Chapter 184

At this moment.

In this circular space hidden deep underground, five passages leading to unknown directions were revealed on the surrounding walls, and five oversized men walked out of the passages.

Estimated to be over six meters tall.

The height of one floor is about three meters, and six meters is the height of two floors.In addition, in order to support this height, he has a strong body that naturally matches.These five big men are like five huge door panels, trapping Hayden and his party right in the middle.

The sailors who were gathering around Lilu were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.However, they were equally dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of the five men with terrifying aura.


The five big men who came out subconsciously yelled, and they exploded in the closed environment like thunder.They immediately noticed Richard lying on the ground in sight.

This person is the common boss of the five of them, and the five of them came out to cooperate with the boss to subdue the slaves brought this time.


The five of them never imagined that the boss would die as soon as he came out? ? ?
The hole in the chest can directly see the inside of the boss's body, and the pupils of the eyes that were still open before death have long lost their luster. Obviously, their boss will not just be beaten to the ground, but has already lost his life.

The five big men realized this in an instant, and suddenly looked at the guy who was brought in this time, but then saw Hayden and his party who were marines.

"Did you kill our boss in the navy!!!" One of the big men seemed to ask Hayden who was wearing a justice coat in a hurry.

The strange thing is, in Hayden's feeling, the meaning of these words is not like anger over the death of their boss, but an inexplicable fear?He felt a little strange.

"That's your boss, I did it." Hayden shrugged without thinking and answered directly.


The five big men responded with silence when they heard this answer.

Although I don't know what happened here before they came out.However, they now know their future - everyone who is here now will be killed! ! !

"You are finished, you are completely finished, even your status as a navy will not save you"

The five big men didn't intend to attack Hayden. The five of them spoke tacitly. On the one hand, they had a huge body of six meters, and their bones seemed to soften suddenly, and they sat on the ground directly.At this moment, it became like five helpless little girls.

"We're going to be over, we're going to be over..." They seemed to lose their souls in an instant, and continued to mutter to themselves.


Hayden was a little confused about this.

What is the situation now?Why do these guys look like they died when they saw the man he killed?
Hayden subconsciously looked at the younger brothers who were helping that kid Lilu get up.

After the sailors watched the actions of the group of big men dully at this time, they also couldn't help but look at the officer next to them.

Uh... I don't understand, I don't understand.

After exchanging thoughts with his younger brothers, Hayden still didn't get an answer.

However, since these guys are under the trafficker, it means that these five guys are also accomplices, just destroy this place and leave.Hayden thought to himself after looking at the situation of these five big men.

Although it is a bit against Hayden's principles to take action against these five people who are currently unprepared, but there is no need for principles for human traffickers, just kill them and it's over.

As for what to do with Lilu, the brat,
Although she didn't mean to do these things, she still did these things by herself. I don't know how many guys have been tricked here...

Eh, wait.

Looking at the kid who was being helped up by his younger brothers and kept silent, Hayden suddenly remembered that this kid seemed to be abducted in these illegal areas, and the only guys who can come to these illegal areas are these pirates. Kind of criminals.


Hayden couldn't think of any solution for a while, but.


Hayden slowly pulled out Sode Shirayuki from the scabbard behind his back, and the sound of friction was amplified several times in the confined space, rendering a sense of horror.

Get rid of these five guys first, and think about it after destroying this place.

Thinking this way, Hayden, holding a knife in one hand, was about to slash and kill the guy in front of him directly.


Strangely, a sound like the collision of chains came into this space from the position of the stairs, followed by the noisy sound of someone talking.

"...How dare that idiot waste my time? It looks like that guy doesn't want to live today. Just replace this idiot this time, and find someone else to replace this idiot, my lord father."

"...That's right."

There was a sound of conversation.

The tone of the conversation made Hayden's subordinates and the sailors feel a kind of inexplicable terror.But listening to the ears of the five big men who had lost the ability to think, they felt real fear, and they, who were on the verge of collapse, collapsed completely.

"It's over! It's over! Here they come!!!!"


Hayden couldn't help frowning, what are these guys up to.

His spiritual pressure perception was scanned immediately.One, two, three...a total of five Reiatsu and one Reiatsu that doesn't look like a human?
At this time.

The sound of chains, the thud of high heels, and the sound of conversation were getting closer and clearer.

At the same time, the tone of the voice made Hayden feel more and more disgusted, and he was so impulsive that he wanted to kill the owner of the voice.It even seemed that the air here was polluted by the breath coming in from the stairs.

Who is the guy here, how could he give such a feeling...

Hayden stared at the staircase that had been blown into a big hole by his attack, and couldn't help feeling puzzled.


His doubts were answered.

Amidst the background sound of the chains colliding, the perceived visitor appeared from the position of the stairs—the Celestial Dragon Man appeared on the stage.

There is a bubble on his head, and he is wearing clothes with a swimming ring on his body.

Hayden and the dozen or so sailors under him didn't need to think too much, they immediately realized that the unexpected visitor was none other than the Tianlong people, and not just one, but two Tianlong people.

They each held a slave imprisoned in iron chains, followed by a strange guy dressed in a black suit, and a pet dog with a bubble helmet at his feet.

"I am Cao!"

Hayden spat an obscenity through clenched teeth.

"Dragon people..." He stared closely at the two Tianlong people headed by the stairs, and he didn't know how to react emotionally.

(End of this chapter)

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