Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 183 The boss is dead, so what shall we do?

Chapter 183 The boss is dead, so what shall we do?
Sure enough, there is no such good thing.

There is no such thing as wanting to find a person who no one knows the location, but as soon as he took a step, someone walked up to him, patted his chest and told him that he knew the exact location of that person.

Hayden sighed slowly.

He didn't have any idea about this brat.

This brat seemed to have been taught to be like this from birth, she didn't have her own judgment on this situation, she just obediently followed what other people told her, and did it honestly.

Hayden wasn't angry, he just lamented that time was wasted and good things didn't happen.



The sailors who couldn't help gathering behind Hayden, in this environment where the slightest sound could be clearly heard, of course they heard the little girl's words.At the same time, as long as he is not a fool, of course he will immediately understand the true meaning of the words.

How could it be possible to trick their navy into such a hidden and weird place to entertain their group, and the reason was just because the lord she mentioned was very hospitable?

The enemy is coming soon.

In the hearts of the navy including Hayden, everyone immediately realized the same thing.

Hayden completely ignored the brat in front of him, and then reminded the younger brothers behind him, "Be vigilant! Everyone looks in different directions and observes all directions in this space."

The words fall.

He pulled out the sleeve Baixue behind his back in advance, held the knife in one hand, and was alert to the surrounding environment together with his men.Be wary of the environment that seems to be the only entrance and exit of the place they entered just now.

Above, below ground, around a ring of walls.

That so-called 'adult' will come out of that place...

The calm Hayden immediately sensed the nearby spiritual pressure carefully, and then, the sound of crisp footsteps came from the staircase they came down just now.

Immediately, he sensed that the Reiatsu of the person who arrived seemed to be nothing special, similar to those pirates who offered a bounty of 5000 to [-] million.

What, making it so mysterious but only having this little strength...

Hayden's interest aroused by the mysterious atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was looking at the stairs where the voice came from, and Lilu trotted over after hearing this.Hayden and the others didn't stop her, whether it was a person or something, they would see their true colors immediately.

Then, the owner of the footsteps came into the sight of everyone in Hayden.

A normal man wearing a well-tailored white suit, greasy hair, and a pair of gold-rimmed round-frame glasses appeared in front of everyone.

Hayden felt like this guy was a lawyer or something.

"Master Richard, this big brother is very kind to me, sir, you must treat them well." Lilu who rushed up said directly hugging the man's thigh.

"Okay, okay." The man named Richard rubbed Lilu's head with a smile and said, "Lilu did a great job this time, and I will surprise you later." His eyes revealed Can't stop smiling.

In the eyes of Hayden and the others at this moment, the scene in their eyes is like a situation where a younger sister is acting like a baby to her elder brother.

However, although Hayden didn't know whether Lilu knew this, in his feeling, the sense of disobedience was almost overflowing.

But Richard did not expect that this brat could actually bring him a navy. The navy has an attractive bounty in their underground market.

At this time.

Richard raised his head to look at the group of people that Lilu brought him, and looked at the navy with more than a dozen people in front of him. The smile in his eyes at this time could hardly be described in normal terms. The smile on his face The more arrogant he was, he didn't care at all about being noticed by the navy in front of him.

What the hell, human traffickers are indeed the scum of the world...

After meeting the eyes of this man named Richard, Hayden immediately came to a conclusion.


The grinning Richard directly tore off the mask on the surface, "Little brat, let me get out of the way quickly, don't delay me making money!" As he said, he grabbed Lilu's head with his right hand and lifted it up, and then casually walked to the side Direction flicked.


Lilu who hit the ground immediately let out a cry of pain, and then her body curled up on the ground in pain and moaned in pain.

"You bastard!!!"

"Are you looking for death!"


Although the sea soldiers understood that they were tricked by Lilu to this place, shouldn't that guy be Lilu's companion? How could they treat Lilu's little girl like this?

The sailors immediately became angry. Are you ready to die for a man who treats a ten-year-old girl like this!
Hayden stared at Lilu who was lying on the ground, his brows were slightly wrinkled and did not express.

And when Richard saw the reaction of these navy, he felt even more amused.

"Hey, hey, don't you guys have a clear understanding of the current situation???" He said loudly, laughing so hard that he arched his body uncontrollably and laughed loudly.His smile was magnified to a harsh level in this empty environment.

"You idiots like Navy, don't you understand that you are being sold by this brat now??? This brat is the bait I use for fishing!" He continued.

Having said that, he couldn't help showing his admiration on his face, not worrying about the navy in front of him launching a sudden attack on him, reveling in his own fantasy.

After a while.

He looked back at Hayden, clapping his hands, as if he was about to do something, and said, "Okay, okay, now..."

However, he only told half the story.

"...The Fourth Breaking Dao: Bai Lei."

Looking at the noisy clown in front of him, Hayden silently recited ghost stories.Point the left index finger at the heart of the clown in front of you at this moment.

Followed by.

A slender beam of lightning that appeared like a real thunderbolt instantly penetrated the man's chest and hit the stairs behind him.

Dazzling lightning suddenly exploded in this airtight environment, radiating light and deafening bangs.

All the people present subconsciously covered their eyes with their arms, not daring to look directly at the light, and at the same time passively endured the sound of the explosion in their ears.

After a while.

Everyone's visual sense of the sky falling apart gradually faded away. They put down their hands that were in front of them, and looked curiously at the place hit by the officer's move just now.

I saw that the guy who shouted in front of them just now fell to the ground without any reaction, and a big hole was directly blown out of the stairs behind him.

"Hey, why are you so dazed, go and see how the kid is doing!"

After doing an ordinary thing, Hayden shouted to the stunned younger brothers.At the same time, ignore the rare system points that are fed back because this guy only has this level of strength.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Good sir!"

Hearing the command from the officer, the stunned sea soldiers rushed to Lilu's side in a daze to check her condition.

at the same time.

The wall of this circular space was triggered by something at this time, and slowly rose.

In Hayden's eyes, there were five passages in the surrounding walls, and the sound of footsteps shaking the ground came from the five passages.

Five tall men with a height of six meters slowly appeared on the stage.

However, when the five of them first saw the corpse lying in the direction of the stairs, the five of them were immediately dumbfounded.

"The boss is dead, what shall we do???"

The five exchanged glances with each other, and the same question popped up in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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