Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 186 Tianlong people, die for me!

Chapter 186 Tianlong people, die for me!
Five past one.

At this moment, Hayden subconsciously glanced at the watch on his left hand.

The casual words spoken by the two Celestial Dragons in front of him determined his next actions.

Just from the tone of the Tianlongren speaking in front of him, Hayden knew that today was going to end in a very, very bad way.

When he first came to this world, he had thought in his heart about how he would react when he really saw the Celestial Dragon, and now——it was basically exactly the same as what he had imagined in his heart.

Kill all the Tianlong people directly!
Since you Tianlong people want to kill my navy, there is no reason for me to let you kill me honestly.As for the subsequent impact and so on, it is no longer in the scope of Hayden's mind now.

The Tianlong people ordered the guards behind to kill these navy orders, which caused a sense of anxiety and panic to rush into the hearts of Hayden's subordinates.

"Sir, what should we do now!" "Yes, sir!"

"These two Celestial Dragons are going to kill us, should we fight back? Or???"

The sailors next to Hayden looked very restless and anxious now.

For a moment, a tense atmosphere filled the relatively confined space.

As they have been taught the relevant knowledge of Tianlong people since childhood, in this corrupt world, they have long been imprisoned by the knowledge instilled into their brains.

Even now that the Tianlong people are planning to let them die directly, their thoughts are still a little hesitant, and they don't know what to do.


As their chief, as their backbone at this moment, Hayden didn't turn around to look at them, and murmured to signal them to be quiet.

For, there is now one last chance to avoid what is about to happen.

It was the guard behind the Celestial Dragon who finally carried out the order to kill them.

If the guards on the side of the Tianlong people see that they are the navy, and they will find a way to dispel the order from the Tianlong people for them, then there is no need to make the situation too ugly.


The guard behind Tianlongren, he slowly came out from behind Tianlongren, and stood in front of Tianlongren.

"Okay, master." He said lightly.

There was no emotion in the tone, and there was no hesitation because they were the navy and they were from their camp, just like a ruthless machine.

In this space where every bit of sound would be amplified, the guard's answer was clearly heard in the ears of everyone on Hayden's side.

——There is no room for redemption.

The same idea immediately appeared in everyone's mind.The current situation is obviously not something that can be separated from it with words.

In the hearts of the sailors, they knew very well what kind of tragic end they would have if they attacked a Celestial Dragon.Naturally, it goes without saying that what would happen to two Celestial Dragons if they killed one Celestial Dragon.

Now, no matter what choice they make, they will die here, on the Chambord Islands.

According to the wishes of the Tianlong people, they would die if they were killed by this guard or something.

If Chief Hayden in front of him could kill the guards and save their lives, there would be no chance of recovery when facing the Tianlong people.

The admiral of the navy headquarters who will be called by them, the strength of the admiral is not something that a small navy like them can handle.

And the most powerful officer Hayden among them is only a major general.

After letting the Tianlong people survive and go out, the group of them will also die.

Kill the Tianlong people, they are also dead.

An unsolvable situation is in front of Hayden and others.

The sailors, whose minds were in chaos, looked at the ugly faces of the two Tianlong people in front of them at this moment.

With a sudden change of heart, they made the most daring decision for them in their lives—to follow Chief Hayden to act together!

For Hayden, who is the only one who is capable now, he will only let this situation happen to him when there is no solution.

As long as all five members of Tianlongren's group are killed, there will naturally be no witnesses.Although there may be something on Tianlongren that sends out a signal for emergency rescue, it should not be faster than him.

Afterwards, the death of the Tianlong people will definitely be heard, and he will bear it alone.

The little brothers next to him should not be implicated. Hayden subconsciously glanced at the dozen or so little brothers gathered next to him and thought.

The seemingly long psychological time is actually just a short moment.

at this time.

The guard standing in front of the Tianlongren, he looked at Hayden's navy, and without any warning, he suddenly exploded!
The sound of footsteps slowed down the guard's movement by one step.

He didn't know the name, and it didn't appear in the original book. Hayden looked at the unknown person in front of him, and his body was rushing towards him, the leader, at a super high speed.

"Take the kid to hide!!!"

Hayden immediately yelled at the sailors next to him.

From this speed alone, he immediately understood that this unknown guy was not easy to mess with.

next moment!
The guard, who was about the same height as Hayden, was already in front of Hayden—boom!

A loud noise exploded suddenly, and the air waves visible to the naked eye immediately spread in all directions, like a gust of wind, and even knocked down many sailors who had just taken a few steps away from Hayden's side, and fell to the ground one by one.

Hayden held the knife firmly to block the man's whip kick at him.

The special feeling immediately coming from the blade made him glance at the man's attacking legs. There was a faint light on the black trousers - armed color!He immediately realized this, and at the same time couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Although the armed color is a bad street in his understanding, but the armed color has this point, and the protection of the two Tianlong people only takes him alone.
Oh shit!

The guard's attack has not stopped, he is constantly exerting pressure on the blade.Hayden had no choice but to increase his strength to resist.

The situation is temporarily deadlocked.

The steel-like calf rubbed back and forth against Sode Baixue's sharp blade, and sparks sputtered between the two of them.

The eyes of the two collided immediately.

Hayden could see no emotion in the man's eyes.

From the eyes of the navy, the guard couldn't see any fear of the situation at the moment, as if he didn't understand the consequences of attacking the Tianlong people now.

At this time.

Others present recovered from the momentum generated by the previous collision.

After Shalulia Palace, whose body was shaken by the strong wind, stood still, she saw the situation in front of her at this moment. Their guards hadn't killed the navy yet, and anger was brewing on her face.

"You trash, hurry up and kill this group of marines! What are you dawdling about!!!"

Her sharp voice immediately echoed in this space.

(End of this chapter)

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