at the kid in front of him, thinking about something in his heart, no one knew.

Now this small island, because it is relatively close to the location of Soap Bubble Park, the situation on the island is almost the same as the desolate scene at the beginning.

There were fewer and fewer people, and the buildings were not only rare, but also dilapidated.

"Master Hayden, you must have made the movement just now, it's amazing!"

At this time, Lilu, who had been slow to react for a long time, suddenly thought of this matter, and immediately opened his mouth to confirm with Hayden.

She had never seen anyone be able to put a large group of people directly into it without moving.Although Lord Hayden didn't say it clearly, she knew that the movement must be Lord Hayden.

"...Well." Hayden replied casually, he was a bit at a loss how to react to this brat who couldn't figure out what he was planning.

that's it.

During the chat between Lilou and Hayden, Lilou took them to a small island, the entrance was hidden in a hidden place under the roots of the huge mangrove tree in Yarkiman.

The color of the gate is almost integrated with the green environment next to it. If you don't look carefully, you will never realize that there is a gate in this place.

"Here it is." Lilu stood in front of the gate and told Hayden and others behind him.After finishing speaking, she was about to knock on the door and ask the people inside to come and open the door.

Hayden stood at the door without saying anything, and subconsciously looked around the place, but found nothing unusual.Does the famous stylist live in this secluded place?It seems to be somewhat eligible.
"Sir, this place feels so amazing!"

"The stylist really lives in such a cool place!"

The sailors couldn't help sighing as they looked at the magical gate that merged with the huge tree roots.


Hayden heard Lilu slapping the door vigorously a few times, then withdrew his gaze from both sides, and stared at the door that was about to open in front of him.
(End of this chapter)

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