Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 188 Still Want to Run for Grandpa?

Chapter 188 Still Want to Run for Grandpa?
The embarrassing movement of the Tianlong guards retreating back.

The terrified expressions of the two Celestial Dragons when they faced his attack.

At this moment when time seemed to be frozen, these two images were clearly reflected in the eyes of Hayden and the others.

"Sir, they are leaving!!!" "Sir!!!"

The sea soldiers who were hiding at the side saw the actions of the Tianlongren and his group, and imagined the scene of the Tianlongren after they escaped in their minds, which made them break out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

Hayden ignored them for the time being, looking at the panic-stricken Heavenly Dragon guards in his eyes, he didn't think these guys could escape to the ground.

Thinking too much bro...

Senbon Sakura's pursuit continued, and the sleeve Shirayuki in her hand suddenly raised, and a flying slash burst out from the blade.

In this closed environment, the sound of sword energy cutting through the air was amplified to the point of being somewhat penetrating.

Hayden's casually slashed attack slightly released his ability to control Qianbenying.The sword energy that came out later caught up with Qianbenying's madness in just an instant.

The thin blades all over the sky reacted immediately, gathered into a shape without gaps on one side, and suddenly dispersed, and tacitly made a hole for this sword energy, just enough to allow the sword energy to pass.

Stimulated by the crisis, the guards of the Tianlong people instinctively looked back to see this phenomenon.

This navy! ! !
The thoughts in his heart immediately began to run rapidly, and the speed under his feet had already increased to the point where he could no longer increase it.

He realized that the extremely fast slash was not aimed at their bodies, but at the space above the stairs—the navy was going to cut off their retreat and trap them in the this place.

The mood in the guard's heart was extremely anxious at this time.

If he was alone in this situation, he would have nothing to worry about.But now he is the only one here, and the lives of the two Tianlong masters are at stake.

The Tianlongren's guards had never seen someone like Hayden.

He knows that there are many people in this world who hate his master Tianlong people, but no one has ever dared to directly attack Tianlong people.

Even the murloc from the Holy Land of Mariejoa in the past was so bold that he only dared to free those slaves, but he didn't dare to really hurt the lives of the Tianlong people.

——This navy is now ready to be an enemy of the whole world! ! !
At this time, the Tianlongren guards had already grabbed a Tianlongren with one hand, and then...

Hayden's slash cut hard into the space above the stairs.

The enormous power instantly destroyed the structure of the building above, and immediately there was a "crash" sound, and huge rubble fell, blocking the only entrance and exit in this space in two or three seconds.

The wall where the five big men came out from before has been restored to the appearance of a wall without everyone noticing, and there is obviously no switch or anything like that in this space.

Followed by.

Before the guards with a Tianlongren in one hand reacted, the next moment, the endless ashes of hell from Qianbenzakura had swept in front of them.

At this time.

The Tianlong guard had a strong belief in wanting to protect the master in his heart, which made him not only think of a way in his mind in an instant at this critical moment, but also executed the way he thought of.

That is, use his body plus the bodies of two slaves to surround and protect the two masters of the Celestial Dragon.


Hayden looked at the scene in front of him and murmured, "...it's so ugly."

At this moment, the flying embers of hell are circling around the body of the Tianlongren guard and the two slaves, ready to move.

The two "descendants of the Creator, the masters of the world", who are being looked down upon by them at the moment, are surrounded and protected by their bodies, forming an upside down shape.

I'm afraid that the two Tianlong people are lying on the ground and scared to death... Hayden held a knife handle in one hand, looked at the ugly scene in front of him, and smiled.

Hayden had no intention of killing those two slaves together, and those two were just victims of this world.

The scene immediately quieted down due to the suspension of Hayden's offensive.

The sailors who were hiding aside could not help but feel suffocated by the gestures of the officer in front of them, so they could finally take a breather at this time.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they then felt a little confused.

In their field of vision, they could only see the ability of the officer that they had never seen before, as if they had stopped around the Tianlongren. Could it be that the officer had already killed the Tianlongren?
As for the five big men who showed up earlier, when the Tianlongren appeared, they minimized their sense of existence as much as possible.

Now, looking at this navy, it seems that they really killed the Tianlong people.

In the sight of the sign that the group of dragon people stopped their activities that day, the five big men immediately realized that the scene in front of them would be enough to shake the entire sea.

The instant stimulation to the brain was too violent, and the five big men couldn't bear it any longer. They were frightened by what happened in front of them, and they passed out immediately after rolling their eyes.

at this time.

Seeing that the Celestial Dragon guards did not intend to get up, Hayden immediately changed the shape of Senbon Sakura.

The bladeless handle in his left hand was waving in the void, and the thousands of thin blades surrounding the Tianlong people got the order, and immediately followed Hayden's control action and gathered together.

Hayden planned to use the Celestial Dragons to protect his body as a breakthrough point, so that he could kill the two Celestial Dragons surrounded by him without hurting the two slaves.

And in this time of changing shape in less than a second, the guardian of the Tianlongren naturally wouldn't go on in such a stalemate foolishly.


Holding the body of a Celestial Dragon with one hand, kicking up with both feet, the figures of the three flashed to the place farthest from where Hayden was standing at the moment.

However, what the guard didn't think of was that maybe he thought of it too.

The two Celestial Dragons who had been passively mentioned by him finally got a chance to catch their breath at this time.

The female Tianlongren named Xia Lulia Palace, she doesn't care so much at the moment.

"You trash! It's fine if you can't beat this navy, but you still dare to treat me like this!!!"

Her sudden anger was not limited to the insults in her mouth, she kicked the trash in front of her with high heels, no matter what situation they were in now.

As for the male Celestial Dragon named Saint Roswald, his mood at this time is similar to his daughter's, and this trash is really useless at all.

Thinking this way, he also kicked the guard who didn't dare to resist at all, and the guard kicked so hard that he fell to the ground. "Get out of the way, I'll take care of this navy myself!" he said.

The words fall.

Looking at Hayden standing in the center of the field, he raised the scepter he had been holding in his hand and pointed it at Hayden, and a black muzzle appeared from the end of the scepter.

(End of this chapter)

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