Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 189 One Celestial Dragon Man Died, The Last One Left

Chapter 189 A Celestial Dragon Man Died, The Last One Left

"Yo heh..."

Hayden couldn't help laughing.

In sight, the Tianlongren actually planned to use a gun to kill him.

After watching the guards bring the two Celestial Dragons on his body and change positions, he was thinking that this was a good opportunity, and he was going to continue to shoot and kill them directly.

However, after that, he really didn't expect that after the Tianlongren felt the situation just now, he didn't seem to recognize the gap between them.

"You bastard, how dare a mere navy disobey my order and wishes, and even dare to attack the descendants of the creator of this world!"

Saint Roswald, holding a scepter-style spear, yelled at Hayden, "Now let you know what will happen to me if you shoot me, die for me!!!"

next moment.

Without any delay, the roaring Saint Roswald frantically pulled the trigger of the spear in his hand.

boom! boom! boom!
The bullet was fired from the muzzle at super high speed and went straight to Hayden.

In the eyes of the sailors at the side, the officer in front of him seemed to have no intention of dodging, "Be careful, sir!!" "Get out of the way!!!" They subconsciously shouted at Hayden anxiously.


Even if Hayden stood still and did not dodge, none of the bullets that hit him hit his body.

"Hey, hello, hello, your marksmanship is a bit too bad!" Hayden said to the Tianlong who shot at him.

From the moment he fired the gun, Hayden knew that this guy would definitely miss him, so naturally there was no need to dodge.

Bullets passed Hayden one by one and hit the wall behind him.

Hearing the navy's ridicule, the Tianlong people's anger seemed to be poured on a barrel of gasoline, and it became more vigorous.The action of pulling the trigger in his hand exceeded his limits.


Hayden, who stood motionless, showed no signs of being hit.At the same time, he wasn't going to read on.

"...Breaking the Way No. [-]: Bai Lei."

With the tip of Sode Shirayuki releasing the ghost, a bolt of lightning burst out from the void at the tip of the knife, and gathered into a ball of lightning in just two seconds.

The ball lightning suddenly shot out a slender beam of lightning.

In the eyes of everyone in the arena, it took less than a second.

There was a huge distance between Hayden and the Tianlongren, the beam of lightning on the tip of the knife instantly crossed over, accurately shot into the muzzle of the Tianlongren's hand, and pierced out.


It pierced into Tianlongren's clothes and chest without any pause, and then came out from the back, hitting the wall behind him, causing an explosion.

The Celestial Dragon man named Saint Roswald died in front of everyone's eyes. A large hole was pierced through his body by the thunder pillar. There was no room for salvation, and he died completely in front of everyone's eyes.

Then, a chip hidden in Saint Roswald's body ruptured following his death, and the cracked chip sent a message that no one in the field could detect.

And this message directly crosses the underground space, rises to the sky, and leads directly to a secret room in the Holy Land Marie Gioia...

Right at this moment.

There are more than a dozen sea soldiers under Hayden, two slaves of the Tianlongren, the guards of the Tianlongren, and the remaining female Tianlongren named Shalulia Palace.

After everyone suddenly saw this astonishing scene, the time in this space really froze.

The guards who were getting up, the Shalulia Palace frozen in place, the slaves imprisoned by collars and chains, and a dozen sailors hiding aside.

Everyone had a terrified expression on their faces.

The truth of the world for 800 years was broken in front of their eyes, so they couldn't help but feel frightened-this is Tianlong people! ! !


With a "boom", the body of the Tianlongren fell to the ground.

The sound instantly shocked everyone who was stunned at the scene back to their souls.

"Sir, sir, he really killed a Celestial Dragon..."

"How dare that guy, how dare he!!!"

"Dragon Man is dead?"

The people who came back to their senses showed different reactions to the fact that "a Celestial Dragon died".

However, there is no waiting for everyone to have a two-second break.

Hayden didn't intend to stop just like that.

Sode Shirayuki's slash with an icy aura immediately swung out, and the thousand cherry blossoms flying in the space immediately gathered into shape, and rushed after the slash.


The Celestial Dragon Guard yelled towards the last Celestial Dragon Charulia Palace, looking at the scene in front of him that made him feel terrified, now he only has a chance to call for help outside.

"Call for help from the Navy Headquarters!!!" He continued to yell toward Shalulia Palace.The current situation is not considered the last moment, he should be able to support the general at the cost of his life.

"Ah?" Hearing this, Xia Lulia Palace, who was in a daze, seemed to have a ray of light suddenly appearing in the fear of death that shrouded her body.

She immediately took out a red phone bug in her pocket.This is an exclusive telephone bug that goes directly to the Navy headquarters. You don't need to speak to express the situation. As long as you pick up the microphone, it will automatically assume that the Tianlong people are under attack.


Hayden immediately cursed out a curse word.

In his eyes, there was something that frightened him from the remaining Tianlong people.

And right now.

The Celestial Dragon guard rushed towards Hayden's slash.

In order to hold off enough time for the last master, he couldn't care about anything else at this time.At this moment, his whole body was armed, and he turned into a black knight in dark black armor, which made others feel horrified.

After a blow, he shattered Hayden's slash with only his own fist.

Looking at the unknown attack following Zhan Shi, although he didn't know what the attack consisted of, he didn't need to think about it at this time.

The dark fists immediately bombarded the unknown attack in front of him.

The strength of the attack, the speed of the attack, even made a deafening sound in this space.The shock wave produced by constantly beating the air strongly, it seemed that the space in front of him was stirred by the man's fists, forming an astonishing scene in everyone's eyes at the moment.

The thousands of thin blades gathered together were directly crushed by this strong impact and scattered, making no progress.

"Oh shit!!!"

"I'm not playing with you!!!"

This result directly led to the day the dragon man in sight picked up the phone bug, which was probably the signal phone bug for emergency rescue.

Seeing that the attack in front of him was disintegrated by this enemy in an instant, Hayden became angry instantly.

The enemy's attack in front of him did not stop because of the attack that defeated him.

The Tianlongren guards did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards Hayden's body, their fists never stopped waving.

"What a!!!"

Hayden looked at the attack that was about to hit him and cursed angrily.

He wanted to control Qianben Sakura to block it, but he couldn't gather back temporarily because he was defeated.At the same time, the Tianlong man on the opposite side had already put the microphone to his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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