Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 185 Kill me all the navy

Chapter 185 Kill me all the navy

The two Celestial Dragons who appeared at the stairs did not notice the presence of Hayden and others in the field.

"That idiot, the stairs have been bombed, how can I get down like this!"

The female Tianlongren named Shalulia Palace looked at the gap below her eyes, and she immediately began to curse.A sharp and ear-piercing voice sounded immediately, reaching the location where Hayden and the others were now.

Another male Celestial Dragon named St. Roswald, his mood was also a bit ruined by the big pit that appeared in front of him.

"It seems that this time I really have to kill that idiot." He said in a deep voice, there was no mercy in his words, they were simply ruthless and cruel.

at this time.

Hayden's eyes were not on the two Celestial Dragons, but on the guy in the black suit behind him.

Hayden's eyes collided with that guy's immediately.

He didn't notice any emotion from that guy's eyes, and he didn't feel surprised by the existence of their navy, nor did he feel a little bit concerned. The navy didn't seem to exist in his eyes.

This guy is the bodyguard of the Celestial Dragon.

Hayden thought to himself, this guy's strength is a bit weird...

Followed by.

The Tianlong man named Shalulia Palace looked at the gap between her eyes and the flat ground below, and ordered the chained slave in her hand, a grown male slave with a height of four meters, "Hurry up and step on the stairs for me." !"

While speaking, the iron chain in his hand was pulled violently.Although her strength is obviously not enough to pull a grown man up to four meters tall.

However, the adult man who was restrained by the special collar was directly pulled by her master along with this weak force, and his body immediately rolled down the stairs.

"And you trash, roll down and use me as a staircase!" Shalulia Palace continued to order another slave.

Another slave quickly rolled down the stairs, forming a staircase with the slaves who fell first, just enough for their master to go down.

"Wang Wang!"

The pet dog with the bubble cap barked first and ran down on the slave's body.Then there is St. Roswald, and then the Palace of Shalulia.

The heels of the high-heeled shoes worn by Xia Lulia Palace immediately pierced into the slave's body, and the uncomfortable touch from her feet immediately made her feel angry, "Why is your body so hard, you idiot!" She immediately cursed.

At the end, the bodyguard of the Tianlongren, he followed silently without any response.


Hayden and the others stood on the same plane as the Tianlongren, facing each other.

At this time, the Tianlong people finally discovered the existence of these marines, and at the same time noticed a corpse lying on the ground in front of them.

"Navy?" St. Roswald looked at Hayden wearing a navy justice coat and couldn't help saying to himself.

"Huh?" Xia Lulia Gong frowned as she looked at the idiot who was murdered on the ground in front of her.

As for the sailors standing beside Hayden, they were completely stunned when they saw that the Tianlong people were not far away from them.

What are Tianlong people?

The Tianlong people are the descendants of the twenty kings who established the world government 800 years ago in this world. They call themselves 'descendants of the creator'. They are the world's highest nobles living in the holy land of Mariejoa and enjoy all the privileges in the world.

More importantly, once the Tianlong people are offended, the generals of the Navy Headquarters under them must come to maintain it.

In other words, the Celestial Dragons are basically the masters of this world, and those who offend them will directly attract the destruction of the Admiral of the Navy.As long as it is not a character like the Four Emperors, basically life will be declared over.

"Sir... what should we do now?"

"Sir, shall we kneel down?"



The sailors who came back to their senses immediately looked at Hayden in front of them, waiting for the officer in front of them to give them instructions on what to do now.

It's just that Hayden didn't respond, because he himself didn't know what reaction he should use now to face the Tianlongren in front of him.

The two Tianlong people glanced at the corpse on the ground and stopped paying attention. For them, it was like an ant died.However, this is also their ant, that guy dares to move their ant without authorization!

"Navy, are you the ones who killed this maggot lying on the ground?" Shalulia Palace asked in a deep voice to Hayden, who was the leader wearing a justice coat, and at the same time her eyes were also focused on Hayden's face.

"Hmm." Hayden replied in a low voice, directly acknowledging this fact.He didn't know what the answer would lead to.

The female Celestial Dragon named Shalulia Palace didn't overreact when she heard this answer.Her eyes wandered back and forth on Hayden's face at this moment, and Hayden's handsome face made her dispel her previous thoughts.

At this moment, there was silence in the field. Although there were more than a dozen people, no one was speaking at the moment.

Xia Lulia Palace pondered for a moment, "Since you, the navy, have killed this idiot, then you can do his job from now on," she said.

She calmly decided on Hayden's future life as a navy, speaking as if she didn't feel that the navy in front of her dared to reject her.

"I reject."

Hayden didn't even think about it, he didn't hesitate, and he answered directly.



The exclamations overlapped, not only from Shalulia Palace, but also from the sailors beside Hayden.

Although the sea soldiers under Hayden maintain the same idea as Hayden about the Tianlong people, they certainly don't want the chief to be arranged by these Tianlong people to do their dirty things.

However, they are Tianlong people!
"Navy, are you joking?!" Xia Lulia Palace, who restrained herself a little because of Hayden's face, couldn't believe that the navy dared to directly reject her order from the Tianlongren.


Hayden replied immediately this time.

The speed was so fast that she thought she was hallucinating at Xialulia Palace, and the navy really dared to treat her Tianlongren like this.

At this moment, Hayden's 'face' is not enough to support the Xialulia Palace, which is rising with anger at this moment. "Father, kill all these marines for me!!!" She yelled suddenly, without any hesitation because of Hayden's status as a navy.

"It's up to you." St. Roswald, her father, who was standing next to her, waved her hand casually.Then he waved his hand to signal the bodyguards behind him to deal with the navy in front of him.

Originally, I came to this idiot to pick up something interesting today, but the idiot died immediately.

St. Roswald, whose mood suddenly turned bad, followed his daughter's wishes, and just in time to deal with these navies, and at the same time relieve his mood...

(End of this chapter)

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